Higher Spin Gravity online-club : Damiano Anselmi

Quand ?
Le 08 février 2022 à 10:00

Le prochain séminaire de la série Higher Spin Gravity online-club, co-organisée par l’UMONS et l’Université de Tours, sera donné par Damiano Anselmi (University of Pisa).

Fakeons, theories of higher-spin massive multiplets and (Palatini) quantum gravity

After reviewing the new diagrammatics involved in the concept of purely virtual particles (fakeons) and making comparinsons with physical particles, ordinary ghosts and Lee-Wick ghosts, I show some of it applications, concentrating in particular on the formulation of unitary and renormalizable theories of massive higher-spin multiplets. A spin 3 multiplet of this type (Palatini multiplet) can be used to formulate a unitary and renormalizable theory of Palatini quantum gravity. These multiplets, coupled to quantum gravity, can also change its ultraviolet behavior.

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Meeting ID: 927 5718 8305; Passcode: cL8d07