

  • Galant, D. (2024). "Qualitative properties of solutions of NLS on graphs" [Paper presentation]. Nonlinear Quantum Graphs:, Toulouse, France.


  • Henry, K. (08 December 2023). "A ‘Golden’ Opportunity? Towards of Digital-Informed Literary Translation Criticism Model". Paper presented at Translation Studies and Digital Humanities, Hong Kong SAR China.
  • Galant, D. (08 November 2023). "Study of the effect of parameters on the decay rate of a fourth order problem" [Paper presentation]. Control of Partial Differential Equations in Hauts-De-France 2023, Valenciennes, France.
  • Galant, D. (02 October 2023). "On the notion of "ground state" for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation on metric graphs" [Paper presentation]. Young researchers in PDEs, Madrid, Spain.
  • Galant, D., De Coster Colette, Troestler, C., Dovetta Simone, & Enrico Serra. (2023). Constant sign and sign changing NLS ground states on noncompact metric graphs. "Analysis and PDE".
  • De Coster, C., Dovetta, S., Galant, D., & Serra, E. (27 May 2023). On the notion of ground state for nonlinear Schrödinger equations on metric graphs. "Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 62". doi:10.48550/arXiv.2301.08001
  • Galant, D. (06 December 2023). "An introduction to variational methods" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire doctorant du LAMFA, Amiens, France.
  • Galant, D. (03 May 2023). "Optimal bounds for geometric dilation and computer-assisted proofs" [Paper presentation]. Discrete Mathematics Seminar - ULiège, Liège, Belgium.
  • Galant, D. (28 April 2023). "Équation de Schrödinger non-linéaire sur les graphes métriques" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire jeunes des départements d’Informatique et de Mathématique, Mons, Belgium.
  • Galant, D. (16 March 2023). "On the notion of “ground state” for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation on metric graphs" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire EDP du Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon.
  • Galant, D. (16 January 2023). "On the notion of ground state for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation on metric graphs" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire d’analyse appliquée A³, Amiens, France.
  • Galant, D. (2023). "Study of the effect of parameters on the decay rate of a fourth order problem" [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the COMPLEX Doctoral School 2023, Bruxelles, Belgium.


  • Troestler, C., & Salort, A. (July 2022). A Computer Assisted Proof of the Symmetries of Least Energy Nodal Solutions on Squares. "Minimax Theory and its Applications, 2", 365–380.
  • Agneessens, K. (09 December 2022). Frequently hypercyclic random vectors. "Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 151" (3), 1103-1117. doi:10.1090/proc/16153
  • Sharapov, A. A., & Skvortsov, E. (June 2022). Homotopy Cartan calculus and inner deformations of A∞ -algebras. "Letters in Mathematical Physics, 112" (3). doi:10.1007/s11005-022-01557-8
  • Anonyme. (2022). "Yan Liben, 'Portraits de treize empereurs du passé'" (Henry, K., Trans.). Nuvis.


  • Dioury, F., Callewaert, M., Cadiou, C., Henoumont, C., Molinari, M., Laurent, S., Portefaix, C., Port, M., & Chuburu, F. (02 December 2021). Pyclen-based Gd complex with ionisable side-chain as a contrastophore for the design of hypersensitive MRI nanoprobes: Synthesis and relaxation studies. "Results in Chemistry, 3" (100237).
  • Jacobs, V., Rycx, F., & Volral, M. (2021). "Wage Effects of Educational Mismatch According to Workers' Origin: The Role of Demographics and Firm Characteristics - LIDAM Discussion Paper N°2021/25". ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.


  • Henry, K. (2020). 4 May 1919: Translation in Motion. In K. Henry & K. Henry (Ed.), "May Fourth and Translation" (pp. 1-6). Edizioni Ca' Foscari.
  • Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., Goderniaux, P., Vallée, F., & Bruninx, K. (01 July 2020). Chance-Constrained Scheduling of Underground Pumped Hydro Energy Storage in Presence of Model Uncertainties. "IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 11" (3), 1516-1527. doi:10.1109/TSTE.2019.2929687
  • Kugalur Palanisamy, N., Ducobu, F., Rivière, E., & Arrazola, P. (2020). "Influence of the Choice of the Parameters on Constitutive Models and their Effects on the Results of Ti6Al4V Orthogonal Cutting Simulation". Paper presented at Esaform 2020, Cottbus , Germany.
  • Troestler, C. (2020). "Quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs !"


  • Troestler, C., Gladiali, F., & Grossi, M. (2019). A non-variational system involving the critical Sobolev exponent. The radial case. "Journal d'Analyse Mathématique".
  • Kugalur Palanisamy, N., Rivière, E., Pedro, A., & Ducobu, F. (02 July 2019). Comparison of Johnson-Cook and modified Johnson-Cook material constitutive models and their influence on finite element modelling of Ti6Al4V orthogonal cutting process. "AIP Conference Proceedings, 2113". doi:10.1063/1.5112617
  • Moreau, A., Mancas, M., & Dutoit, T. (2019). Depth prediction from 2D images: A taxonomy and an evaluation study. "Image and Vision Computing".
  • Troestler, C. (27 June 2019). "A computer assisted proof of the symmetries of least energy nodal solutions on squares". Paper presented at Second Days Of Nonlinear Elliptic PDE in Hauts-de-France, Calais, France.
  • Fagniart, S., Charlier, B., Delvaux, V., Doutriaux, C., Huberlant, A., Huet, K., Piccaluga, M., Watterman, I., & Harmegnies, B. (2019). "Le langage chez l'enfant porteur d'implant(s) cochléaire(s)". Paper presented at Huitièmes journées de phonétique clinique, Mons, Belgium.
  • Bayon-Vicente, G., Tanghe, A., Onderwater, R., Leroy, B., & Wattiez, R. (17 June 2019). "Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by purple phototrophic bacteria using wastewater treatment products". Poster session presented at BIOPOL, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Calligaro, R., & Laurent, S. (2019). "Synthèse et caractérisation d'un agent de contraste multimodal ciblant les récepteurs VCAM". Unpublished master thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: .
  • Troestler, C., & Bridoux, S. (2019). "Optimisation - Quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs !"
  • Bourgaux, A.-E. (2019). "«1919-2019 : Les ateliers constitutionnels pour tou.te.s», invitée de Sophie Bernard".


  • Troestler, C., Gladiali, F., & Grossi, M. (25 February 2018). Entire radial and nonradial solutions for systems with critical growth. "Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 57" (2).
  • Troestler, C. (01 October 2018). "Une preuve assistée par ordinateur pour les symétries des solutions nodales d'énergie minimale de Lane-Emden sur le carré". Paper presented at Séminaire d'analyse appliquée A³, Amiens, France.
  • Kumps, A., & De Lièvre, B. (27 August 2018). "Le numérique au service de l'apprentissage. Exemples de pratiques enseignantes". Paper presented at Educode, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Lambotte, Q. (26 July 2018). "Superstable expansions of (Z,+,0)". Paper presented at Logic Colloquium 2018, Udine, Italy.
  • Troestler, C. (2018). "Optimisation - Quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs !"
  • Troestler, C. (2018). "Optimisation - Quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs !"
  • Macaluso, F., Florence, C., Giltaire, M., & Michiels, N. (2018). Get Up 4. In "Get Up 3". Editions Pelckmans.
  • Tuyttens, D., & Godart, J.-M. (2018). ShareABike débarque en centre-ville. "Dernière Heure".


  • Troestler, C., De Coster, C., & Nicaise, S. (14 January 2017). Spectral analysis of a generalized buckling problem on a ball. "Positivity, 21" (4), 1319-1340. doi:10.1007/s11117-017-0469-x
  • Philippart De Foy, M., Delvaux, V., Huet, K., Piccaluga, M., & Harmegnies, B. (05 September 2017). "How to assess phonetic and phonological development in preschool bilingual children ?" Paper presented at The International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech (ISMBS) 2017, La Canée (Chania), Greece.
  • Troestler, C. (25 August 2017). "A computer assisted proof of the symmetry of solutions to a PDE". Paper presented at Computers in Scientific Discovery 8, Mons, Belgium.
  • Troestler, C. (28 June 2017). "Radial and non-radial positive solutions to a system with critical growth on Rᴺ". Paper presented at First days of Nonlinear Elliptic PDE in Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes, France.
  • Raquez, J. M. (24 August 2017). "Matériaux espoir ou désespoir". Paper presented at La station d'épuration du futur, un maillon de l'économie circulaire, Oupeye, Belgium.
  • Sachdeva, N., Giambarresi, G., Wattiez, R., & Leroy, B. (24 May 2017). "Evaluation of effect of different nitrogen sources on oxygen productivity and nutrient metabolism of Arthrospira sp. PCC 8005 in a continuous photobioreactor". Poster session presented at Green Chemistry and White Biotechnology 2017, Mons, Belgium.
  • Troestler, C., & Bridoux, S. (2017). "Optimisation - Quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs !"
  • Troestler, C., & Bridoux, S. (2017). "Optimisation - Quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs !"
  • Troestler, C. (2017). "Les procédures de vote sous la loupe mathématique".
  • Troestler, C. (2017). "Les procédures de vote sous la loupe mathématique".


  • Troestler, C., Grumiau, C., & Bonheure, D. (2016). Multiple radial positive solutions of semilinear elliptic problems with Neumann boundary conditions. "Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications", (147), 236-273. doi:10.1016/
  • Lambotte, Q. (24 March 2016). "Expansions superstables du groupe des entiers". Paper presented at Séminaire des jeunes chercheurs de l'UMONS, Mons, Belgium.
  • Lambotte, Q. (07 June 2016). "Superstable expasions of (Z,+,0)". Poster session presented at Second Joint Conference of the Belgian, Royal Spanish and Luxembourg Mathematical Societies, Logroño, Spain.
  • Troestler, C. (2016). "Les procédures de vote sous la loupe mathématique".
  • Troestler, C., & Bridoux, S. (2016). "Quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs !"


  • Troestler, C., Grumiau, C., & Squassina, M. (01 July 2015). Asymptotic symmetries for fractional operators. "Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 26", 351-371. doi:10.1016/j.nonrwa.2015.06.001
  • Troestler, C., Nicaise, S., & De Coster, C. (2015). Nodal properties of eigenfunctions of a generalized buckling problem on balls. "Positivity". doi:10.1007/s11117-015-0331-y
  • Hocq, A., Luhmer, M., Saussez, S., Louryan, S., Gillis, P., & Gossuin, Y. (01 March 2015). Effect of magnetic field and iron content on NMR proton relaxation of liver, spleen and brain tissues. "Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 10", 144-152. doi:10.1002/cmmi.1610
  • Troestler, C. (25 September 2015). "On positive solutions to the Lane-Emden problem with Neumann boundary conditions". Paper presented at Séminaire ANEDP - Analyse non linéaire et EDP, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Troestler, C., & Chaudhry, A. (04 September 2015). "Tools to explore the OPAM Community". Paper presented at OCaml 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Vandeput, M., Patris, S., Parsajoo, C., Dejaegher, B., & Kauffmann, J.-M. (17 August 2015). "Assessment of enzyme inhibitors in a flow system with electrochemical detection". Poster session presented at Summer Meeting on Bio-Electrochemistry (SMOBE) 2015, Anvers, Belgium.
  • Troestler, C., De Coster, C., & Nicaise, S. (10 March 2015). "Nodal properties of eigenfunctions of a generalized buckling problem on balls". Poster session presented at 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.


  • Grumiau, C., & Troestler, C. (10 February 2014). Convergence of a mountain pass type algorithm for strongly indefinite problems and systems. "Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Conference 21", 129-147.
  • Castet, F., D'Avino, G., Muccioli, L., Cornil, J., & Beljonne, D. (01 January 2014). Charge Separation Energetics at Organic Heterojunctions: On the Role of Structural and Electrostatic Disorder. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16", 20279-20290.
  • Agarwal, A., Mondet, S., Veber, P., & Troestler, C. (11 July 2014). "Biocaml: The OCaml Bioinformatics Library". Paper presented at Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC 2014), Boston, United States - Massachusetts.
  • Troestler, C. (06 February 2014). "Solutions positives de l'équation de Lane-Emden avec conditions au bord de Neumann". Paper presented at Séminaire du LAMAV, Valenciennes, France.
  • Cornil, J. (01 January 2014). "Electronic Processes at Interfaces Involving Organic Semiconductors: A Theoretical Insight" [Paper presentation]. Invited seminar, Université de Lille, France.
  • Dosiere, D. (2014). "Application de la technique de RMN STD pour l'étude d'un agent de contraste IRM ciblant l'inflammation". Unpublished master thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Laurent, S. (Promotor).
  • Bridoux, S., & Troestler, C. (2014). "Optimisation: quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs".
  • Bridoux, S., & Troestler, C. (2014). "Optimisation: quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs".
  • Troestler, C., & Bridoux, S. (2014). "Optimisation - quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs".
  • Brihaye, T., Estievenart, M., & Geeraerts, G. (2014). "On alternating timed automata for MITL" [Paper presentation]. Journées montoises d'informatique théorique, Nancy, France.


  • Grumiau, C., Squassina, M., & Troestler, C. (01 July 2013). On the Mountain-pass algorithm for the quasi-linear Schrodinger equation: arXiv:1205.0517. "Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 18" (5), 1345-1360. doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2013.18.1345
  • Grumiau, C. (01 January 2013). Nonlinear Schrödinger problems: symmetries of some variational solutions: arXiv:1212.5111. "NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, 20" (3), 511-521. doi:10.1007/s00030-012-0163-4
  • Grossi, M., Grumiau, C., & Pacella, F. (2013). Lane Emden problems with large exponents and singular Liouville equations: arXiv:1209.1534. "Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées".
  • Grossi, M., Grumiau, C., & Pacella, F. (01 January 2013). Lane-Emden problems: Asymptotic behavior of low energy nodal solutions: arXiv:1206.3971. "Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire, 30" (1), 121-140. doi:10.1016/j.anihpc.2012.06.005
  • Troestler, C. (02 September 2013). "Multiplicity and symmetry of positive solutions to semi-linear elliptic problems with Neumann boundary conditions". Paper presented at International Workshop on Variational Problems and PDE's, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Troestler, C. (29 April 2013). "Multiplicité et symétrie des solutions positives de problèmes semilinéaires elliptiques avec conditions au bord de Neumann". Paper presented at Séminaire A³, Amiens, France.
  • Grumiau, C. (18 January 2013). "Convergence of MPA for indefinite problems, systems and quasi-linear problems". Paper presented at P(n)-seminar, Rome, Italy.
  • Desmons, B. (2013). "Mathematical study of wrinkling shapes of thin membranes". Unpublished doctoral thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Troestler, C. (Promotor), De Coster, C., Bonheure, D., Grumiau, C., Grosse-Erdmann, K., ... Troestler, C.
  • Troestler, C. (2013). "oasis2opam".
  • Grumiau, C. (2013). "Les dérivées dans le monde du sport".
  • Troestler, C., & Bridoux, S. (2013). "Maths en rue: Quiz Mathématique".
  • Troestler, C., & Bridoux, S. (2013). "Optimisation - quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs".
  • Troestler, C., & Bridoux, S. (2013). "La théorie des graphes au secours des géographes".
  • Troestler, C., & Bridoux, S. (2013). "Optimisation - quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs".
  • Grumiau, C. (2013). "Les dérivées dans le monde du sport".
  • Soetewey, S., Canzittu, D., & Duroisin, N. (2013). "Underrepresentation Of Didactical Concepts In Science Teaching Programmes" [Paper presentation]. ECER 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.


  • Smargiassi, M., Daghfous, G., Leroy, B., Legreneur, P., Toubeau, G., Bels, V., & Wattiez, R. (27 June 2012). Chemical basis of prey recognition in Thamnophiine snakes: the unexpected new roles of parvalbumins. "PLoS ONE, 7" (6).
  • Troestler, C., & Tacheny, N. (07 January 2012). A mountain pass algorithm with projector. "Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236" (7), 2025-2036. doi:10.1016/
  • Troestler, C. (08 June 2012). "Multiplicity and symmetry of positive solutions to semi-linear elliptic problems with Neumann boundary conditions". Paper presented at Variational and Topological problems, Flagstaff, United States.
  • Grumiau, C. (08 June 2012). "Lane-Emden problems: Asymptotic behavior of low energy nodal solutions". Paper presented at Variational and Topological problems, Flagstaff, United States.
  • Desmons, B. (04 June 2012). "Wrinkling of thin membranes laying on fluid substrates under small compression". Paper presented at Spring School in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Grumiau, C. (31 May 2012). "Lane-Emden problems: Asymptotic behavior of low energy nodal solutions". Paper presented at Spring School in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Grumiau, C. (04 May 2012). "Lane-Emden problems: Asymptotic behavior of low energy nodal solutions". Paper presented at groupe de contact FNRS (EDP et semi-groupe), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
  • Grumiau, C. (15 March 2012). "Nonlinear Schrödinger problems: existence, symmetry and numerical approaches". Paper presented at Séminaire du Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Lille, France.
  • Troestler, C. (26 January 2012). "Symmetry and symmetry breaking of least energy (nodal) solutions of semi-linear elliptic problems with Neumann boundary conditions". Paper presented at Séminaire, Université Toulouse 1 - Capitole, France.
  • Desmons, B. (14 August 2012). "One-dimensional wrinkling of thin films". Poster session presented at Frontiers of Mathematics and Applications III, Santander, Spain.
  • Denayst, C. (2012). "Identification des peptides au moyen des modèles de Markov cachés". Unpublished master thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Troestler, C. (Promotor), ... Wattiez, R. (Promotor).
  • Troestler, C. (2012). "Delimited Overloading".
  • Troestler, C., Desmons, B., Pijcke, F., & Hauweele, P. (2012). "Archimedes: a scientific 2D plotting library".
  • Troestler, C. (2012). "Mesh: a collection of algorithms to build and manipulate triangular meshes".
  • Troestler, C. (2012). "L-BFGS: a binding to the code by J. Nocedal giving a quasi-Newton method for the optimization of functions of many variables".
  • Troestler, C. (2012). "Odepack: an OCaml interface to the celebrated collection of code to numerically solve systems of ordinary differential equations".
  • Bridoux, S., & Troestler, C. (2012). "Optimisation - quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs".
  • Bridoux, S., & Troestler, C. (2012). "Quiz Mathématique".


  • Mélot, H., & Troestler, C. (01 March 2011). L'ordinateur au coeur de la découverte mathématique. "Élement: le Magazine de l'Université de Mons, 5", 29-31.
  • Lecocq, T., Lhomme, P., Michez, D., Dellicour, S., Valterová, I., & Rasmont, P. (01 February 2011). Molecular and chemical characters to evaluate species status of two cuckoo bumblebees: Bombus barbutellus and Bombus maxillosus (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Bombini). "Systematic Entomology, 36", 453-469.
  • Kessaci, Y., Mezmaz, M., Melab, N., Talbi, E.-G., & Tuyttens, D. (23 June 2011). Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms for Energy Aware Scheduling. "Studies in Computational Intelligence, 362", 75-100.
  • Grumiau, C. (30 November 2011). "Nonlinear Schrödinger problems : survey about existence, symmetry and multiplicity results". Paper presented at EU-Young workshop in mathematics, Grenade, Spain.
  • Grumiau, C. (12 May 2011). "Schrödinger problems with Neumann boundary conditions". Paper presented at séminaire LAMAV, Valenciennes, France.
  • Grumiau, C. (03 February 2011). "Nonlinear Schrödinger problems : multiplicity and symmetry of positive solutions". Paper presented at Nonlinear PDE and harmonic analysis, Rome, Italy.
  • Desmons, B. (30 May 2011). "One-dimensional wrinkling of thin films". Poster session presented at Higher order equations in Geometry and Physics, Trieste, Italy.
  • Grumiau, C. (22 March 2011). "Nonlinear PDEs : multiplicity, numerical approaches and symmetries". Poster session presented at 6ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs (MDC 2011), Mons, Belgium.
  • Desmons, B. (22 March 2011). "One-dimensional wrinkling of thin films". Poster session presented at Matinée des Chercheurs 2011, Université de Mons, Belgium.
  • Troestler, C., & Jones, R. (2011). "OCaml CSV".
  • Troestler, C. (2011). "Les procédures de vote sous la loupe mathématique".
  • Bridoux, S., & Troestler, C. (2011). "Optimisation - quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs".
  • Grumiau, C. (2011). "Les mathématiques dans le monde du sport".
  • Bridoux, S., & Troestler, C. (2011). "Quiz Mathématique".
  • Troestler, C. (2011). "Atelier de robotique : Rubik's cube & Puissance 4".


  • Grumiau, C., & Troestler, C. (01 July 2010). Oddness of least energy nodal solutions on radial domains. "Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Conference 18", 23-31.
  • Xuan, Y., Liu, X., Desbief, S., Leclère, P., Lazzaroni, R., Berggren, M., Cornil, J., Emin, D., & Crispin, X. (28 October 2010). Thermoelectric Properties of Conducting Polymers : The Case of Poly(3-hexyl thiophene). "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 82", 115454.
  • Troestler, C. (18 October 2010). "Wrinkling of thin membranes on fluid substrates". Paper presented at Workshop on Variational Methods in Nonlinear Differential Equations, Oaxaca, Mexico.
  • Grumiau, C. (05 October 2010). "Lane Emden problem : survey about symmetries". Paper presented at PDE and Image Analysis seminar, Storrs, United States.
  • Grumiau, C. (29 March 2010). "Nonlinear Schrödinger problems : Mountain Pass algorithms". Paper presented at PDE and Image Analysis seminar, Storrs, United States.
  • Troestler, C. (28 January 2010). "Oddness of least energy nodal solutions of the Lane-Emden problem". Paper presented at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Desmons, B. (13 September 2010). "One-dimensional wrinkling of thin membranes". Poster session presented at PhD Day (BMS), Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Grumiau, C. (13 September 2010). "Nonlinear Schrödinger problems : survey about symmetries". Poster session presented at PhD Day (BMS), Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Desmons, B. (09 September 2010). "One-dimensional wrinkling of thin membranes". Poster session presented at Workshop on thin structures, Naples, Italy.
  • Grumiau, C. (2010). "Symmetries of solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equations : numerical and theoretical approaches". Unpublished doctoral thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: .
  • Grumiau, C. (2010). "Mathematical education in Belgium".
  • Troestler, C. (2010). "Atelier de robotique : Puissance 4".


  • Bonheure, D., Bouchez, V., & Grumiau, C. (01 October 2009). Asymptotics and symmetries of ground state and least energy nodal solutions for boundary value problems with slowly growing superlinearities. "Differential and Integral Equations, 22" (9-10), 1047-1074.
  • Grumiau, C., & Troestler, C. (01 May 2009). Nodal line structure of least energy nodal solutions for Lane-Emden problems. "Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, 347" (13-14), 767-771. doi:10.1016/j.crma.2009.04.023
  • Henoumont, C., Vander Elst, L., Laurent, S., & Muller, R. (01 January 2009). Synthèse et caractérisation du Gd-C4-thyroxin-DTPA, un nouvel agent de contraste potentiel pour l'IRM. Etude de son interaction non covalente avec l'albumine sérique humaine. "BioMedical Engineering and Research, 30" (4), 197-200. doi:10.1016/j.irbm.2009.05.006
  • Grumiau, C. (03 September 2009). "Symmetries of ground state solutions for Neumann Lane-Emden problems". Paper presented at A celebration of Jean-Pierre Gossez's 65th birthday, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Troestler, C. (04 February 2009). "Delimited overloading". Paper presented at OCaml users meeting, Grenoble, France.
  • Grumiau, C. (17 March 2009). "Lane Emden problems : algorithm and symmetries". Poster session presented at Matinée des chercheurs (MDC'2009), Mons, Belgium.
  • Troestler, C. (12 February 2009). "Minimax algorithms: convergence and applications". Poster session presented at New trends in scientific computing, Marseille, France.
  • Grumiau, C. (12 February 2009). "Mountain Pass algorithm for some indefinite problems". Poster session presented at New trends in scientific computing, Marseille, France.
  • Desmons, B. (2009). "Stabilité, Bifurcations et Classification des Elastica". Unpublished master thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Troestler, C. (Promotor), Michaux, C., ... Grumiau, C.
  • Troestler, C. (2009). "Lego Mindstorm library".
  • Troestler, C., De Pril, J., & Maslowski, D. (2009). "Atelier de robotique : Labyrinthe & Rubik's cube".
  • Troestler, C. (2009). "Atelier de robotique : Labyrinthe & Rubik's cube".
  • Troestler, C. (2009). "Atelier de robotique".
  • Grumiau, C. (2009). "Pourquoi Rafael Nadal gagne-t-il si souvent Roland Garros?"
  • Grumiau, C. (2009). "Les dérivées dans le monde du sport".
  • Grumiau, C. (2009). "Dérivées et sport".


  • Grumiau, C., & Parini, E. (01 October 2008). On the asymptotics of solutions of the Lane-Emden problem for q-Laplacian. "Archiv der Mathematik, 91" (4), 354-365. doi:10.1007/s00013-008-2854-y
  • Bonheure, D., Bouchez, V., Grumiau, C., & Van Schaftingen, J. (01 August 2008). Asymptotics and symmetries of least energy nodal solutions of Lane-Emden problems with slow growth. "Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 10" (4), 609-631. doi:10.1142/S0219199708002910
  • Grumiau, C. (01 May 2008). Quand les mathématiciens construisent des robots. "Élement: le Magazine de l'Université de Mons, 1", 26-27.
  • Troestler, C., Maslowski, D., & De Pril, J. (12 September 2008). "Delimited Overloading". Paper presented at OCaml summer projects meeting, New-York, United States - New York.
  • Grumiau, C. (28 January 2008). "Lane Emden problem : algorithms, computation and symmetries". Paper presented at Oberseminar, Cologne, Germany.
  • Troestler, C. (2008). "Analyse Mathématique I". doi:10.1088/1748-0221/5/03/T03001
  • Troestler, C. (2008). "Atelier de robotique : Labyrinthe & Rubik's cube".
  • Bridoux, S., Troestler, C., Brouette, Q., & Desmons, B. (2008). "Les experts à l'UMH".


  • De Lièvre, B., Carette, V., Roosen, A., Tremblay, P., Pourtois, J.-P., Glarner, T., De Man­-De Vriendt, M.-J., De Vriendt, S., Dillenbourg, P., Häkkinen, P., Hämäläinen, R., Kobbe, L., Weinberger, A., Fischer, A., Harrer, A., De Lièvre, B. (Ed.), Braun, A. (Ed.), & Lahaye, W. (Ed.). (2007). "Education & Formation - e-286". UMONS.
  • Grumiau, C. (10 September 2007). "Lane Emden problem : algorithms and symmetries". Paper presented at PhD day 2007 (BMS), Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Grumiau, C. (23 May 2007). "Symmetry of least energy nodal solutions for the Lane-Emden problem". Paper presented at Variational and topological problems, Flagstaff, United States.
  • Troestler, C. (23 May 2007). "Algorithms and (partial) symmetry for solutions of the non-linear Poisson equation". Paper presented at Variational and topological problems, Flagstaff, United States.
  • Troestler, C. (09 January 2007). "Convergence of a mountain pass algorithm with projection". Paper presented at Theoretical and Computational nonlinear partial differential equations, Mexico city, Mexico.
  • Troestler, C. (2007). "Introduction à la logique du premier ordre et à la théorie naïve des ensembles".
  • Bridoux, S., & Troestler, C. (2007). "Optimisation - quand les extrêmes sont les meilleurs".


  • Grumiau, C. (21 March 2006). "Structure de la solution nodale d'énergie minimale". Paper presented at Séminaire d'analyse non-linéaire, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
  • Troestler, C. (2006). "Automates et atteignabilité".
  • Boulanger, N., & Leclercq, S. (2006). Consistent couplings between spin-2 and spin-3 massless fields. "Journal of High Energy Physics". doi:10.1088/1126-6708/2006/11/034


  • Troestler, C. (18 September 2005). "Convergence of a mountain pass algorithm with projector". Paper presented at International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Rhodes, Greece.
  • Henoumont, C., Vander Elst, L., Laurent, S., & Muller, R. (06 October 2005). "Etude de l'affinité de certains agents de contraste pour la HSA par diffusométrie RMN". Poster session presented at Conférence annuelle de la Société Royale de Belgique, Université de Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/5/03/T03001
  • Troestler, C., & Bridoux, S. (2005). "Mathématique Élémentaire".


  • Brihaye, T., Michaux, C., Rivière, C., & Troestler, C. (01 January 2004). On O-Minimal Hybrid Systems. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2993", 133-138.
  • Michaux, C., Troestler, C., & Bridoux, S. (2004). "Préparer la transition secondaire-université dans les cours de mathématiques".


  • Kouroussis, G., Verlinden, O., & Conti, C. (2003). "Prediction of vibratory nuisances of rail transport vehicles". Paper presented at 6th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics - NCTAM 2003 (mai), .


  • Troestler, C. (07 August 2002). "Scalar- v.s. vector-recursion for BSS-recursive functions". Paper presented at Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Minneapolis, United States.
  • Troestler, C. (08 June 2002). "Equivalence of scalar- and vector-recursion for BSS machines". Paper presented at 21st Days of Weak Arithmetics, Saint Petersburg, Russia.


  • Troestler, C., Finet, C., & Quarta, L. (30 October 2001). Vector-Valued Variational Principles. "Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 52", 197-218. doi:10.1016/S0362-546X(02)00103-7
  • Troestler, C. (04 June 2001). Equivalence of BSS scalar- and vector-recursion. "Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de Belgique, A tribute to Maurice Boffa", 65-80.
  • Troestler, C. (2001). "Catastrophes numériques".


  • Troestler, C., & Michaux, C. (28 January 2000). Isomorphism theorem for BSS recursively enumerable sets on real closed fields. "Theoretical Computer Science, 231", 253-273. doi:10.1016/S0304-3975(99)00103-6


  • Ramos, M., Terracini, S., & Troestler, C. (10 November 1998). Superlinear indefinite elliptic problems and Pohoz?aev type identities. "Journal of Functional Analysis, 159" (2), 596-628. doi:10.1006/jfan.1998.3332
  • Troestler, C. (1998). "Strongly indefinite variational problems with lack of compactness". Paper presented at International Conference on Differential Equations, Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Michaux, C., & Troestler, C. (1998). "Isomorphism Theorem for BSS Recursiveley Enumerable Sets over Real Closed Fields". Paper presented at International Colloquium Universal Machines and Computations, Metz, France.
  • Michaux, C., & Troestler, C. (1998). "Isomorphism theorem for BSS recursively enumerable sets on real closed fields". NeuroCOLT2.


  • Ramos, M., Terracini, S., & Troestler, C. (03 August 1997). Problèmes elliptiques sur-linéaires avec non-linéarité sans signe défini. "Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique, 325" (3), 283-286. doi:10.1016/S0764-4442(97)83956-0
  • Troestler, C. (1997). "Liouville type theorems and applications". Académie royale de Belgique. Classe des Sciences.


  • Ben-Naoum, A. K., Troestler, C., & Willem, M. (04 February 1996). Extrema problems with critical Sobolev exponent on unbounded domains. "Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 26" (4), 823-833. doi:10.1016/0362-546X(94)00324-B
  • Troestler, C., & Willem, M. (31 January 1996). Nontrivial solution of a semilinear Schrödinger equation. "Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 21" (9-10), 1431-1449. doi:10.1080/03605309608821233


  • Piron, A., Léonard, I., Wattiez, R., Falmagne, P., Toubeau, G., Nonclercq, D., Laurent, G., & Heuson-Stiennon, J.-A. (1995). "Increase of soluble epidermal growth factor and appearance of a mitogenic activity in renal tissue extracts during nephrogenic repair". Paper presented at 29th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation and the Medical Society of Great Britain, Cambridge, United Kingdom.


  • Ben-Naoum, A. K., Troestler, C., & Willem, M. (01 August 1994). Existence and Multiplicity Results for Homogeneous Second Order Differential Equations. "Journal of Differential Equations, 112" (1), 239-249. doi:10.1006/jdeq.1994.1103


  • Lardinois, , Duez, P., Chamart, S., Lejoly, J., Hanocq, M., Guissou, P. I., Sawadogo, M., & Molle, L. (01 January 1987). Etude des conditions d'optimalisation d'une culture de Cassia italica au Burkina Faso. "Médecine Traditionnelle et Pharmacopée, 1" (1), 5-27.