Leçons par Xavier Bekaert : « Some BMS group theory »
Le mardi 11 et le jeudi 13 juin, Xavier Bekaert (Université de Tours) donnera le cours suivant :
Some BMS group theory
We will present a group-theoretical introduction to BMS algebra that circumvents its traditional bulk realisation as asymptotic symmetries. More precisely, among the potential topics which could be covered are: the abstract definition of BMS algebra, its Carrollian realisation at null infinity, its semi-direct structure, its Poincaré subalgebras, its unitary representations.
Les cours auront lieu à la salle Mirzakhani du batiment de Vinci de 15h à 16h30.
Avenue Maistriau, 15
7000 Mons, Belgium
7000 Mons, Belgium