This website -under-construction- will be dedicated to showcasing the clinical usefulness of intracoronary imaging during percutaneous coronary interventions. It is being built by a group of dedicated interventional cardiologists willing to share interesting and educational clinical cases.



Various clinical cases will be illustrated:


These live-in-the box cases will illustrate all the steps of complex PCI procedures guided by intravascular imaging, some with a full 360° immersion in the cathlab using the latest videorecording possibilities…get your Virtual Reality gears ready!

  • The first one illustrates the usefulness of OCT during a LAD bifurcation lesion treated by the nanocrush technique. This case can also be watched in a full immersive 360° video best viewed with a VR headset here


If you have an interesting case, or you want more explanation on your IVUS images, contact us, and we will share it for the community.


The full searchable list of cases can be found here