Research activities
Sustainable energy production:
With our research, we aim towards the developed of highly efficient and flexible carbon-clean power and heat production from small-scale cogeneration units, with a particular interest in micro gas turbine. Our holistic approach, focus on both system and component level as well as the integrated numerical and experimental approach, allows us to tackle this engineering challenge of today and tomorrow.
Please visit the research projects page to learn more about the research projects we are involved in.
To learn more about the laboratory dedicated to micro gas turbines, visit its dedicated page: The mGT-lab.
Energy and buildings:
In order to reduce energy consumption in buildings while maintaining comfort, our research targets both energy-efficient buildings (assessment and limitation of thermal bridges) and the thermal systems associated with them (earth-air heat exchanger for ventilation, solar collectors and solar protections).
Please visit the research projects page to learn more about the research projects we are involved in.
Focus on some projects:
- Highly accurate Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of flameless combustion, a high efficiency, low NOx combustion technology. The targeted applications are high-temperature industrial furnaces.
- BEST inter-university project, which aims to study the integration of electro-fuels in the future energy system in Belgium. More specifically, the evaluation of the potential of carbon capture applied to micro gas turbines and combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT) is studied.
- Numerical and experimental studies of the behaviour of an earth-air heat exchanger in order to evaluate its performance and the health risks linked to the development of bacteria or moulds in the condensates
- Innovative solar collector (thermal + PV) for energy efficient buildings
- Study and simulation of a continuous strip annealing furnace in order to minimise energy consumption (predictive control of non-linear systems)
Our service is also associated with the following UMONS research institutes :