Mini-cours sur Mathematica
Le professeur Fred Simons a donné un cours d’introduction de deux jours sur Wolfram Mathematica. Le programme comprenait trois modules :
Mathematica Basic Principles I
You will learn how to
- Understand the general structure of Mathematica
- Find your way in the Help system and documentation
- Perform exact calculations (manipulating formulas)
- Perform numerical calculations
- Create 2D and 3D graphs
Mathematica Basic Principles II, including pattern matching
Partly building upon the first module, this course expands further on:
- The structure of Mathematica expressions and ways to manipulate them
- functions defined using underscores and pure (or anonymous) functions
- functions that have functions as arguments, such as Select, Gatherby
- Associations
- pattern matching and the function Cases, sequences
- how to define a function on a given domain only, with optional arguments, etc
- options
Programming with Mathematica
All programming language functionality is available in Mathematica. Programs written in a standard programming language can be translated into a Mathematica program. However, this leads rarely to an efficient program. Often we can improve such a translation by using some more advanced Mathematica commands. Even better is to start from the very beginning and to use the structure of the dataset and the available functions in Mathematica for manipulation to arrive at the desired output. These principles will be demonstrated by many examples. Much attention will be paid to the speed of the programs.
Bring your laptops with Mathematica!
Le cours s’est déroulé dans la salle Pauling du bâtiment Mendelev et dans les salles Mirzakhani et Wunster/Montague du bâtiment De Vinci selon l’horaire suivant :
Lundi 21 mars
Session 1 (Pauling) : 9:00 – 12:00
Pause café : 10:30-10:45
Pause déjeuner : 12:00-13:30
Session 2 (Pauling) : 13:30 – 15:00
Pause café : 15:00-15:45
Session 3 (Mirzakhani) : 15:45 – 17:15
Mardi 22 mars (salle Wuster/Montague)
Session 1 : 9:00 – 12:00
Pause café : 10:30-10:45
Pause déjeuner : 12:00-13:30
Session 2 : 13:30 – 17:00
Pause café : 15:00-15:30
Biosketch du Prof. Dr. Fred Simons
Fred Simons est né à Amsterdam. Il a travaillé à l’Université d’Amsterdam et à l’Eindhoven University of Technology, où il a promu les processus de Markov. Il a également été membre du Dutch Education Committee for Mathematics et président du groupe de travail sur les mathématiques de la SEFI, la société européenne pour l’enseignement de l’ingénierie.
This initiative has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 101002551).
7000 Mons, Belgium