Séminaires conjoints de physique théorique des hautes énergies avec ULB, VUB et KUL
Le 11 mai, l’UMONS accueillera les séminaires conjoints de physique théorique des hautes énergies organisés par le Service de Physique de l’Univers, Champs et Gravitation de l’UMONS, le Service de Physique Théorique et le Service de Physique Théorique et Mathématique, tous deux de l’ULB, le Groupe de Physique Théorique des Particules de la VUB, le groupe de Physique des Hautes Energies et de Théories des Champs Relativistes de la KUL et les Instituts Internationaux Solvay.
Les orateurs seront Alejandra Castro (UvA Amsterdam) et Axel Kleinschmidt (MPI pour la physique gravitationnelle, Potsdam). Le premier séminaire aura lieu à 11h dans la salle La Fontaine du centre Vésale et le second séminaire aura lieu à 13h30 dans la salle Mirzakhani du bâtiment De Vinci.
11AM: Axel Kleinschmidt (Venue: room La Fontaine, building Vésale)
The most complicated way of writing D=11 supergravity
Exceptional field theory based on the exceptional group E_n is a way of combining aspects of supergravity in a duality covariant way. It can make the Cremmer-Julia E_n symmetry in 11-n dimensions manifest but can also be seen as a way of rewriting the theory in eleven dimensions, breaking the symmetry in the course of doing so. I will review recent results where this idea is taken to the limiting case with Kac-Moody symmetry E11, highlighting interesting representation-theoretic aspects. Based on work with Guillaume Bossard and Ergin Sezgin.
1:30PM: Alejandra Castro (venue: room Mirzakhani, building De Vinci)
Near AdS_2 spectroscopy
In this talk, I will describe holographic properties of near-AdS_2 spacetimes that arise within spherically symmetric configurations of N=2 4D supergravity, for both gauged and ungauged theories. These theories pose a rich space of AdS_2xS^2 backgrounds, and their responses in the near-AdS_2 region are not universal. I will show that the spectrum of operators dual to the matter fields, and their cubic interactions, are sensitive to the properties of the background and the theory it is embedded in. The properties that have the most striking effect are whether the background is BPS or non-BPS, and if the theory is gauged or ungauged. The resulting differences will have an imprint on the quantum nature of the microstates of near-extremal black holes, reflecting that not all extremal black holes respond equally when kicked away from extremality.
7000 Mons, Belgium