Bienvenue sur la page consacrée aux projets de recherche de notre service, spécialisé dans les domaines de la thermique et de la combustion. Nos travaux se concentrent sur des problématiques clés telles que l’optimisation de l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments, l’amélioration des performances des turbines à gaz, ainsi que le développement de solutions pour la capture et la réduction des émissions de carbone.
Grâce à une approche interdisciplinaire et à des partenariats étroits avec l’industrie, nos projets visent à relever les défis énergétiques actuels et à anticiper ceux de demain. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une sélection des recherches en cours, chacune contribuant à l’innovation technologique et à la transition vers un avenir énergétique durable.
Start and end year:
Sponsored by: FNRS – CR
BE-HyFE: Belgian Hydrogen Fundamental Expertise
Start and end year: 2021 – 2026
Sponsored by: SPF Economie
Green hydrogen appears as a complementary solution to decarbonize the industry, transport, and storage in the future. Nevertheless, various problems arise for hydrogen combustion, such as flashback at a larger scale and intrinsic mechanisms at a smaller scale. The thermodiffusive (TD) combustion instabilities originate from the strong differential diffusion of hydrogen, leading to significant flame wrinkling, and strong irregular flame front corrugations. In addition, the flame structures created by such intrinsic instabilities lead to enhanced flame speed propagation and higher consumption speed, accelerating flashback apparition. The interaction of such TD instabilities with turbulence has yet to be accurately predicted using present-day combustion models. The overall goal of this project is thus to numerically characterize TD instabilities of lean premixed hydrogen flames in Gas Turbine conditions using high-fidelity simulations and fill the research gap on TD instabilities with turbulent flows.
Start and end year: 2024 – 2027
Sponsored by: F.R.S – FNRS
The CRUCIAL_AEFmGT project aims to develop an e-fuelled mGT with an efficiency of 40% and a flexible heat/power ratio of 0.5 to 3, focusing on innovative cycles and specific components. The micro-gas turbine (mGT) is seen as a promising option for using pure hydrogen (H2) in small-scale cogeneration in a distributed energy system (DES). To improve electrical efficiency by up to 40% and enable decoupled production of heat and electricity, it is electricity, it is necessary to increase the turbine inlet temperature (TIT) or adopt cycle innovations.
Start and end year: 2023 – ????
Sponsored by: FEDER Funded by the European Union
Start and end year:
Sponsored by: Horizon Europe – Research and Innovation Action
Funded by the European Union
Start and end year: 2023 – 2027
Sponsored by: FNRS – ASP
This project aims thus to characterize the behavior of hydrogen combustion when shifting from classical to flameless mode. Additionally, the impact of hydrogen addition to a classical mGT combustion chamber will be assessed on the component itself and the cycle. Moreover, the effect of several measures to reduce hydrogen reactivity, e.g., exhaust gas recirculation and humidification, for flame stabilization, will also be assessed.
Start and end year: 2022 – 2026
Sponsored by: FNRS
ILES (Integrated Local Energy Systems) is a project portfolio supporting industrial projects presented in other FTJ (Just Transition Fund) portfolios. ILES falls under Priority 6 of the FEDER-FTJ programming: a Wallonia focused on a just transition, specifically within Measure 21 (Support for R&I actions – Development of research projects).
ILES is thus a portfolio of research projects in the field of technological and software solutions related to Energy Communities. This choice is justified by the fact that the concept of Energy Communities is likely to play a key role in the energy transition and in its socio-economic valorization in Wallonia.
The research activities will focus on Energy Communities from a systemic perspective. These communities are based on the use of mature technologies or those with a TRL>5 level. The portfolio will include the development of innovative technologies (energy conversion and storage) and demonstration in a simulated environment of technological couplings (e.g., energy conversion-storage or CO2 conversion/capture). It also includes the development of digital tools and methodologies for integrating energy systems into energy-sharing communities, which will be demonstrated in real-life situations.
The expected R&D outcomes are methods, methodologies, and technologies that will enable the accelerated development of heat-cold-electricity Energy Communities in Wallonia, which can be commercially exploited by industrial partners across Europe.
The TRMI service is involved in the project to determine the heating and cooling needs at the building and neighborhood levels across different time scales, with the goal of mapping the energy needs of buildings in Wallonia. This determination will be carried out through a grey-box approach, treating the building as a resistance and capacity diagram (RC model).
Start and end year: 2024 -2028
Sponsored by: FEDER-FTJ
Funded by the European Union
RESTORE aims to develop a very efficient combined heat and power system for flare gas, by implementing a hybrid cycle combining a micro gas turbine and a SOFC, to avoid flaring while still enabling the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions through carbon capturing.
Start and end year: 2025 – 2028
Sponsored by: CET Partnership