Voir les publications sur le dépôt de l’UMONS Télécharger la liste ci-après au format PDF
Martin, E., Gossuin, Y., Kavak, S., Bals, S., & Vuong, Q. L. (17 May 2023). "Monte Carlo and Experimental Study of the Magnetic Behaviour of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles". Poster session presented at Belgian Physical Society Scientific Meeting 2023, Namur, Belgium.
Gevart, T., C. Michel, Boutry, S., Larbanoix, L., Freis, B., M. Ramirez, S. Begin, & Laurent, S. (2023). "In vitro and in vivo Studies of dendronized nanoparticles designed for targeted theragnostic device in breast cancer context". Poster session presented at EDT chim, UMONS, MONS, Belgique.
Fritsche, F., Rosolen, G., Maes, B., Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (14 November 2023). "Monte Carlo Simulations of the T2 relaxation induced by Cubic Shaped Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles" [Poster presentation]. Young Belgian Magnetic Resonance Scientist symposium (YBMRS), Blankenberge, Belgium.
Martin, E., Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (13 November 2023). "Monte Carlo simulations of transverse relaxation induced by superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with a semipermeable coating". Poster session presented at Young Belgian Magnetic Resonance Scientist, Blankenberge, Belgium.
Bernardi, M., Hantson, A.-L., & Gossuin, Y. (11 July 2023). "Benchtop NMR relaxometry to monitor Ni (II) removal by resin and activated charcoal" [Poster presentation]. Euromar 2023.
Fritsche, F., Rosolen, G., Maes, B., Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (July 2023). "NMR transverse relaxation induced by cubic nanoparticles: a Monte Carlo simulation study" [Poster presentation]. Euromar 2023.
Gossuin, Y., Duez, L., Blankert, B., Masson, C., Laurent, S., & Rousseau, C. (July 2023). "NMR relaxometry to monitor chromium (VI) reduction by hydrogen peroxide, ascorbic acid and aluminum powder" [Poster presentation]. euromar 2023, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Tessier, L., & Martin, E. (Other coll.). (2023). Ils racontent la face cachée du doctorat : "Mon promoteur a menacé de me virer parce que je demandais cinq jours de congé". "Moustique".
Martin, E. (2023). "Erreur 404 : contraste introuvable".
Gamrath, S., Cimino, L., De corte, A., Lhost, G., & Bernardi, M. (2023). "Table ronde - La vie d'un doctorant en physique".
Gossuin, Y., Vuong, Q. L., & Lascialfari, A. (27 June 2023). Comment on “Structure-Correlated Magnetic Resonance Transverse Relaxivity Enhancement in Superparamagnetic Ensembles with Complex Anisotropy Landscape”. "Langmuir, 39" (25), 8935 - 8937. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c03428
Gossuin, Y., Duez, P., Blankert, B., Masson, C., Laurent, S., & Rousseau, C. (07 January 2023). NMR relaxometry to monitor chromium (VI) reduction by hydrogen peroxide, ascorbic acid and aluminum powder. "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 61", 284-295. doi:10.1002/mrc.5332
S. Leon-Chaviano, M. Kiseleva, P. Legros, S. Collin, T. Lescot, Henoumont, C., Gossuin, Y., Laurent, S., D. Mayrand, J. Fradette, A. Bégin-Drolet, & J. Ruel, M. A. F. (2023). A Nanoparticle Ink Allowing the High Precision Visualization of Tissue Engineered Scaffolds by MRI. "Small". doi:10.1002/smll.202206644
Bernardi, M., Hantson, A.-L., & Gossuin, Y. (14 November 2023). "Benchtop NMR Relaxometry for monitoring Cu2+ removal using ion exchange resins and commercial activated charcoal" [Paper presentation]. 19th edition of the Young Belgian Magnetic Resonance Scientist symposium (YBMRS), Blankenberge, Belgium.
Fritsche, F., Rosolen, G., Maes, B., Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (17 May 2023). "Monte Carlo Simulations of the T2 Relaxation induced by Cubic Shaped Superparamagnetic NanoParticles" [Paper presentation]. Belgian Physical Society (BPS), Namur, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y., Martin, E., Vuong, Q. L., DELROISSE, J., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., & Rousseau, C. (June 2022). Characterization of commercial iron oxide clusters with high transverse relaxivity. "Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open, 10-11", 100054. doi:10.1016/j.jmro.2022.100054
Gossuin, Y., & Gallez, B. (2022). Editorial for "Phase I Randomized Trial of 17 O-Labeled Water: Safety and Feasibility Study of Indirect Proton MRI for the Evaluation of Cerebral Water Dynamics": old concepts, new applications. "Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging". doi:10.1002/jmri.28209
(24 August 2022). "Benchtop NMR relaxometry for the follow-up of Ni(II) removal by three ion exchange resins". Paper presented at the 15th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media (MRPM15).
Bernardi, M., Hantson, A.-L., & Gossuin, Y. (11 July 2022). "Benchtop NMR relaxometry for the follow-up of Cr(III) and Mn(II) removal by ion exchange resin". Poster session presented at EUROMAR 2022.
Gossuin, Y., Martin, E., Vuong, Q. L., Delroisse, J., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., & Rousseau, C. (July 2022). "Characterization of commercial iron oxide clusters as potential Magnetic Resonance Imaging contrast agent". Poster session presented at euromar 22.
Martin, E., Gossuin, Y., Bals, S., Kavak, S., & Vuong, Q. L. (15 June 2022). "Monte Carlo and Experimental Study of the Magnetic Behaviour of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles". Poster session presented at Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers.
Martin, E., Gossuin, Y., Bals, S., Kavak, S., & Vuong, Q. L. (18 May 2022). "Monte Carlo and experimental study of the magnetic behaviour of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles". Poster session presented at Belgian Physical Society Meeting 2022.
Bernardi, M., Hantson, A.-L., & Gossuin, Y. (18 May 2022). "Study of Cr(III) and Mn(II) loaded resin by benchtop nuclear magnetic resonance". Poster session presented at BPS 2022.
Gossuin, Y., Martin, E., Vuong, Q. L., Delroisse, J., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., & Rousseau, C. (2022). "Characterization of commercial iron oxide clusters as potential Magnetic Resonance Imaging contrast agent". Poster session presented at BPS 2022.
Cimino, L., De Corte, A., Gamrath, S., & Martin, E. (2022). "Un doctorat en physique : Séance d'introduction et table ronde".
Goeseels, E., Harmegnies, B., Huet, K., Piccaluga, M., Roland, V., Verhaegen, C., & Delvaux, V. (02 June 2022). "Etude du phénomène de convergence phonétique : comparaison enfant-adulte". Paper presented at Papotages de l'Institut de Recherche en Sciences et Technolologies du Langage (IRSTL), Mons, Belgium.
Zaky, M. S., Wirotius, A.-L., Coulembier, O., Guichard, G., & Taton, D. (17 April 2021). A chiral thiourea and a phosphazene for fast and stereoselective organocatalytic ring-opening-polymerization of racemic lactide. "Chemical Communications, 51", 3777-3780. doi:10.1039/D0CC08022E
Loyez, M., Caucheteur, C., & Wattiez, R. (24 September 2021). "Cancer cells detection using optical fiber sensors". Paper presented at Belgian Photonics Online Meetup, Virtual, Belgium.
Bernardi, M., Hantson, A.-L., & Gossuin, Y. (06 December 2021). "Low resolution nuclear magnetic resonance for the study of nickel (II) and manganese (II) removal by ion exchange resin". Poster session presented at YBMRS, Virtual event, Belgium.
Martin, E., Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (06 December 2021). "Simulation of Water Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Induced by Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles Trapped in a Biological Tissue". Poster session presented at YBMRS, Virtual event, Belgium.
Bernardi, M., & Gossuin, Y. (25 August 2021). "Study of heavy metal removal by benchtop NMR". Poster session presented at ISMAR-APNMR, Virtual event, Unknown/unspecified.
Martin, E., Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (25 August 2021). "Simulation of Water Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Induced by Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles Trapped in a Biological Tissue". Poster session presented at ISMAR-APNMR, Virtual event, Unknown/unspecified.
Bernardi, M., Hantson, A.-L., & Gossuin, Y. (05 July 2021). "Study of heavy metal loaded resins by benchtop NMR". Poster session presented at euromar, en ligne, Unknown/unspecified.
Gossuin, Y., Laurent, S., Masson, C., Duez, P., & Blankert, B. (01 July 2021). "Following chromium (IV) reduction by low resolution nuclear magnetic relaxometry". Poster session presented at euromar.
Martin, E., Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (30 April 2021). "Monte Carlo and Experimental Study of the Magnetic Relaxation of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticle Ensembles". Poster session presented at Intermag 2021, Lyon, France.
Martin, E., Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (12 February 2021). "Monte Carlo and Experimental Study of the Magnetic Relaxation of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticle ensembles". Poster session presented at Magnet 2021, Italy.
Carlot, P., & Martin, E. (Other coll.). (2021). Soapbox Science : une initiative pour mettre les femmes scientifiques en valeur. "Article web RTBF".
Hantson, A.-L., Wattiez, R., Thomas, D., Gerbaux, P., Vande Wouwer, A., Raquez, J. M., Delort, C., Berriche, H., & Van Camp, C. (2021). "'Complément FEDER Algotech - Convention n° 1510612 - Rapport annuel de recherche - janvier 2019- décembre 2019 2020-11-02".
Pieropan, L. (2021). "Portfolio de traduction IT-FR (MAB1 Traduction générale)".
Moreau, E., & Urbaniak, F. (2021). "English Writing Skills - Workbook".
Gossuin, Y., Hantson, A.-L., & Vuong, Q. L. (01 February 2020). low resolution benchtop nuclear magnetic resonance for the follow-up of the removal of Cu2+ and Cr3+ from water by amberlite IR120 ion exchange resin. "Water Research, 33", 101024. doi:10.1016/j.jwpe.2019.101024
Nicolas, C., Desoil, M., Gossuin, Y., Gillis, P., & Gallez, B. (05 January 2020). Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging of Melanin in Honey Bee. "Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 78(2)", 123-126. doi:10.1007/s12013-020-00903-8
Telle, E., Vicenzutto, A., Tiberi, L., & Walaszczyk, J. (13 January 2020). "The Holy Trinity: Scientific, educational and personal benefits of EMI classes for students and teachers in psychology (Symposium)". Paper presented at ICHLE Symposium 2020 - TRANSDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION IN ICLHE AND EMI, Mons, Belgium.
Caballero-Montes, T. (2020). "Research Note N°3 on Microfinance - Regulation Industry Self-Regulation and Microfinance: Exploring Key Issues through the Case of TAMFI in Tanzania".
Henrard, D., Vuong, Q. L., Delangre, S., Valentini, X., Nonclercq, D., Gonon, M., & Gossuin, Y. (18 November 2019). Monitoring of Superparamagnetic Particle Sizes in the Langevin Law Regime. "Journal of Nanomaterials, 2019", 6409210. doi:10.1155/2019/6409210
Durieux, M., Pouleur, J.-A., Scoubeau, C., & Lago, N. (30 October 2019). "Citizen Participation exposed to digitals : The relationship between traditional and digital tools observed on three Belgian study field". Paper presented at Hyperurbain 7 : Towards a Smart Social City | Vers une ville sociale intelligente|, Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil.
Martin, E., Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (06 June 2019). "Simulation of the Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Induced by Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles trapped in a biological tissue". Paper presented at 11th conference on fast field cycling NMR relaxometry, Pise, Italy.
Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (05 June 2019). "NMR relaxometry for adsorption studies: proof of concept with copper adsorption on activated alumina". Paper presented at 11th conference on fast field cycling NMR relaxometry, Pise, Italy.
Gossuin, Y. (05 June 2019). "Simulation of the Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Induced by Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles Trapped in a Biological Tissue". Paper presented at 11th conference on fast field cycling NMR relaxometry, Pise, Italy.
Gossuin, Y. (09 May 2019). "Simulation of the Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Induced by Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles Trapped in a Biological Tissue". Paper presented at Contrast-enhanced biomedical imaging, the 16th biannual conference, Mons, Belgium.
Martin, E., Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (09 May 2019). "Simulation of the Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Induced by Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles trapped in a biological tissue". Paper presented at Contrast-enhanced biomedical imaging, the 16th biannual conference, Mons, Belgium.
Leroy, B., & Wattiez, R. (29 March 2019). "Targeted proteomic for high throughput, robust and absolute protein quantification in complex matrices". Paper presented at Challenges and Opportunities in Protein Analytics: 2nd edition, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (22 May 2019). "NMR relaxometry for adsorption studies: proof of concept with copper adsorption on activated alumina". Poster session presented at Annual Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (22 May 2019). "NMR relaxometry for the study of paramagnetic ions adsorption on different substrates". Poster session presented at Contrast-enhanced biomedical imaging, the 16th biannual conference, Mons, Belgium.
Martin, E., Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (22 May 2019). "Simulation of Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Induced by Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles trapped in a biological tissue". Poster session presented at Annual Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y. (18 March 2019). "Présentation du service de physique biomédicale". Poster session presented at Événement de maillage UHMAP, Mons, Belgium. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/5/03/T03007
Tits, N., El Haddad, K., & Dutoit, T. (2019). Exploring Transfer Learning for Low Resource Emotional TTS. In "Intelligent Systems and Applications" (pp. 52-60). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-29516-5_5
Toncheva, A., Blanc, L., Lambert, P., Dubois, P., & Raquez, J. M. (2019). Multi-responsive Polymer Actuators by Thermo-reversible Chemistry. In "Mechanically Responsive Materials for Soft Robotics" (pp. 277-307). Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
Quesnel, F., Iakovleva, A., Fléhoc, C., Baele, J.-M., Smith, T., Roche, E., Bourdillon, C., Garel, S., Jacob, J., Schnyder, J., Breillat, N., Storme, J.-Y., Yans, J., Lerouge, C., & Dupuis, C. (2019). "The Paris Basin Sparnacian: Revision of the lithostratigraphic nomenclature thanks to new sedimentary, mineralogical, chemo- and bio-stratigraphic data" [Paper presentation]. PalEurAfrica, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Konstantinidis, S., Carette, X., Debièvre, B., Cornil, D., Cornil, J., Leclère, P., Raquez, J. M., Gautier, N., Gautron, E., & El Mel, A.-A. (2019). "Sputtering metals on liquid substrates for nanoparticle synthesis" [Paper presentation]. The 15th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa, Japan.
Moreau, E., & Urbaniak, F. (2019). "English Writing Skills - Workbook".
Bourgaux, A.-E. (2019). 'Nomination de Didier Reynders à la Commission: entre urgence politique et débat symbolique', entretien avec Elisabeth Grouthars. "Rtbf".
Gossuin, Y., Vuong, Q. L., Grunin, L., Van Nedervelde, L., & Pietercelie, A. (30 September 2018). Illustration of inversionrecovery and CarrPurcellMeiboomGill sequences by the determination of ethanol content in alcoholic beverages. "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance. Part A, Bridging Education and Research, 46" (a), 21460. doi:10.1002/cmr.a.21460
Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (09 August 2018). NMR relaxometry for adsorption studies: proof of concept with copper adsorption on activated alumina. "Separation and Purification Technology, 202", 138-143.
Vuong, Q. L., Rigaut, C., & Gossuin, Y. (09 May 2018). Refraction Law and Fermat Principle: a project using the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm for undergraduate students in physics. "European Journal of Physics, 39", 045806.
Itani, S., Rossignol, M., Lecron, F., & Fortemps, P. (2018). "Towards Sustainable Technologies for the Early Diagnosis of Mental Disorders in Children". Paper presented at Symposium HERA - Transmettre un monde habitable aux générations futures : l'apport de la recherche, Mons, Belgium.
Kandana Arachchige, K., Holle, H., Simoes Loureiro, I., Blekic, W., Rossignol, M., & Lefebvre, L. (2018). "The effect of verbal working memory load in speech/gesture integration processing" [Paper presentation]. Front. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Belgian Brain Congress 2018-Belgian Brain Council. doi: Front. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Belgian Brain Congress 2018-Belgian Brain Council. doi: 10.3389/conf.fnins.2018.95.00043, Liège, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (06 December 2018). "NMR relaxometry for adsorption studies: proof of concept with copper adsorption on activated alumina". Poster session presented at YBMRS, Spa, Belgium.
Magnani, C., Cabecas Segura, P., Leroy, B., Wattiez, R., Dubois, P., & Raquez, J. M. (05 October 2018). "The influence of biodegradable fillers on phbv cristallinity in new nanocomposites". Poster session presented at 10th ECNP Short Course, San Sebastian, Spain.
Vuong, Q. L., & Gossuin, Y. (11 April 2018). "Magnetometry of superparamagnetic nanoparticles: influence of size polydispersity, dipolar interaction and anisotropy energy". Poster session presented at Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, Anvers, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y., Vuong, Q. L., Van Nedervelde, L., & Pietercelie, A. (11 April 2018). "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometry for the determination of ethanol content in alcoholic beverages: a tool for NMR education?" Poster session presented at Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, Anvers, Belgium.
Henrard, D., Vuong, Q. L., Delangre, S., Valentini, X., Nonclercq, D., & Gossuin, Y. (2018). "Mesure de distribution de taille et d'anisotropie de nanoparticules de magnétite en solution par magnétométrie". Unpublished doctoral thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: .
Gossuin, Y. (2018). "L'université séduit de plus en plus les étudiants: est-elle porteuse en termes d'emplois? RTL".
Gossuin, Y., Okusa, P. N., Vuong, Q. L., & Duez, P. (06 November 2017). NMR relaxation properties of the synthetic malaria pigment beta-hematin. "Scientific Reports, 7", 14557. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-15238-3
Bouchoucha, M., Van Heeswijk, R. B., Gossuin, Y., Kleitz, F., & Fortin, M.-A. (08 September 2017). Fluorinated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Binuclear Probes in 1H and 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging. "Langmuir, 33" (40), 10531-10542. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b01792
Vuong, Q. L., Gillis, P., Roch, A., & Gossuin, Y. (01 April 2017). Magnetic resonance relaxation induced by superparamagnetic particles used as contrast agents in MRI: a theoretical review. "Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 9" (6). doi:10.1002/wnan.1468
Volatron, J., Kolosnjaj-Tabi, J., Javed, Y., Vuong, Q. L., Gossuin, Y., Neveu, S., Luciani, N., Hémadi, M., Carn, F., alloyeau, D., & Gazeau, F. (09 January 2017). Physiological Remediation of Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles by Ferritin. "Scientific Reports, 7", 40075. doi:10.1038/srep40075
Gossuin, Y., Okusa, P. N., Vuong, Q. L., & Duez, P. (08 June 2017). "Effect of the synthetic malaria pigment b-hematin on water NMR relaxation times: implications for malaria diagnosis by NMR". Paper presented at 10th Conference on Fast Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Mikołajki, Poland.
Campoleoni, A. (15 July 2017). "Quantizing conical spaces in diagonal gauge" [Paper presentation]. Workshop 'New ideas on higher spin gravity and holography', Seoul, South Korea.
Henrard, D., Vuong, Q. L., Delangre, S., Valentini, X., Nonclercq, D., & Gossuin, Y. (04 December 2017). "Anisotropy constant estimation of magnetite nanoparticlesvia hysteresis curves analysis". Poster session presented at YBMRS 16e édition, Blankenberge, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y. (01 December 2017). "NMR relaxation properties of the synthetic malaria pigment β-hematin". Poster session presented at YBMRS 16e édition, Blankenberge, Belgium.
Vuong, Q. L., Rigaut, C., & Gossuin, Y. (17 May 2017). "Finding the refraction law using the ant colony algorithm and the Fermat's principle". Poster session presented at General Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, Mons, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y., Okusa, P. N., Vuong, Q. L., & Duez, P. (08 May 2017). "Effect of the synthetic malaria pigment beta-hematin on water NMR relaxation times: implications for malaria diagnosis by NMR". Poster session presented at General Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, Mons, Belgium.
VAN RENTERGHEM, L. (2017). "Développement d'un agent de contraste positif pour l'imagerie par résonance magnétique". Unpublished master thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Laurent, S. (Promotor), ... Stanicki, D. (Promotor).
Volatron, J., Carn, F., Kolosnjaj-Tabi, J., Javed, Y., Vuong, Q. L., Gossuin, Y., Ménager, C., Luciani, N., Charron, G., Hémadi, M., alloyeau, D., & Gazeau, F. (2016). Ferritin Protein Regulates the Degradation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles. "Small: Nano Micro". doi:10.1002/smll.201602030
Delangre, S., Vuong, Q. L., Po, C., Gallez, B., & Gossuin, Y. (30 April 2016). Improvement of the Off-Resonance Saturation, an MRI sequence for positive contrast with SPM particles: Theoretical and experimental study. "Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 265", 99-107. doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2016.02.002
Gossuin, Y., Orlando, T., Basini, M., Henrard, D., Lascialfari, A., Mattea, C., Stapf, S., & Vuong, Q. L. (02 March 2016). NMR relaxation induced by iron oxide particles: testing theoretical models. "Nanotechnology, 27". doi:10.1088/0957-4484/27/15/155706
Gossuin, Y., serhan, Z., sandiford, L., Henrard, D., marquardsen, T., torres de rosales, R., sakellariou, D., & ferrage, F. (01 January 2016). Sample shuttling relaxometry of contrast agents: NMRD profiles above 1 T with a single device. "Applied Magnetic Resonance, 47", 237-247. doi:10.1007/s00723-015-0751-7
Beraud, M., Giambarresi, G., Gillan, D., & Wattiez, R. (15 December 2016). "Q-PCR for quantification of synthetic ecosystems: hurdles and solutions". Paper presented at MRM IAP workshops, Gent, Belgium.
Stavaux, L., Albart, M., Delvaux, V., Huet, K., Piccaluga, M., & Harmegnies, B. (06 July 2016). "Stress, charge cognitive et signal de parole : étude exploratoire auprès de pilotes de chasse". Paper presented at JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016, Paris, France.
Henrard, D., Vuong, Q. L., Delangre, S., Valentini, X., Nonclercq, D., & Gossuin, Y. (05 July 2016). "Characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles by magnetometry : effects of anisotropy". Paper presented at 3rd Researcher's Day of the Materials Research Institute, Mons, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y. (01 July 2016). "Characterization of superparamagnetic particles with MR relaxometry: good and bad news". Paper presented at Workshop sur la relaxométrie RMN - Phenix, Paris, France.
Vuong, Q. L., Boudart, L., & Gossuin, Y. (01 July 2016). "Nuclear magnetic relaxation induced by superparamagnetic nanoparticles: simulations". Paper presented at Workshop sur la relaxométrie RMN - Phenix, Paris, France.
Poujol, M., Branquet, Y., Baele, J.-M., Tartèse, R., & Kéré, I. (25 October 2016). "Le minéral apatite : Le couteau suisse du métallogéniste ?" [Paper presentation]. 25e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 24-28 Oct, Caen, France.
Henrard, D., Gossuin, Y., Vuong, Q. L., Delangre, S., & Nonclercq, D. (18 May 2016). "Characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles by magnetometry: temperature deviation from Langevin law". Poster session presented at General meeting of the Belgian Physical Society (BPS), Ghent, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y., Vuong, Q. L., & Henrard, D. (18 May 2016). "Characterization of iron oxide particles with MR relaxometry: good and bad news". Poster session presented at Annual Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, Gand, Belgium.
Vuong, Q. L., Gazeau, F., Boudart, L., & Gossuin, Y. (18 May 2016). "Nuclear magnetic relaxation induced by gel-suspended cells labelled by iron-oxide nanoparticles: experimental and simulation studies". Poster session presented at Annual Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, Gand, Belgium.
Henrard, D., Vuong, Q. L., Delangre, S., Valentini, X., Nonclercq, D., & Gossuin, Y. (18 May 2016). "Characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles by magnetometry: temperature deviation from Langevin law". Poster session presented at Annual Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, Gand, Belgium.
Hallot, G. (2016). "Développement d'un agent de contraste bimodal pour l'IRM et le PET-Scan". Unpublished master thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Laurent, S. (Promotor).
Duez, P., Roch, A., Blankert, B., Okusa, P. N., & Avaert, R. (06 May 2016). "Malaria Detection: Pub. No. WO/2016/066754; International Application No PCT/EP2015/075144; Publication Date 06.05.2016; International Filing Date 29.10.2015".
Javanbakht, T., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., Raphael, W., & Tavares, J. (20 December 2015). Charge Effect of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles on their Surface Functionalization by Photo-Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition. "Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 17" (12), 462.
Hocq, A., Luhmer, M., Saussez, S., Louryan, S., Gillis, P., & Gossuin, Y. (01 March 2015). Effect of magnetic field and iron content on NMR proton relaxation of liver, spleen and brain tissues. "Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 10", 144-152. doi:10.1002/cmmi.1610
Delangre, S., Vuong, Q. L., Henrard, D., Po, C., Gallez, B., & Gossuin, Y. (15 January 2015). Bottom-up study of the MRI positive contrast created by the Off-Resonance Saturation sequence. "Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 254", 98-109. doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2015.02.014
Delangre, S., Vuong, Q. L., Henrard, D., Po, C., Gallez, B., & Gossuin, Y. (15 January 2015). Theoretical and experimental study of ON-Resonance Saturation, an MRI sequence for Positive Contrast with Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles. "Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 252", 151-162. doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2015.01.007
Laprise-Pelletier, M., Bouchoucha, M., Lagueux, J., Chevallier, P., Lecomte, R., Gossuin, Y., Kleitz, F., & Fortin, M.-A. (05 January 2015). Document Metal chelate grafting at the surface of mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs): Physico-chemical and biomedical imaging assessment. "Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 3", 748-758. doi:10.1039/c4tb01423e
Saadi, S., Khattach, D., Sbaa, M., El Kharmouz, M., & Kaufmann, O. (2015). Reconnaissance par imagerie électrique du site pollué de la décharge publique de la ville d'Oujda (Maroc oriental). "Revue des Sciences de l'Eau".
Hubert, J., Mertens, J., Dufour, T., Vandencasteele, N., Reniers, F., Viville, P., Lazzaroni, R., Raes, M., & Terryn, H. (29 December 2015). Synthesis and texturization processes of (super)-hydrophobic fluorinated surfaces by atmospheric plasma. "Journal of Materials Research, 30", 3177-3191.
Belayew, A. (09 December 2015). "Contribution of DUX4 and DUX4c to the molecular mechanism of FSHD". Paper presented at London Myology Forum, Londres, United Kingdom.
Vuong, Q. L., Gazeau, F., Boudart, L., Devaud, M., Wilhelm, C., Levitz, P., & Gossuin, Y. (28 July 2015). "Nuclear magnetic relaxation induced by gel-suspended cells labelled by iron-oxide nanoparticles: experimental and simulation studies". Paper presented at 9th conference on fast field cycling NMR relaxometry, Aberdeen, United Kingdom.
Gossuin, Y., serhan, Z., sandiford, L., Henrard, D., marquardsen, T., torres de rosales, R., sakellariou, D., & ferrage, F. (27 July 2015). "High-field NMRD profiles of contrast agents: the missing link". Paper presented at 9th conference on fast field cycling NMR relaxometry, Aberdeen, United Kingdom.
Descamps, T., Guerlement, G., Kouroussis, G., VanParys, L., & Verlinden, O. (15 November 2015). "Préservation du bâti en milieu urbain dense: quelques défis" [Paper presentation]. Conférence GCEE 2015, Marrakech, Morocco.
Hannecart, A., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (08 May 2015). "Conception of biodegradable polymersomes based on poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(ε-caprolactone) copolymers by different self-assembly methods". Poster session presented at Joint scientific meeting of NANOWAL and MAIN Doctoral School, Mons, Belgium.
Henrard, D., Vuong, Q. L., Delangre, S., Valentini, X., Nonclercq, D., & Gossuin, Y. (10 March 2015). "Characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles by NMR relaxometry, TEM and magnetometry". Poster session presented at 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
Delangre, S., Henrard, D., Vuong, Q. L., Gallez, B., Po, C., & Gossuin, Y. (16 January 2015). "Bottom-up study of MRI positive contrast induced by superparamagnetic particles using the Off-Resonance Saturation". Poster session presented at ISMRM Benelux Chapter, Ghent, Belgium.
Willocq, B., Raquez, J. M., Bose, R., Garcia, S., & Dubois, P. (22 June 2015). "Healing of Diels-Alder based polyurethane/carbon nanotubes nanocomposites". Poster session presented at 5th international conference in self-healing materials, Durham, United States.
Liénard, A. (2015). "Approche de l'asthme en médecine traditionnelle". Unpublished master thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Duez, P. (Promotor), ... Stévigny, C. (Promotor).
Baele, J.-M. (2015). "La cathodoluminescence :à la croisée des chemins entre pétrographie et géochimie".
Gossuin, Y., Laurent, S., Stanicki, D., & Vuong, Q. L. (2014). Les Nanotechnologies: Chapitre 9 : Nanomagnétisme. In "Les Nanotechnologies, 3e édition". DUNOD.
Al-Shairf, L., & Hammoudeh, A. T. A. (2014). Evaluating the elevator round trip time for multiple entrances and incoming traffic conditions using Markov chain Monte Carlo. "International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering".
jasir, J., lartigue, L., hugounenq, P., Vuong, Q. L., Gossuin, Y., rana, B., Wilhelm, C., christian, R., Gazeau, F., & alloyeau, D. (01 July 2014). Biodegradation Mechanisms of Iron Oxide Monocrystalline Nanoflowers and Tunable Shield Effect of Gold Coating. "Small: Nano Micro, 10" (16), 3325-3337. doi:10.1002/cmmi.1610
Mahmoudi, S., Kierzynka, M., Manneback, P., & Kurowski, K. (25 March 2014). Real-time motion tracking using optical flow on multiple GPUs. "Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences, 62" (1), 139-150. doi:10.2478/bpasts-2014-0016
Henrard, D., Vuong, Q. L., Delangre, S., Valentini, X., Nonclercq, D., & Gossuin, Y. (24 November 2014). "Characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles by NMR relaxometry and magnetometry: effects of size distribution and agglomeration". Paper presented at YBMRS, Spa, Belgium.
Brihaye, T. (21 May 2014). "Deciding the value 1 problem in 1-clock Decision Stochastic Timed Automata" [Paper presentation]. Troisième réunion Cassting, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Henn, C., & Vanderbauwhede, G. (2014). "À la croisée des chemins entre recherche, enseignement et services à la société: les ateliers de traduction". Paper presented at 28ème Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire, Université de Mons, Belgium.
Delangre, S., Henrard, D., Vuong, Q. L., Gallez, B., Po, C., & Gossuin, Y. (24 November 2014). "Theoretical and Experimental study of the Off-Resonant Saturation, an MRI Sequence for Positive Contrast With Superparamagnetic Particles". Poster session presented at YBMRS, Spa, Belgium.
Delangre, S., Vuong, Q. L., Po, C., Gallez, B., & Gossuin, Y. (02 July 2014). "ON-Resonace Saturation, an MRI sequence for Positive Contrast with Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles". Poster session presented at euromar, Zurich, Switzerland.
serhan, Z., sandiford, L., torres de rosales, R., sakellariou, D., Gossuin, Y., & ferrage, F. (02 July 2014). "Full Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Dispersion of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles with a Combination of Fast-Field-Cycling and Sample Shuttling Relaxometry". Poster session presented at euromar, Zurich, Switzerland.
Henrard, D., Vuong, Q. L., & Gossuin, Y. (02 July 2014). "Characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles by NMR relaxometry and magnetometry : effects of size distribution". Poster session presented at euromar, Zurich, Switzerland.
Vuong, Q. L., Gazeau, F., Devaud, M., Wilhelm, C., Levitz, P., & Gossuin, Y. (28 June 2014). "Nuclear magnetic relaxation induced by cells labelled by iron- oxide nanoparticles: a preliminary experimental study". Poster session presented at Ampere NMR School, Zakopane, Poland.
Gossuin, Y., Delangre, S., & Vuong, Q. L. (23 June 2014). "CHANGING PROTON DIFFUSION TO STUDY THE NMR RELAXATION INDUCED BY SUPERPARAMAGNETIC PARTICLES". Poster session presented at Ampere NMR School, Zakopane, Poland.
Hannecart, A., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., & Laurent, S. (14 June 2014). "Conception of magnetic polymersomes for tumor therapy and diagnostic". Poster session presented at école thématique Galerne « Matériaux Bio inspirés : du solide au vivant », CAES CNRS, Saint Pierre d'Oléron, France.
Guillet-Nicolas, R., Laprise-Pelletier, M., Nair, M. M., Chevallier, P., Lagueux, J., Gossuin, Y., Laurent, S., Kleitz, F., & Fortin, M.-A. (07 December 2013). Manganese-impregnated mesoporous silica nanoparticles for signal enhancement in MRI cell labelling studies. "Nanoscale, 5" (23), 11499-11511. doi:10.1039/c3nr02969g
Bridot, J.-L., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Boutry, S., Gossuin, Y., Leclère, P., Lazzaroni, R., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (02 November 2013). New Carboxysilane Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Non-Specific Cell Labelling. "Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 8", 466-474.
Pflipsen, C., Forge, D., Benali, S., & Gossuin, Y. (26 September 2013). Improved Stability and Relaxivity of a Commercial Magnetic Ferrofluid. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 6", 837-850.
Naccache, R., Chevallier, P., Lagueux, J., Gossuin, Y., Laurent, S., Vander Elst, L., Chilian, C., Capobianco, J. A., & Fortin, M.-A. (05 June 2013). High relaxivities and strong vascular signal enhancement for NaGdF4 nanoparticles designed for dual MR/Optical imaging. "Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2" (11), 1478-1488. doi:10.1002/adhm.201300060
Masri, Z., Ruseckas, A., Emelianova, E. V., Wang, L., Bansal, A. K., Matheson, A., Lemke, H. T., Nielson, M. M., Nguyen, A. T., Coulembier, O., Dubois, P., Beljonne, D., & Samuel, I. D. W. (01 January 2013). Molecular weight dependence of exciton diffusion in poly(3-hexylthiophene). "Advanced Energy Materials, 3", 1445-1453.
Delangre, S., Gallez, B., Po, C., Magat, J., Vuong, Q. L., & Gossuin, Y. (02 December 2013). "Numerical and experimental study of on-resonant water suppression, an MRI sequence for positive contrast with superparamagnetic particles". Paper presented at 12ème YBMRS, Blankenberge, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y. (22 May 2013). "Fundamental and practical applications of NMRD profiles in the study of particulate MRI contrast agents". Paper presented at 8th conference on fast field cycling relaxometry, Turin, Italy.
Vanderbauwhede, G. (07 May 2013). "L'apport des études en L2 et des corpus d'apprenants pour la linguistique contrastive: enjeux, méthodologie et analyses empiriques du français et du néerlandais". Paper presented at Séminaire sur invitation, Université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y. (06 May 2013). "Optimisation des performances de nanoparticules magnétiques utilisées comme agent de contraste en IRM". Paper presented at 81ème congrès de l'ACFAS, Québec, Canada.
Vuong, Q. L., Delangre, S., Gillis, P., Sandre, O., & Gossuin, Y. (20 February 2013). "Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation induced by Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles in Homogeneous or Aggregated States: Theory and Comparison with Experiments". Paper presented at Magnifyco 2013, Barcelone, Spain.
Gioiella, M. (26 November 2013). "Le français parlé de Belgique : aperçu de quelques traits distinctifs et place de la variation en didactique des langues" [Paper presentation]. Projet de Coopération FWB : Enseigner la culture de la Communauté française de Belgique, Université de Bohème du Sud, Unknown/unspecified.
Linze, N., Tihon, P., Verlinden, O., Mégret, P., & Wuilpart, M. (2013). "Development of optical fiber vibration sensors based on light polarization properties". Paper presented at MoDeRn International Conference and Workshop, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Henoumont, C., Lipani, E., Laurent, S., Muller, R., & Vander Elst, L. (02 December 2013). "Study of the silica nanoparticle surface by NMR". Poster session presented at 12ème YBMRS, Blankenberge, Belgium.
Vuong, Q. L., Gazeau, F., Devaud, M., Wilhelm, C., Levitz, P., & Gossuin, Y. (02 December 2013). "Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation induced by Cells labelled by Iron-Oxide nanoparticles: a preliminary study". Poster session presented at 12ème YBMRS, Blankenberge, Belgium.
Henrard, D., & Gossuin, Y. (01 December 2013). "Magnetic properties and NMR relaxation of different-sized iron oxide nanoparticles". Poster session presented at 12ème YBMRS, Blankenberge, Belgium.
Delangre, S., & Gossuin, Y. (04 July 2013). "Numerical Simulation of Off-Resonance Saturation, an MRI Sequence for Positive Contrast with Superparamagnetic Particles". Poster session presented at Euromar, Hersonissos, Greece.
Henrard, D., & Gossuin, Y. (01 July 2013). "Magnetic properties and NMR relaxation of different-sized iron oxide nanoparticles". Poster session presented at Euromar, Hersonissos, Greece.
Gossuin, Y., Djanashvili, K., Bridot, J.-L., Kleitz, F., Fortin, M.-A., Stapf, S., Mattea, C., Forge, D., Pflipsen, C., & Vuong, Q. L. (01 July 2013). "Fundamental and practical applications of NMRD profiles in the study of particulate MRI contrast agents". Poster session presented at Euromar, Hersonissos, Greece.
Fortin, M.-A., Capobianco, J. A., Naccache, R., Chevalier, P., Laqueux, J., Gossuin, Y., Laurent, S., Vander Elst, L., & Chilian, C. (29 May 2013). "High relaxivities and strong vascular signal enhancement for NaGdF4 nanoparticles designed for dual MR/optical imaging". Poster session presented at E-MRS 2013 SPRING MEETING, SPRING 13 U: Design of multifunctional nano-objects for biomedical applications, Strasbourg, France.
Vuong, Q. L., Gillis, P., Sandre, O., & Gossuin, Y. (26 May 2013). "Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation induced by Iron-Oxide nanoparticles: optimal contrast and aggregation effect". Poster session presented at EMIM, Turin, Italy.
Delangre, S., & Gossuin, Y. (24 May 2013). "Numerical simulation of Off-Resonance Saturation, an MRI sequence for positive contrast with superparamagnetic particles". Poster session presented at Health Institute Day, Mons, Umons, Belgium.
Henrard, D., & Gossuin, Y. (24 May 2013). "Magnetic study of different-sized iron oxide nanoparticles". Poster session presented at Health Institute Day, Mons, Umons, Belgium.
Fortin, M.-A., Nicholas, R., Laprise-Pelletier, M., Lagueux, J., Chevalier, P., Gossuin, Y., Laurent, S., Vander Elst, L., & Kleitz, F. (24 May 2013). "Mn-impregnated mesoporous silica nanoparticles for cell labeling and tracking in MRI". Poster session presented at E-MRS 2013 SPRING MEETING, SPRING 13 U: Design of multifunctional nano-objects for biomedical applications, Strasbourg, France.
Henrard, D., & Gossuin, Y. (22 May 2013). "Magnetic study of different-sized iron oxide nanoparticles". Poster session presented at Belgian Physical Society, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Delangre, S., & Gossuin, Y. (22 May 2013). "Numerical simulation of Off-Resonance Saturation, an MRI sequence for positive contrast with superparamagnetic particles". Poster session presented at Belgian Physical Society, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., Boutry, S., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (12 May 2013). "Carboxy-silane coated iron oxyde nanoparticles : an innovative paltform for various biomedical applications". Poster session presented at Nanohybrids, Porquerolles, France.
Delangre, S., Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (06 May 2013). "Etude par simulation numérique de l'Off-Resonance Imaging, une séquence d'IRM à contraste positif avec des particules superparamagnétiques". Poster session presented at 81ème congrès de l'ACFAS, Québec, Canada.
Henrard, D., & Gossuin, Y. (12 March 2013). "Etude magnétométrique de ferritine et de nanoparticules de magnétite". Poster session presented at La matinée des chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
Delangre, S., Gossuin, Y., & Vuong, Q. L. (12 March 2013). "Séquence d'Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique à contraste positif avec des particules d'oxyde de fer superparamagnétiques". Poster session presented at Matinée des chercheurs ( MDC'2013), Mons, Belgium.
Brunet, J., Cousin, R., Siffert, S., De Weireld, G., Thomas, D., Staessen, B., Franco, J.-F., & Stavrakakis, C. (26 June 2013). "Total catalytic oxidation of industrial VOCs on nanostructured materials" [Poster presentation]. ECGP 11, Symposium International Environnement Catalyse et Génrie des Procédés, Lille, France.
Delangre, S., Vuong, Q. L., & Gossuin, Y. (2013). "L'imagerie médicale, comment ça marche ?"
Vuong, Q. L., Van Doorslaer, S., Bridot, J.-L., Argante, C., Alejandro, G., Hermann, R. P., Disch, S., Mattea, C., Stapf, S., & Gossuin, Y. (01 December 2012). Paramagnetic nanoparticles as potential MRI contrast agents: characterization, NMR relaxation, simulations and theory. "Magnetic Resonance Materials in Biology, Physics and Medicine, 25" (6), 467-78.
Vuong, Q. L., Gossuin, Y., Gillis, P., & Delangre, S. (20 September 2012). New simulation approach using classical formalism to water nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersions in presence of superparamagnetic particles used as MRI contrast agents. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 137", 114505.
Vuong, Q. L., Berret, J.-F., Fresnais, J., Gossuin, Y., & Sandre, O. (01 July 2012). A universal Scaling Law to Predict the Efficiency of Magnetic Nanoparticles as MRI T2-Contrast Agents. "Advanced Healthcare Materials, 1" (4).
Faucher, L., Tremblay, M., Lagueux, J., Gossuin, Y., & Fortin, M.-A. (01 January 2012). Rapid synthesis of PEGylated ultrasmall gadolinium oxide nanoparticles for cell labeling and tracking with MRI. "ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 4" (9), 4506-4515.
Létourneau, M., Tremblay, M., Faucher, L., Rojas, D., Chevallier, P., Gossuin, Y., Lagueux, J., & Fortin, M.-A. (01 January 2012). MnO-labeled cells: Positive contrast enhancement in MRI. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116" (44), 13228-13238.
Vuong, Q. L., Gossuin, Y., Gillis, P., Roch, A., & Delangre, S. (30 May 2012). "Theory of longitudinal and transverse relaxation times induced by superparamagnetic particles". Paper presented at Belgian Physical Society, Brussels, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y., Sandre, O., Van Doorslaer, S., & Vuong, Q. L. (26 November 2012). "Relaxation models for paramagnetic and superparamagnetic MRI contrast agents". Poster session presented at Young belgian magnetic resonance scientists symposium, Spa, Belgium.
Forge, D., & Gossuin, Y. (22 March 2012). "Novel physicochemical strategy to stabilize ferrofluid suspensions". Poster session presented at Journée Math-Sciences, Mons, Belgium.
Plipsen, C., Forge, D., & Gossuin, Y. (27 January 2012). "Stability and relaxivity of magnetic particles suspensions improved through a simple structural reorganization: C.Pflipsen, D.Forge, Y.Gossuin". Poster session presented at TNT Conference - Trends in Nanotechnology, Iles canaries, Spain.
Vuong, Q. L., Gillis, P., & Gossuin, Y. (01 September 2011). Monte Carlo simulation and theory of proton NMR transverse relaxation induced by aggregation of magnetic particles used as MRI contrast agents. "Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 212", 139-148. doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2011.06.024
Faucher, L., Gossuin, Y., Hocq, A., & Fortin, M.-A. (21 June 2011). Impact of agglomeration on the relaxometric properties of paramagnetic ultra-small gadolinium oxide nanoparticles. "Nanotechnology, 22" (295113), 10. doi:10.1088/0957-4484/22/29/295103
Benjelloun, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Lecron, F. (03 June 2011). A Framework of Vertebra Segmentation Using the Active Shape Model-Based Approach. "International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2011".
Vuong, Q. L., Delangre, S., Gillis, P., & Gossuin, Y. (17 December 2011). "Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation induced by Superparamagnetic Particles". Paper presented at Séminaire à l'université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
Gossuin, Y. (11 May 2011). "Paramagnetic nanoparticles as Magnetic Resonance Imaging contrast agents". Paper presented at Belgian Physical Society, Namur, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y. (22 November 2011). "Universal Scaling Law to Predict the Efficiency of Magnetic Nanoparticles as MRI T2-Contrast Agents". Poster session presented at 10th symposium Young Belgian Magnetic Resonance Scientists; FNRS, Blankenberge, Belgium.
Vuong, Q. L., Gossuin, Y., Gillis, P., & Delangre, S. (21 November 2011). "Simulation of longitudinal and transverse relaxation induced by superparamagnetic particles". Poster session presented at 10th symposium Young Belgian Magnetic Resonance Scientists; FNRS, Blankenberge, Belgium.
Hocq, A. (25 May 2011). "Effect of magnetic field and iron content on relaxation rates of iron loaded human tissues". Poster session presented at Belgian Physical Society, Namur, Belgium.
Vuong, Q. L., Gillis, P., & Gossuin, Y. (25 May 2011). "Theory and simulation of nuclear magnetic relaxation induced by clustered superparamagnetic particles". Poster session presented at Belgian Physical Society, Namur, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y. (19 March 2011). "Magnetic nanoparticles for magnetic resonance imaging". Poster session presented at Matinée des Chercheurs, UMons, Belgium.
Colot, O., Dupont, C., & Giuliano, R. (2011). "Evolution du personnel et crise financière : le cas des entreprises familiales". Eprint/Working paper retrieved from
Canzittu, D., & Duroisin, N. (2011). "L'approche orientante. Carnet d'accompagnement. Une activité d'orientation. Moi et le jeune".
Bengoetxea, A., Dan, B., Leurs, F., Cebolla, A. M., De Saedeleer, C., Gillis, P., & Cheron, G. (21 December 2010). Rhythmic muscular activation pattern for fast figure-eight movement. "Clinical Neurophysiology, 121", 754-765.
Vanderstraeten, J., & Gillis, P. (21 December 2010). Theoretical evaluation of magnetoreception of power-frequency fields. "Bioelectromagnetics, 31", 371-379. doi:10.1002/bem.20568
Gossuin, Y., Disch, S., Vuong, Q. L., Gillis, P., Hermann, R. P., Ji-Ho, P., & Sailor, M. J. (01 November 2010). NMR relaxation and magnetic properties of superparamagnetic nanoworms. "Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 5" (6), 318-322. doi:10.1002/cmmi.387
Gillis, P. (01 October 2010). les roues folles de Maxwell. "Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme, 125-126-127", 61-68.
Gossuin, Y., Hocq, A., Gillis, P., & Vuong, Q. L. (13 May 2010). Physics of magnetic resonance imaging: from spin to pixel. "Journal of Physics: D Applied Physics, 43". doi:10.1088/0022-3727/43/21/213001
Forge, D., Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Laurent, S., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2010). Development of magnetic chromatography to sort polydisperse nanoparticles in ferrofluids. "Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 5" ((3)), 126-132.
Vuong, Q. L. (28 October 2010). "L'Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique". Paper presented at Séminaire du Département de Physique (UMONS), Mons, Belgium.
Van Overschelde, O. (29 August 2010). "Morphological and structural modifications of TiO2 thin films by excimer laser post deposition treatment". Paper presented at ECOSS27, Groningen, Netherlands.
Gossuin, Y. (28 August 2010). "Particules d'oxyde de fer pour l'IRM, influence du type d'oxyde et de l'agglomeration". Paper presented at journées de la matière condensée, Troyes, France.
Gossuin, Y. (15 May 2010). "Magnetic and NMR properties of magnetic nanoworms". Paper presented at Contrast-enhanced biomedical imaging, 12th Bi-Annual Conference on Contrast Agents and Multimodal Molecular Imaging, Mons, Belgium.
Vuong, Q. L. (07 May 2010). "Characterization of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles by NMR". Paper presented at Journée des doctorants 'Physique et Astrophysique', Mons, Belgium.
Vuong, Q. L., Gillis, P., & Gossuin, Y. (18 April 2010). "Simulation of NMR relaxation induced by superparamagnetic particles". Paper presented at Groupe de Contact FNRS Calcul Intensif 2010, Mons, Belgium.
Van Overschelde, O., Martic, G., & Snyders, R. (09 December 2010). "Modification des propriétés de surface d'alumine massique par traitement laser". Poster session presented at Première Journée Scientifique du Portefeuille Revêtements Fonctionnels, Mons, Belgium.
Vuong, Q. L. (20 September 2010). "Theory of NMR relaxation induced by clustered superparamagnetic particles". Poster session presented at GDCh FGMR10 Joint Benelux/German MR conference, Münster, Germany.
Hocq, A. (20 September 2010). "Variable-field relaxometry of iron containing human tissues". Poster session presented at 32nd discussion meeting and joint Benelux/german MR conference, Germany.
Vuong, Q. L., Gillis, P., & Gossuin, Y. (19 May 2010). "Theory of NMR Relaxation induced by clustered superparamagnetic particles". Poster session presented at European Magnetic Resonance Forum (EMRF) 2010, Mons, Belgium.
Dehon, A., Demeuse, M., Derobertmasure, A., Fauconnier, A., Gillis, P., Lo Bue, F., & Melin, S. (2010). "Développement d'outils de diagnostic et de remédiation immédiate au travers d'activités scientifiques au premier degré de l'enseignement secondaire : Bruxelles : rapport intermédiaire de recherche".
Van Overschelde, O., Guisbiers, G., & Wautelet, M. (04 August 2009). Nanocrystallisation of anatase or rutile TiO2 by laser treatment. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 113" (34), 15343-15345. doi:10.1021/jp905163j
Hocq, A., Brouette, N., Saussez, S., Luhmer, M., Gillis, P., & Gossuin, Y. (01 July 2009). Variable-field relaxometry of iron-containing human tissues: a preliminary study. "Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 4" (4), 157-164. doi:10.1002/cmmi.275
Gossuin, Y., Gillis, P., Hocq, A., Vuong, Q. L., & Roch, A. (11 March 2009). Magnetic resonance relaxation properties of superparamagnetic particles. "Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 1" (3).
Gossuin, Y., Gillis, P., Hocq, A., Vuong, Q. L., & Roch, A. (01 January 2009). Magnetic resonance relaxation properties of superparamagnetic particles. "Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 1" (3), 299-310. doi:10.1002/wnan.36
De Lièvre, B., Audran, J., Simonian, S., Lameul, G., Ciussi, M., Eneau, J., Coulibaly, B., Daele, A., Deschryver, N., Papi, C., De Lièvre, B. (Ed.), Braun, A. (Ed.), & Lahaye, W. (Ed.). (2009). "Education & Formation - e-290 : Communautés d'apprenants en ligne, apprentissage et socialisation". UMONS.
Vuong, Q. L. (27 November 2009). "MR Characterization of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticle". Paper presented at 8th one-day symposium Young Belgian Magnetic Resonance Scientists, FNRS, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Gossuin, Y. (29 May 2009). "Relaxation induced by superparamagnetic particles". Paper presented at Réunion Encite, Prague, Czechia.
Vuong, Q. L. (15 May 2009). "Simulation de la relaxation d'agents de contraste en IRM". Paper presented at Journée des doctorants de la FMP de l'UMH, Mons, Belgium.
Vuong, Q. L., Roch, A., Gillis, P., & Gossuin, Y. (05 July 2009). "Simulation of NMR relaxation induced by SPM particles in solution". Poster session presented at Euromar 2009, Göteborg, Sweden.
Gossuin, Y., Gillis, P., & Vuong, Q. L. (05 July 2009). "NMR relaxation induced by paramagnetic particles". Poster session presented at Euromar 2009, Göteborg, Sweden.
Benjelloun, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Lecron, F. (17 March 2009). "Etude de la dynamique vertébrale 2D et 3D". Poster session presented at Matinée des chercheurs 2009, Mons, Belgium.
Demierbe, C., Franquet, A., Melin, S., Demeuse, M., & Gillis, P. (2009). "Développement d'outils de diagnostic et de remédiation immédiate au travers d'activités scientifiques au premier degré de l'enseignement secondaire. : Bruxelles : rapport final de recherche".
Gossuin, Y., Hocq, A., Vuong, Q. L., Muller, R., Disch, S., Hermann, R. P., & Gillis, P. (26 November 2008). Physico-chemical and NMR relaxometric characterization of gadolinium hydroxide and dysprosium oxide nanoparticles. "Nanotechnology, 19" (47), 475102.
Forge, D., Roch, A., Laurent, S., Tellez, H., Gossuin, Y., Renaux, F., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (17 November 2008). Optimization of the Synthesis of Superparamagnetic Contrast Agents by the Design of Experiments Method. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 112" (49), 19178-19185. doi:10.1021/jp803832k
Van Overschelde, O., Boisdequin, J. M., Leclère, P., & Wautelet, M. (01 August 2008). Excimer-Laser Induced Structural Transformations of TiO2 Thin Films. "Physica Status Solidi C. Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 5" (10), 3255-3258. doi:10.1002/pssc.200779518
Vuong, Q. L., Gossuin, Y., & Gillis, P. (11 June 2008). Acoustical enhancement of nuclear magnetic relaxation rates in liquids. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 77", 212404 -212408. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.77.212404
Vuong, Q. L., Gossuin, Y., & Gillis, P. (11 June 2008). Acoustical enhancement of nuclear magnetic relaxation rates in liquids. "Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 77", 212404.
Duvivier, D., Van Overschelde, O., & Wautelet, M. (05 March 2008). Nanogeometry. "European Journal of Physics, 29" (3), 467-474. doi:10.1088/0143-0807/29/3/007
Guisbiers, G., Van Overschelde, O., & Wautelet, M. (01 March 2008). Theoretical investigation of size and shape effects on the melting temperature and energy bandgap of TiO2 nanostructures. "Applied Physics Letters, 92" (10), 103121-3. doi:10.1063/1.2897297
Guisbiers, G., Kazan, M., Van Overschelde, O., Wautelet, M., & Pereira, S. (22 February 2008). Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Metallic and Semiconductive Nanostructures. "Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 112" (11), 4097-4103. doi:10.1021/jp077371n
Forge, D., Laurent, S., Roch, A., Gossuin, Y., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2008). "Preparation and characterization of organosilane modified magnetite nanoparticles". Poster session presented at Chimie et matériaux fonctionnels, GFSM (groupe francophone spectrométrie Mössbauer), UCL, Louvian-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Van Overschelde, O., Snyders, R., & Wautelet, M. (15 December 2007). Crystallisation of TiO2 thin films induced by excimer laser irradiation. "Applied Surface Science, 254" (4), 971-974. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2007.08.018
Bomati Miguel, O., Gossuin, Y., Morales, M. P., Gillis, P., Muller, R., & Veintemillas-Verdaguer, S. (01 December 2007). Comparative analysis of the 1H NMR relaxation enhancement produced by iron oxide and core-shell iron-iron oxide nanoparticles. "Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 25" (Issue 10), 1437-1441. doi:10.1016/j.mri.2007.04.006
Gossuin, Y., Gillis, P., Muller, R., & Hocq, A. (01 December 2007). Relaxation by clustered ferritin: a model for ferritin-induced relaxation in vivo. "NMR in Biomedicine, 20" (8), 749-756. doi:10.1002/nbm.1140
Van Overschelde, O., Guisbiers, G., & Wautelet, M. (31 July 2007). Micro-structuring of TiO2 thin films by laser-assisted diffraction processing. "Applied Surface Science, 253" (Issue 19), 7890-7894. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2007.02.072
Guisbiers, G., Van Overschelde, O., & Wautelet, M. (01 June 2007). Nanoparticulate origin of intrinsic residual stress in thin films. "Acta Materialia, 55" (10), 3541-3546. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2007.02.003
Bridot, J.-L., Faure, A. C., Laurent, S., riviere, C., Billotey, C., Hiba, B., Janier, M., Josserand, V., Coll, J. L., Vander Elst, L., Muller, R., Roux, S., Perriat, P., & Tillement, O. (2007). Hybrid Gadolinium Oxide Nanoparticles: Multimodal Contrast Agents for in Vivo Imaging. "Journal of the American Chemical Society".
Guisbiers, G., Van Overschelde, O., & Wautelet, M. (01 January 2007). Materials selection for thin films for radio frequency microelectromechanical systems. "Materials and Design, 28" (Issue 1), 1994-1997. doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2005.05.012
Buisseret, F., Semay, C., & Mathieu, V. (16 February 2007). Retardation effects in the rotating string model. "European Physical Journal. A, Hadrons and Nuclei, 31" (Issue 4), 616-619. doi:10.1140/epja/i2006-10182-9
Forge, D., Laurent, S., Renaux, F., Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2007). "Optimization of the synthesis of superparamagnetic reporters for molecular imaging by the experimental design method". Poster session presented at COST Chemistry D38, 'Metal based systems for molecular imaging applications', Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Van Overschelde, O., & Wautelet, M. (01 October 2006). Diffraction-aided laser-induced microstructuring of thin TiO2 films on glass. "Applied Physics Letters, 89" (Issue 16), 161114-3. doi:10.1063/1.2364462
Van Overschelde, O., Dinu, S., Guisbiers, G., Monteverde, F., Nouvellon, C., & Wautelet, M. (30 April 2006). Excimer laser ablation of thin titanium oxide films on glass. "Applied Surface Science, 252" (Issue 13), 4722-4727. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.07.147
De Marco, G., Roch, A., Perreti, I., Gossuin, Y., Lehman, P., Menuel, C., Vallée, J. N., & Muller, R. (01 January 2006). Agents de contraste en IRM : approche théorique des mécanismes de relaxation. "Médecine Nucléaire: Imagerie Fonctionnelle et Métabolique, 30", 645-658.
Gossuin, Y., Muller, R., Gillis, P., & Bartel, L. (01 December 2005). Relaxivities of human liver and spleen ferritin. "Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 23" (Issue 10), 1001-1004. doi:10.1016/j.mri.2005.10.009
Van Overschelde, O., & Wautelet, M. (10 June 2005). Self-diffraction in a CCD camera. "European Journal of Physics, 26", 15-17. doi:10.1088/0143-0807/26/5/L01
Muller, R., Ouakssim, A., Fastrez, S., Roch, A., Laurent, S., Gossuin, Y., Pierart, C., & Vanderelst, L. (01 May 2005). Develoment of superparamagnetic particles dispersions : basic materials of markers for molecular imaging. "Academic Radiology, 12" (Issue 5, S1), 45. doi:10.1016/j.acra.2005.02.033
Desoil, M., Gillis, P., Gossuin, Y., Pankhurst, Q. A., & Hautot, D. (01 January 2005). Definitive identification of magnetite nanoparticles in the abdomen of the honeybee Apis mellifera. "Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 17" (Issue 1), 45-49. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/17/1/007
Gossuin, Y., Hautot, D., Muller, R., Pankhurst, Q. A., Dobson, J., Morris, C., Gillis, P., & Collingwood, J. (01 January 2005). Looking for biogenic magnetite in brain ferritin using NMR relaxometry. "NMR in Biomedicine, 18" (7), 469-472. doi:10.1002/nbm.983
Roch, A., Gossuin, Y., Muller, R., & Gillis, P. (01 January 2005). Superparamagnetic colloid suspensions: Water magnetic relaxation and clustering. "Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 293" (1), 532-539. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2005.01.070
Guisbiers, G., Strehle, S., Van Overschelde, O., & Wautelet, M. (2005). "Residual stresses in Ta, Mo, Al and Pd thin films deposited by E-beam evaporation process on Si and Si/SiO2 substrates". Paper presented at 8th International Workshop on Stress-Induced Phenomena in Metallization, Dresden, Germany.
Nguyen, A.-T., Fontaine, J., Malonne, H., & Duez, P. (21 August 2005). "New and cytotoxic compounds from Disporopsis aspera". Paper presented at International Congress and 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research (Gesellschaft fur Arzneip?anzenforschung - GA), Florence, Italy.
Gossuin, Y., Burtea, C., Monseux, A., Toubeau, G., Roch, A., Muller, R., & Gillis, P. (11 May 2004). Ferritin-induced relaxation in tissues: An in vitro study. "Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 20" (4), 690-697. doi:10.1002/jmri.20152
Gossuin, Y., Muller, R., & Gillis, P. (08 May 2004). Relaxation induced by ferritin: a better understanding for an improved MRI iron quantification. "NMR in Biomedicine, 17", 427-432. doi:10.1002/nbm.903
Laurent, S., Ouakssim, A., Nicotra, C., Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Vander Elst, L., Cornant, M., Soleil, P., & Muller, R. (01 January 2004). Influence of the length of the coating molecules on the nuclear magnetic relaxivity of superparamagnetic colloids. "Physica Status Solidi A. Applications and Materials Science, 1" ((12)), 3644-3650.
Ouakssim, A., Fastrez, S., Roch, A., Laurent, S., Gossuin, Y., Pierart, C., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2004). Control of the synthesis of magnetic fluids by relaxometry and magnetometry. "Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276", 1711-e1713.
Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Muller, R., Gillis, P., & Lo Bue, F. (08 December 2002). Anomalous Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of Aqueous Solutions of Ferritin: An Unprecedented First-Order Mechanism. "Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 48", 959-964.
Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Muller, R., Gillis, P., & Lo Bue, F. (15 September 2002). Anomalous Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of Aqueous Solutions of Ferritin: An Unprecedented First-Order Mechanism. "Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 48", 959-964. doi:10.1002/mrm.10316
Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Muller, R., & Gillis, P. (2002). An evaluation of the contributions of diffusion and exchange in relaxation enhancement by MRI contrast agents. "Journal of Magnetic Resonance".
Gossuin, Y., Gillis, P., & Lo Bue, F. (2002). Susceptibility-Induced T2-Shortening and Unrestricted Diffusion. "Magnetic Resonance in Medicine".
Gossuin, Y., Colet, J.-M., Roch, A., Muller, R., & Gillis, P. (08 June 2002). Cesium Adsorption in Hydrated Iron Oxide Particles Suspensions: An NMR Study. "Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 157", 132-136. doi:10.1006/jmre.2002.2581
Vander Elst, L., Roch, A., Gillis, P., Laurent, S., Botteman, F., Bulte, J. W. M., & Muller, R. (01 January 2002). Dy-DTPA derivatives as relaxation agents for very high field MRI: the beneficial effect of a slow water exchange. "Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 47", 1121-1130.
Gillis, P., Moiny, F., Muller, R. N., & Roch, A. (2002). Water Magnetic Relaxation in Superparamagnetic Colloid Suspensions: The effect of Agglomeration. "Magnetic Resonance in Colloid and Interface Science", 383-392.
Gossuin, Y. (07 December 2002). "Relaxation induced by ferritin". Paper presented at Young Belgian Magnetic Resonance Scientists Symposium (YBMRS), Bruxelles, fondation universitaire, Unknown/unspecified.
Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Muller, R., & Gillis, P. (08 December 2001). Relaxation Induced by Ferritin and Ferritin-Like Magnetic Particles: The Role of Proton Exchange. "Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 43", 237-243.
Gossuin, Y., Roch, A., Lo Bue, F., Muller, R., & Gillis, P. (08 July 2001). Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Dispersion of Ferritin and Ferritin-Like Magnetic Particle Solutions: A pH-Effect Study. "Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 46", 476-481.
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