Italian Studies Unit

Teaching and didactic research in the fields of Italian language and culture, general and specialised translation, and interpretation.

Headed by Laurence Pieropan, the SEI-FTI teaches Italian language and culture, translation and interpretation. The Unit's intercultural members are proficient in French (mother tongue) and Italian (C2 level in receptive skills), with a strong general knowledge of Italy (history, politics and geography), as well as specialised terminology and computer-assisted translation (CAT) skills. In an ever-changing world, the teachers prepare students for the professional challenges of tomorrow, including localisation, neural machine translation and post-editing. Alongside their teaching activities, the Unit's members conduct research on the Italian language, culture and literature; general, specialised and literary translation; dialogue interpretation (DI) and public service interpretation (PSI).

Contact person

Faculty secretary
Faculty secretary
17, Avenue du Champ de Mars
7000 Mons