Séminare et cours par Harold Steinacker
Du 27 février au 3 mars, Harold Steinacker (U. de Vienne) sera en visite à Mons. Il donnera une séminaire le mardi 28 à 13h30 dans la salle Mirzakhani sous le titre et abstract:
Emergent 3+1-dimensional gravity from the IKKT matrix model
A mechanism for a 3+1-dimensional gravity on quantized branes in the IKKT matrix model is discussed. The Einstein-Hilbert action arises in a well-defined way as a quantum effect on suitable backgrounds, as part of a higher-spin extended gauge theory. This can be seen as emergent gravity arising from the open string sector.
En outre, il donnera des cours sur deformation quatization and matrix models dans la salle Mirzakhani selon le programme suivant :
Séance 1, lundi, 13h30 : « A lightning introduction to quantization of symplectic spaces »
I will give an informal introduction to the concepts of quantization which are underlying the following talks
Séance 2, mardi, 14h30 : « Quantum Geometry, quasi-coherent states and string modes »
A general formalism will be discussed which allows to extract (quantum) geometries from matrix configurations
Séance 3, jeudi, 13h00 : « Covariant Quantum spaces and higher spin
The emergence of higher-spin gauge theory on certain types of « covariant » quantum spaces in Yang-Mills matrix models will be discussed
Séance 4, jeudi, 15h00 : « On the one-loop effective action for the IKKT matrix model model »
If we still have energy, I can explain the computation of one-loop effective action in the maximally supersymmetric IKKT
matrix model, and the relation with IIB supergravity and 3+1-dimensional emergent gravity
7000 Mons, Belgium