Information Communication Technology Unit

Understand the issues related to the management of information systems, the mechanisms of dissemination and adoption of technological innovations as well as open source strategies.
The Information and Communication Technologies unit teaches courses in information systems management and innovation management. New Information and Communication Technologies are part of organizations' everyday life. Understanding how they work as well as being able to acknowledge their potential and their limits is essential in order to make wise choices.
The research carried out in the unit focuses on business models associated with digital transformation (open source, cloud computing, digital manufacturing, etc.) as well as questions of adoption and diffusion of new technologies. The areas covered by the research and teaching activities include: data processing tools (Calc, Excel, SQL, Python, Gephi...), computerized information systems (technologies, security, digital sobriety...), digital transformation (big data, fintechs, blockchain...), targeted advertising (tracking, GDPR...), the software economy (cloud computing, open source...), open innovation and open source innovation (open data, open hardware, makers...).
The unit also provides methodological and technical support to students and users of the faculty (IT services relay, best practices promotion, advanced uses of Moodle, tailor-made data processing, etc.).

Contact person

Bâtiment Warocqué
17, Place Warocqué
7000 Mons
+32(0)65 374054