Voir les publications sur le dépôt de l’UMONS Télécharger la liste ci-après au format PDF
Decloux, A., Gillet, N., & Tafforeau, L. (10 April 2024). "Functional characterization of the interplay between the APOBEC host deaminases and the SARS-CoV-2 proteins and their role in SARS-CoV-2 evolution" [Poster presentation]. XXVIe Journées Francophones de Virologie, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Decloux, A., Collard, M., Sellier, A., Renier, M., Gillet, N., & Tafforeau, L. (14 February 2024). "SARS-CoV-2 restriction by the APOBEC3 innate immune effectors" [Poster presentation]. Viruses 2024- a world of viruses, Barcelone, Spain.
Claverie, E., Perini, M., Onderwater, R. C. A., Pianezze, S., Larcher, R., Roosa, S., Yada, B., & Wattiez, R. (25 May 2023). Multiple Technology Approach Based on Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry and Thermogravimetric Analysis to Ensure the Fungal Origin of the Chitosan. "Molecules, 28" (11), 4324. doi:10.3390/molecules28114324
Lamotte, L.-A., & Tafforeau, L. (13 April 2023). Generation of an A549 ISRE-Luciferase Stable Cell Line. "Journal of Virological Methods, 316", 114731. doi:10.1016/j.jviromet.2023.114731
Bisconti, M., Grosjean, P., Arcolia, V., Simon, J.-F., & Hennebert, E. (January 2023). Influence of Two Widely Used Solvents, Ethanol and Dimethyl Sulfoxide, on Human Sperm Parameters. "International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24" (1), 505. doi:10.3390/ijms24010505
Hennebert, E., Grosjean, P., Arcolia Vanessa, Simon Jean-François, & Bisconti, M. (20 June 2023). "EtOH or DMSO? Choosing the best solvent for sperm function assays". Paper presented at 22nd European Testis Workshop, Montreux, Switzerland.
Masai, T., Bisconti, M., & Hennebert, E. (20 March 2023). "Projet spermatozoïde: étude de la synthèse des protéines spermatiques et leurs rôles dans la fécondation". Paper presented at Mois des doctorants (les doctorants prennent le pouvoir), Mons, Belgium.
Gerodez, A., Dos Santos, M., Van Lint, C., Tafforeau, L., Steensels, M., & Barbezange, C. (14 December 2023). "Virus host interaction networks to identify cellular factors required for the adaptation of avian influenza viruses to humans" [Paper presentation]. 11th annual BelVir Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.
Masai, T., Dendievel, M., Simon, J.-F., Arcolia, V., Lybaert, P., & Hennebert, E. (July 2023). "An update on the characterization of human sperm CRISP2: analysis of its localization, post-translational modifications, and oligomerization". Poster session presented at Gordon Research Conference on Fertilization and Activation of Development, Holderness, United States - New Hampshire.
Bisconti, M., Leroy, B., Gallagher, M. T., Senet, C., Martinet, B., Arcolia, V., Wattiez, R., Kirkman-Brown, J. C., Simon, J.-F., & Hennebert, E. (02 September 2022). The ribosome inhibitor chloramphenicol induces motility deficits in human spermatozoa: A proteomic approach identifies potentially involved proteins. "Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 10". doi:10.3389/fcell.2022.965076
Delhermite, J., Tafforeau, L., Sharma, S., Marchand, V., Lattuca, R., Desiderio, S., Motorin, I., Bellefroid, E., & Lafontaine, D. (18 January 2022). Systematic mapping of rRNA 2'-O methylation during frog development and involvement of the methyltransferase Fibrillarin in eye and craniofacial development in Xenopus laevis. "PLoS Genetics, 18" (1), 1010012. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1010012
Chinmay Chakraborty, Mario José Diván, & Mahmoudi, S. (Eds.). (2022). "Special Issue - Journal : Multimedia Tools and Applications - Multimedia medical data-driven decision making". Springer.
Bisconti, M., Simon, J.-F., Arcolia, V., & Hennebert, E. (09 September 2022). "Influence of ethanol and dimethyl sulfoxide, two solvents commonly used in fertility studies, on human sperm parameters". Paper presented at Interuniversity PhD student day, Namur, Belgium.
Masai, T., Dendievel, M., Simon, J.-F., Arcolia, V., Demeestere, I., Lybaert, P., & Hennebert, E. (09 September 2022). "Characterization of CRISP2 in human spermatozoa". Paper presented at Interuniversity PhD student day, Namur, Belgium.
Lamotte, L.-A., Demeret, C., & Tafforeau, L. (17 May 2022). "Interactions between Influenza A virus NS1 and the Human ubiquitin- proteasome system". Paper presented at 4th annual meeting of the Namur research pole in infectiology.
Masai, T., Bisconti, M., & Hennebert, E. (08 March 2022). "Projet spermatozoïde: étude de la synthèse des protéines spermatiques et leurs rôles dans la fécondation". Paper presented at Mois des doctorants (les doctorants prennent le pouvoir), Mons, Belgium.
Bisconti, M., Simon, J.-F., Arcolia, V., & Hennebert, E. (14 September 2022). "Influence de l’éthanol et du DMSO, deux solvants couramment utilisés dans l’étude de la fertilité, sur les paramètres des spermatozoïdes humains". Poster session presented at 27èmes journées de la Fédération Française d'Etude de la Reproduction, Paris, France.
Bisconti, M., Simon, J.-F., Arcolia, V., & Hennebert, E. (09 September 2022). "Influence of ethanol and dimethyl sulfoxide, two solvents commonly used in fertility studies, on human sperm parameters". Poster session presented at Interuniversity PhD student day, Namur, Belgium.
Masai, T., Dendievel, M., Simon, J.-F., Arcolia, V., Demeestere, I., Lybaert, P., & Hennebert, E. (09 September 2022). "Characterization of CRISP2 in human spermatozoa". Poster session presented at Interuniversity PhD student day, Namur, Belgium.
Bisconti, M., Simon, J.-F., Arcolia, V., & Hennebert, E. (06 September 2022). "Influence of ethanol and dimethyl sulfoxide, two solvents commonly used in fertility studies, on human sperm parameters". Poster session presented at Mardi des chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
Masai, T., Dendievel, M., Simon, J.-F., Arcolia, V., Demeestere, I., Lybaert, P., & Hennebert, E. (06 September 2022). "Characterization of CRISP2 in human spermatozoa". Poster session presented at Mardi des chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
Bisconti, M., Hennebert, E., Arcolia, V., & Simon, J.-F. (02 June 2022). "Influence des facteurs de risque d'infertilité masculine sur le protéome des spermatozoïdes". Poster session presented at 40 ans de la SALF - Congrès annuel, Paris, France.
Phuengpornsawan, V., Maton, I., Masuy, T., & Tafforeau, L. (17 May 2022). "Ribosomal stalk protein RPLP0 interacts with IAV NS1 and PA-X, is essential host factor for virus replication". Poster session presented at fourth annual meeting of the Namur research pole in infectiology.
Bisconti, M., Simon, J.-F., Arcolia, V., Wattiez, R., Leroy, B., & Hennebert, E. (03 May 2022). "Identification of proteins produced in mature human spermatozoa". Poster session presented at BePAc 2022: A proteomics perspective on protein function in space and time, Liège, Belgium.
Bisconti, M., Simon, J.-F., Grassi, S., Leroy, B., Martinet, B., Arcolia, V., Isachenko, V., & Hennebert, E. (2021). Influence of risk factors for male infertility on sperm protein composition. "International Journal of Molecular Sciences".
Lamotte, L.-A., & Tafforeau, L. (19 November 2021). How Influenza A Virus NS1 Deals with the Ubiquitin System to Evade Innate Immunity. "Viruses, 13" (11). doi:10.3390/v13112309
Lefevre, M., Ederth, T., Masai, T., Wattiez, R., Leclère, P., Flammang, P., & Hennebert, E. (19 June 2021). Disentangling the roles of functional domains in the aggregation and adsorption of the multimodular sea star adhesive protein Sfp1. "Marine Biotechnology, 23", 724-735.
Lefevre, M., Tran, T. Q., De Muijlder, T., Pittenger, B., Flammang, P., Hennebert, E., & Leclère, P. (21 May 2021). On the nanomechanical and viscoelastic properties of coatings made of recombinant sea star adhesive proteins. "Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 7".
Davey, P., Power, A. M., Santos, R., Bertemes, P., Ladurner, P., Palmowski, P., Clarke, J., Flammang, P., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Rothbächer, U., Pjeta, R., Wunderer, J., Zurovec, M., & Aldred, N. (16 February 2021). Omics-based molecular analyses of adhesion by aquatic invertebrates. "Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 96", 1051-1075.
Lamotte, L.-A., Demeret, C., & Tafforeau, L. (13 December 2021). "Interactions between Influenza A virus NS1 and the Human ubiquitin-proteasome system". Paper presented at 9th BelVir meeting, Brussels, Belgium.
Devreux, T., Ducro, C., Delbart, L., & Derobertmasure, A. (13 October 2021). "Analyse de l'éventuelle influence de la pandémie de la Covid-19 sur la planification des activités des enseignants de l'enseignement primaire ordinaire en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles". Paper presented at L'école primaire au 21e siècle, Cergy, France.
Bisconti, M., Simon, J.-F., & Hennebert, E. (26 April 2021). "Identification des protéines produites au sein des spermatozoïdes humains matures : impact sur la fertilité". Paper presented at Evénement de maillage UMHAP, Mons, Unknown/unspecified.
Bisconti, M., Simon, J.-F., & Hennebert, E. (22 April 2021). "Identification des protéines produites au sein des spermatozoïdes humains matures : impact sur la fertilité". Paper presented at Conférence FRMH MUMONS, Youtube, Belgium.
Bisconti, M., Simon, J.-F., & Hennebert, E. (12 March 2021). "Présentation du projet de thèse : Traduction dans les spermatozoïdes humains matures". Paper presented at Mois du doctorant: 'les doctorants prennent le pouvoir', UMONS, Belgium.
Hennebert, E., Lefevre, M., & Flammang, P. (19 February 2021). "Sea star-inspired recombinant adhesive proteins self-assemble and adsorb on surfaces in aqueous environments (Invited lecture)". Paper presented at 4th International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesive, Aveiro, Portugal.
Koubi, C., Croquet, M., & Pozniak, L. (19 May 2021). "Is there a more fertile ground to allow FinTech to grow? Focus on Benelux" [Paper presentation]. 3rd Canadian Conference on FinTech and InsurTech, Québec, Canada.
Absil, L., Rigaux, E., Tafforeau, L., Body, J.-J., Nonclercq, D., & Journe, F. (01 April 2021). Involvement of FXR in the OPG/RANKL pathway of breast and prostate cancer cells. "Bone Reports, 14", 101036. doi:10.1016/j.bonr.2021.101036
Bisconti, M., Grassi, S., Simon, J.-F., & Hennebert, E. (26 April 2021). "Influence de la capacitation sur le protéome des spermatozoïdes". Poster session presented at Evènement de maillage UMHAP, Mons, Belgium.
Lamotte, L.-A., Demeret, C., & Tafforeau, L. (30 March 2021). "Interactions between Influenza A virus NS1 protein and Human ubiquitin-proteasome system". Poster session presented at Mardi des chercheurs, Valenciennes, France.
Kazan, A., Tafforeau, L., & Gabriele, S. (30 March 2021). "how do cell and nuclear shape changes influence the nucleolus ?" Poster session presented at Mardi des Chercheurs 2021, Valenciennes, France.
Bisconti, M., Senet, C., Arcolia, V., Simon, J.-F., & Hennebert, E. (25 March 2021). "Mise en évidence de la présence et de l'activité des ribosomes dans les spermatozoïdes humains matures". Poster session presented at Mardi des Chercheurs, Virtual Meeting, Unknown/unspecified.
Bonneel, M., Algrain, M., Lefevre, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., & Flammang, P. (18 February 2021). "In the footsteps of sea stars : Unravelling the temporary adhesion mechanism of Asterias rubens". Poster session presented at 4th International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (ICBBA 2021), Aveiro, Portugal.
Devreux, M., Henoumont, C., Dioury, F., Boutry, S., Mutschler, A., Lassalle, C., Vacher, O., Moins, S., Coulembier, O., Vander Elst, L., & Port, M. (13 December 2021). "Improvement of pyclen-based manganese complexes relaxivity by using polymersome vesicles" [Poster presentation]. 16th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, ESMI, Lokhalle Göttingen, Allemagne, .
Tafforeau, L. (14 December 2021). "Functional interaction between viral and host cell proteins, in the context of the influenza A virus infection". Paper presented at seminar for master students in biochemistry, university of Patras (Greece).
Absil, L., Journe, F., Larsimont, D., Body, J.-J., Tafforeau, L., & Nonclercq, D. (10 July 2020). Farnesoid X receptor as marker of osteotropism of breast cancers through its role in the osteomimetism of tumor cells. "BMC Cancer, 20", 640. doi:10.1186/s12885-020-07106-7
Coppée, F., Lechien, J., Decleves, A.-E., Tafforeau, L., & Saussez, S. (01 July 2020). Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2: virus mutations in specific European populations. "New Microbes and New Infections, 36", 100696. doi:10.1016/j.nmni.2020.100696
Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Aranko, A. S., Linder, M. B., Scheibel, T., Humenik, M., Leclercq, M., Surin, M., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Leclère, P., & Hennebert, E. (02 June 2020). Sea star-inspired recombinant adhesive proteins self-assemble and adsorb on surfaces in aqueous environments to form cytocompatible coatings. "Acta Biomaterialia, 112", 62-74. doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2020.05.036
Choi, J.* , Hennebert, E.* , Flammang, P., & Hwang, D. S. (2020). A sugar-lectin rich interface between soft tissue and the stiff byssus of Atrina pectinata. "Biomaterials Science".
Goemaere, E., Baele, J.-M., Dejonghe, L., Tourneur, F., & Yans, J. (01 June 2020). Les ressources minérales du Massif ardennais. "Géochronique, 154", 47-50.
Cultrera, L. (20 April 2020). Evaluation of bankruptcy prevention tools : evidences from COSME programme. "Economics Bulletin, 40" (2), 978-988.
Bisconti, M., Simon, J.-F., & Hennebert, E. (27 January 2020). "Traduction dans les spermatozoïdes humains : identification du type de ribosomes impliqués et des protéines produites". Paper presented at Évènement de maillage UMHAP, CHU Ambroise Paré, Belgium.
Tafforeau, L. (2020). "Biologie Moléculaire, Fascicule II".
Pieropan, L. (2020). "Portfolio de traduction IT-FR (MAB2 Traduction spécialisée)".
Tafforeau, L. (2020). "Présentation de la plate-forme de diagnostic COVID-19 mise en place à l'UMONS".
Tafforeau, L. (2020). "Présentation de la plate-forme de diagnostic COVID-19 mise en place à l'UMONS".
Lengerer, B., Algrain, M., Lefevre, M., Delroisse, J., Hennebert, E., & Flammang, P. (21 June 2019). Interspecies comparison of sea star footprint proteins. "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 374" (20190195). doi:10.1098/rstb.2019.0195
Phuengpornsawan, V., & Tafforeau, L. (18 December 2019). "Deciphering how influenza A virus hijacks the host cellular translation machinery during cell infection". Paper presented at 3rd annual meeting of the Namur research pole in infectiology, Namur, Belgium.
Flammang, P., Lefevre, M., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Leclère, P., & Hennebert, E. (17 September 2019). "Recombinant sea star adhesive protein for biomedical applications". Paper presented at New Frontiers in Biofabrication: From Biomolecules to Tissues and Organs, Leuven, Belgium.
Bonneel, M., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (17 September 2019). "Mutable collagenous tissue in sea cucumbers: characterization and production of tensilin-like proteins". Paper presented at ENBA Workshop - New Frontiers in Biofabrication: From Biomolecules to Tissues and Organs, Leuven, Belgium.
Bonneel, M., Hennebert, E., Demeuldre, M., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (10 September 2019). "Adhesion of sea cucumber Cuvierian tubules: Identification and characterization of adhesive proteins". Paper presented at International Conference on Adhesion in Aqueous Media: From Biology to Synthetic Materials, Dresden, Germany.
Algrain, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Tafforeau, L., Leclère, P., & Flammang, P. (09 September 2019). "Temporary adhesion in sea stars: From molecules to mechanics". Paper presented at International Conference on adhesion in aqueous media: from biology to synthetic materials (AAM2019), Dresden, Germany.
Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Hennebert, E., & Leclère, P. (21 March 2019). "Production de protéines adhésives biomimétiques de l'étoile de mer Asterias rubens et caractérisation de leurs propriétés mécaniques par microscopie à force atomique". Paper presented at Forum des Microscopies à sonde locale, Carry-le-Rouet, France.
Hennebert, E., & Flammang, P. (18 March 2019). "Adhesion in sea stars: from nature to biomimetics (invited lecture)". Paper presented at BioSmart Trainee - ENBA COST Action Joint UK Network Event (JUKNE), Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Bisconti, M., & Tafforeau, L. (01 February 2019). "Caractérisation fonctionnelle de l'interaction entre PB2, sous-unité de la polymérase du virus de la grippe, et la déadénylase PAN2". Paper presented at 21ème édition du prix Adrien Bauchau, Namur, Belgium.
Lamotte, L.-A., Demeret, C., & Tafforeau, L. (18 December 2019). "Interactions between Influenza A virus NS1 protein and Human ubiquitin-proteasome system". Poster session presented at 3rd annual meeting of the Namur research pole in infectiology, Namur, Belgium.
Furgiuele, S., Descamps, G., Tafforeau, L., Tagliatti, V., Journe, F., & Saussez, S. (06 September 2019). "Development and application of the CRISPR-Cas9 technique in human cell lines of head and neck cancers infected with human papillomavirus". Poster session presented at Ecole Doctorale en Cancérologie, UCL, Belgium.
Algrain, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Tafforeau, L., & Flammang, P. (03 September 2019). "Temporary adhesion in sea stars: From molecules to mechanics". Poster session presented at Adhesion 19, Bristol, United Kingdom.
Lamotte, L.-A., Demeret, C., & Tafforeau, L. (17 May 2019). "Interactions between Influenza A virus NS1 protein and Human ubiquitin-proteasome system". Poster session presented at EDT BCMB PhD Student Day 2019, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Bonneel, M., Algrain, M., & Flammang, P. (18 March 2019). "Adhésifs marins: de la nature au biomimétisme". Poster session presented at Evénement de maillage UMONS-CHU Ambroise Paré (UMHAP), Mons, Belgium.
Phuengpornsawan, V., & Tafforeau, L. (05 March 2019). "Deciphering how influenza A virus hijacks the host cellular translation machinery during cell infection". Poster session presented at Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.
Lamotte, L.-A., Demeret, C., & Tafforeau, L. (05 March 2019). "Interactions between Influenza A virus NS1 protein and Human ubiquitin-proteasome system". Poster session presented at Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.
Bonneel, M., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (05 March 2019). "Characterization and production of tensilin-like protein from the body wall of the sea cucumber Holothuria forksali". Poster session presented at Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.
Algrain, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (05 March 2019). "Localization and characterization of Asterias rubens adhesive proteins". Poster session presented at Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Leclère, P., & Hennebert, E. (05 March 2019). "Production of biomimetic sea star adhesive proteins and characterization of their mechanical properties by scanning probe microscopy". Poster session presented at Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.
Hennebert, E., Senet, C., Leroy, B., Wattiez, R., Delroisse, J., Flammang, P., Arcolia, V., & Simon, J.-F. (05 March 2019). "Ribosome integrity and activity in mature human spermatozoa". Poster session presented at Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
Krynska, H., & Tafforeau, L. (2019). "Study of the potential deubiquitination role of PAN2 on PB2, a subunit of Influenza virus polymerase". Unpublished master thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: .
Tafforeau, L. (2019). "Biologie Moléculaire, fascicule I".
Hennebert, E., & Motte, P. (2019). "Syllabus des travaux pratiques de Biologie végétale".
Duroisin, N., Khan, S., Orange, C., Henry, V., Beauset, R., & Dahmouche, H. (2019). "Rapport de recherche final : année 3 : Consortium 4 : 'Mathématiques, sciences et géographie'".
Boulanger, N. (2019). "Partially-massless spin-2 fields: Twisted duality and interactions in (A)dS".
Rondou, K. (04 January 2018). P Eichel - Lojkine édit, L'Usage du conte, contes classiques et réemploi. "Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme, 149-150-151" (2018), 475-477.
Hennebert, E., Gregorowicz, E., & Flammang, P. (31 October 2018). Involvement of sulfated biopolymers in adhesive secretions produced by marine invertebrates. "Biology Open, 7".
Lengerer, B., Bonneel, M., Lefevre, M., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Gosselin, E., Ladurner, P., & Flammang, P. (30 July 2018). The structural and chemical basis of temporary adhesion in the sea star Asterina gibbosa. "Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 9", 2071-2086. doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.196
Wang, Q., Ligorio, G., Diez Cabanes, V., Cornil, D., Kobin, B., Hildebrandt, J., Nardi, M. V., Timpel, M., Hecht, S., Cornil, J., List, E. J. W., & Koch, N. (2018). 'Dynamic Photo-Switching of Electron Energy Levels at Hybrid ZnO/Organic Photochromic Molecule Junctions. "Advanced Functional Materials".
Flammang, P., Gregorowicz, E., & Hennebert, E. (21 November 2018). "Involvement of sulfated biopolymers in adhesive secretions produced by marine invertebrates". Paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (ICBBA 2018), Haifa, Unknown/unspecified.
Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Leclère, P., & Hennebert, E. (21 November 2018). "Production and characterization of recombinant sea star adhesive proteins". Paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (ICBBA 2018), Haifa, Unknown/unspecified.
Flammang, P., Lengerer, B., Algrain, M., Lefevre, M., & Hennebert, E. (16 October 2018). "In the footsteps of sea stars: Proteins for temporary adhesion". Paper presented at 4th international conference on bioinspired and biobased chemistry and materials, Nice, France.
Bonneel, M., Hennebert, E., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (11 October 2018). "Characterization of tensilin-like proteins from the body wall and Cuvierian tubules of the sea cucumber Holothuria forskali". Paper presented at CIBIM (Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine), Liège, Unknown/unspecified.
Algrain, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (11 October 2018). "Localization and characterization of Asterias rubens adhesive proteins: Algrain Morgane, Lengerer Birgit, Hennebert Elise, Leclère Phillipe, Tafforeau Lionel, Wattiez Ruddy, Flammang Patrick". Paper presented at CIBIM (Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine), Liège, Unknown/unspecified.
Hallot, G., Gomez, C., Brun, E., Sicard-Rosselli, C., Laurent, S., & Port, M. (25 June 2018). "Synthesis and scale-up of metallic Bismuth nanoparticles". Paper presented at Nanomed 2018 : quels verrous reste-t-il à lever pour la nanomédecine de demain ?, Semur-en-Auxois, Bourgogne, France.
Bonneel, M., Hennebert, E., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (28 May 2018). "Characterization of tensilin-like proteins from the body wall and Cuvierian tubules of the sea cucumber Holothuria forskali". Paper presented at 16th International Echinoderm Conference, Nagoya, Unknown/unspecified.
Lamotte, L.-A., Demeret, C., & Tafforeau, L. (30 November 2018). "Interactions between Influenza A virus NS1 protein and Human ubiquitin-proteasome system". Poster session presented at 2nd Annual meeting of the Namur Research Pole in Infectiology, Namur, Belgium.
Phuengpornsawan, V., & Tafforeau, L. (30 November 2018). "Deciphering how influenza A virus hijacks the host cellular translation machinery during cell infection". Poster session presented at 2nd Annual meeting of the Namur Research Pole in Infectiology, Namur, Belgium.
Bonneel, M., Hennebert, E., Demeuldre, M., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (21 November 2018). "Adhesion of sea cucumber Cuvierian tubules: Identification and characterization of adhesive proteins". Poster session presented at 3rd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (ICBBA 2018), Haifa, Unknown/unspecified.
Algrain, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (21 November 2018). "Localization and characterization of adhesive proteins in Asterias rubens". Poster session presented at 3rd International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives (ICBBA 2018).
Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Hennebert, E., & Leclère, P. (21 August 2018). "Production of biomimetic sea star adhesive proteins and characterization of their mechanical properties by scanning probe microscopy". Poster session presented at International Conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy on Soft and Polymeric Materials (SPMonSPM 2018), Leuven, Belgium.
Algrain, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (29 May 2018). "Localization and characterization of sea star adhesive proteins". Poster session presented at 16th International Echinoderm Conference, Nagoya, Unknown/unspecified.
Bonneel, M., Hennebert, E., Demeuldre, M., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (29 May 2018). "Adhesion of sea cucumber Cuvierian tubules: Identification and characterization of adhesive proteins". Poster session presented at 16th International Echinoderm Conference, Nagoya, Unknown/unspecified.
Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Leclère, P., & Hennebert, E. (27 March 2018). "Une colle venue des étoiles ... de mer". Poster session presented at Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2018), Valenciennes, France.
Bonneel, M., Hennebert, E., Demeuldre, M., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (27 March 2018). "Sea cucumber Cuvierian tubules: an unique instantaneous adhesion system". Poster session presented at Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2018), Valenciennes, France.
Algrain, M., Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Leclère, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (27 March 2018). "Localization and characterization of sea star adhesive proteins". Poster session presented at Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2018), Valenciennes, France.
Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Hennebert, E., & Leclère, P. (19 March 2018). "Production et caractérisation de protéines adhésives recombinantes d'étoile de mer (Asterias rubens)". Poster session presented at Forum des Microscopies à Sonde Locale, La Rochelle, France.
Bisconti, M., & Tafforeau, L. (2018). "Caractérisation fonctionnelle de l'interaction entre PB2, sous-unité de la polymérase du virus de la grippe, et la déadénylase PAN2". Unpublished master thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Tafforeau, L. (Promotor).
Bisconti, M., Tafforeau, L., & Angers, A. (2018). "Régulation de la ligase de l'ubiquitine Itch par la protéine LITAF et conséquences de cette interaction sur l'ubiquitylation de deux substrats de Itch : Endophiline et c-Jun".
Chinh Ngo, T., Kalinova, R., Mincheva, R., Beaussart, A., Hennebert, E., Flammang, P., Dufrêne, Y., Dubois, P., Lazzaroni, R., & Leclère, P. (2017). On the bioadhesive properties of silicone-based coatings by incorporation of block copolymers. In L. Heepe, L. Xue, ... S. Gorb (Eds.), "Bio-inspired structured adhesives" (pp. 303-343). Springer.
Brasseur, L., Hennebert, E., Fievez, L., Caulier, G., Bureau, F., Tafforeau, L., Flammang, P., Gerbaux, P., & Eeckhaut, I. (16 June 2017). The Roles of Spinochromes in Four Shallow Water Tropical Sea Urchins and Their Potential as Bioactive Pharmacological Agents. "Marine Drugs, 15" (6), 179.
Leymarie, O., Meyer, L., Tafforeau, L., Lotteau, V., Da Costa, B., Delmas, B., Chevalier, C., & Le Goffic, R. (2017). Influenza virus protein PB1-F2 interacts with CALCOCO2 (NDP52) to modulate innate immune response. "Journal of General Virology".
Demeuldre, M., Hennebert, E., Bonneel, M., Lengerer, B., Van Dyck, S., Wattiez, R., Ladurner, P., & Flammang, P. (01 June 2017). Mechanical adaptability of sea cucumber Cuvierian tubules involves a mutable collagenous tissue. "Journal of Experimental Biology, 220", 2108-2119. doi:10.1242/jeb.145706
Deschamps, T., Bazot, Q., Leske, D. M., MacLeod, R., Mompelat, D., Tafforeau, L., Lotteau, V., Maréchal, V., Baillie, G. S., Gruffat, H., Wilson, J. B., & Manet, E. (13 March 2017). Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen 1 interacts with Regulator of Chromosome Condensation 1 dynamically throughout the cell cycle. "Journal of General Virology, 98" (2), 251-265. doi:10.1099/jgv.0.000681
Bonneel, M., Hennebert, E., Demeuldre, M., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (26 September 2017). "Identification, caractérisation et production des protéines adhésives des tubes de Cuvier de l'holothurie Holothuria forskali". Paper presented at CIBIM (Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine), Louvain-la-Neuve , Unknown/unspecified.
De Grève, Z., Lecron, F., Vallée, F., & Venkateswaran, A. (12 June 2017). "Data Analytics in Smart Grids (Tutorial)". Paper presented at 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Hennebert, E., & Flammang, P. (07 March 2017). "Deciphering adhesion mechanisms in sea stars to produce new biomimetic adhesives". Paper presented at First General Action Meeting COST ACTION CA 15216 : European Network of Bioadhesion Expertise (ENBA), Vienna, Austria.
Cyriaque, V., Jacquiod, S., Riber, L., Abu Al-Soud, W., Gillan, D., Sørensen, S. J., & Wattiez, R. (07 September 2017). "Adaptive strategies of sediment microbiomes towards long-term anthropogenic metal pollution: An integrative molecular approach". Poster session presented at 2nd international MRM conference, Ghent, Belgium.
Bonneel, M., Hennebert, E., Demeuldre, M., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (06 March 2017). "Adhesion of sea cucumber Cuvierian tubules: Identification and characterization of adhesive proteins". Poster session presented at First General Action Meeting COST ACTION CA 15216 : European Network of Bioadhesion Expertise (ENBA), Vienna, Austria.
Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Leclère, P., & Hennebert, E. (06 March 2017). "Production and testing of recombinant sea star adhesive proteins". Poster session presented at First General Action Meeting COST ACTION CA 15216 : European Network of Bioadhesion Expertise (ENBA), Vienna, Austria.
Lamotte, L.-A., & Tafforeau, L. (2017). "Caractérisation fonctionnelle de protéines liées à des cancers dans la biogenèse du ribosome chez l'Homme". Unpublished master thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: .
Algrain, M., & Tafforeau, L. (2017). "Etude de la biogenèse du ribosome dans les cellules infectées par le virus Influenza A".
Lamotte, L.-A., Prouin, C., & Tafforeau, L. (2017). "Sélection et amélioration de la chicorée industrielle".
Tafforeau, L. (2017). "Intervention à la radio Vivacité sur la synthèse d'un burger végétal au goût de viande".
Becker, P., Hennebert, E., & Flammang, P. (2016). Biomimetics of marine adhesives. In "Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, Second edition" (pp. 346-359). Springer.
Flammang, P., Demeuldre, M., Hennebert, E., & Santos, R. (2016). Adhesive secretions in echinoderms : a review. In "Biological Adhesives (Second Edition)" (pp. 193-222). Springer.
Letot, C., Soleimanmeigouni, I., Ahmadi, A., & Dehombreux, P. (19 October 2016). An adaptive opportunistic maintenance model based on railway track condition prediction. "IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 49" (28), 120-125. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.11.021
Bar, D. Z., Charar, C., Dorfman, J., Yadid, T., Tafforeau, L., Lafontaine, D., & Gruenbaum, Y. (09 August 2016). Cell size and fat content of dietary-restricted Caenorhabditis elegans are regulated by ATX-2, an mTOR repressor. "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113" (32), 4620-9.
Yoo, H. Y., Iordachescu, M., Huang, J., Hennebert, E., Kim, S., Rho, S., Foo, M., Flammang, P., Zeng, H., Hwang, D., Waite, H., & Hwang, D. S. (16 June 2016). Sugary interfaces mitigate contact damage where stiff meets soft. "Nature Communications, 7" (11923). doi:10.1038/ncomms11923
Lengerer, B., Hennebert, E., Flammang, P., Salvenmoser, W., & Ladurner, P. (02 June 2016). Adhesive organ regeneration in Macrostomum liguano. "BMC Developmental Biology, 16" (20). doi:10.1186/s12861-016-0121-1
Hennebert, E., & Flammang, P. (28 November 2016). "DECIPHERING ADHESION MECHANISMS IN SEA STARS TO PRODUCE NEW BIOMIMETIC ADHESIVES". Paper presented at Biological and bio-inspired adhesion meeting, Research Institute for Biosciences (UMONS), Mons, Belgium.
Bonneel, M., Hennebert, E., Demeuldre, M., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (28 November 2016). "Identification and characterization of adhesive proteins from the Cuvierian tubules of the sea cucumber Holothuria forskali". Paper presented at Biological and bio-inspired adhesion meeting, Research Institute for Biosciences (UMONS), Mons, Belgium.
Triantafyllou, A., Berger, J., Baele, J.-M., Diot, H., Ennih, N., Monnier, C., & Vandycke, S. (28 January 2016). "Neoproterozoic oceanic arc complexes in the Moroccan Anti-Atlas: tracking its genesis, accretion and collision" [Paper presentation]. 5th International Geologica Belgica Meeting, Jan 26-29, University of Mons, Belgium.
Bonneel, M., Hennebert, E., Demeuldre, M., Wattiez, R., & Flammang, P. (27 September 2016). "Is Tensilin involved in the adhesion of sea cucumber Cuvierian tubules?" Poster session presented at Beilstein Nanotechnology Symposium 'Biological and Bioinspired adhesion : from macro- to nanoscale', Potsdam, Germany.
Bonneel, M. (2016). "Caractérisation de la tensiline, un facteur de rigidification du tissu collagénique mutable de la paroi corporelle et des tubes de Cuvier du concombre de mer Holothuria forskali". Unpublished master thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Flammang, P. (Promotor), ... Hennebert, E. (Promotor).
Hennebert, E., & Tafforeau, L. (2016). "Syllabus de travaux pratiques de biologie cellulaire".
Hennebert, E., & Tafforeau, L. (2016). "Syllabus de travaux pratiques de Biologie moléculaire".
Roy, F., & Mancas, M. (2016). Adrexo se lance dans l'oculométrie prédictive. "CBNews".
Tafforeau, L. (07 July 2015). Qu'en est-il de la biogenèse des ribosomes chez l'homme ? : About the ribosomal biogenesis in human. "MS. Medecine Sciences, 31" (6-7), 622-628. doi:10.1051/medsci/20153106015
ODENT, J., Raquez, J. M., Leclère, P., Lauro, F., & Dubois, P. (2015). Crystallization-induced toughness of rubber-modified polylactide : combined effects of biodegradable impact modifier and effective nucleating agent. "Polymers for Advanced Technologies".
Ernst, F. G., Tafforeau, L., Griselin, A., Marchand, V., Motorin, Y., & Lafontaine, D. L. (19 August 2015). "The involvement of two intersubunit ribosomal RNA base modifications in the differential translation of stress-response transcripts". Paper presented at 10th International conference on Ribosome Synthesis.
Cabrera, J., Falcon, A., Costales, D., Napoles, M. C., González-Peña, D., Morales, D., Diosdado, E., González, L., Viteri, G., Cabrera, G., De Winter, J., Gerbaux, P., Tanghe, A., Wégria, G., Onderwater, R., & Wattiez, R. (03 June 2015). "BIOACTIVE DERIVED FROM BIOMASS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PLANT BIOSTIMULANTS". Paper presented at 11th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, York, United Kingdom.
Delhermite, J., Tafforeau, L., Bellefroid, E., & Lafontaine, D. (19 August 2015). "Implication of ribosome assembly factors in Xenopus laevis development". Poster session presented at 10th EMBO Conference on Ribosome Synthesis, Brussels, Belgium.
Hennebert, E., & Tafforeau, L. (2015). "Travaux pratiques de Biologie Cellulaire".
Tafforeau, L. (2015). "Embryologie animale comparée et causale".
Tafforeau, L. (2015). "Biologie Cellulaire".
Tafforeau, L. (March 2015). "La biogenèse du ribosome, rôle des modifications des ARN ribosomiques". Paper presented at Seminar given at UMONS.
Bazot, Q., Deschamps, T., Tafforeau, L., Siouda, M., Leblanc, P., Harth-Hertle, M. L., Rabourdin-Combe, C., Lotteau, V., Kempkes, B., Tommasino, M., Gruffat, H., & Manet, E. (01 September 2014). Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 3A protein regulates CDKN2B transcription via interaction with MIZ-1. "Nucleic Acids Research, 42" (15), 9700-9716. doi:10.1093/nar/gku697
Leroy, B., & Wattiez, R. (2014). "Test reports and as run annotated test procedures of the R. rubrum SH1 prototypic metabolic protein chip.: TECHNICAL NOTE TN102.3.4".
Laurent, S., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (2013). Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for MRI. In "The chemistry of contrast agents in medical magnetic resonance imaging Editors : Lothar Helm, Eva Toth". John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Lazouni, M. A., Daho, M. E. H., Settouti, N., Chikh, M. A., & Mahmoudi, S. (01 December 2013). Machine Learning Tool for Automatic ASA Detection. "Studies in Computational Intelligence, SCI 488", 9-16.
Tafforeau, L.* , Zorbas, C.* , Langhendries, J.-L., Mullineux, S.-T., Stamatopoulou, V., Mullier, R., Wacheul, L., & Lafontaine, D. (22 August 2013). The complexity of human ribosome biogenesis revealed by systematic nucleolar screening of pre-rRNA processing factors. "Molecular Cell, 51" (4), 539-551. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2013.08.011
de Chassey, B., Aublin-gex, A., Ruggieri, A., Meyniel-Schlicklin, L., Pradezynski, F., Davoust, N., Chantier, T., Tafforeau, L., Mangeot, P. E., Ciancia, C., Perrin-cocon, L., Bartenschlager, R., André, P., & Lotteau, V. (11 July 2013). The Interactomes of Influenza Virus NS1 and NS2 Proteins Identify New Host Factors and Provide Insights for ADAR1 Playing a Supportive Role in Virus Replication. "PLoS Pathogens, 9" (7). doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1003440
Buisseret, F., Mathieu, V., & Semay, C. (27 July 2013). (2+1)-d glueball spectrum within a constituent picture. "European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields, 73". doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2504-9
Delsaut, M., & Van gysel, B. (2013). "Supports de cours pour l'AA "Communication écrite - Partie B" : discours à résumer, conseils méthodologiques et correctifs".
Duroisin, N., & Demeuse, M. (2013). 'Dès 8 ans, les élèves parviennent à localiser de grandes villes de Belgique'. "Presse quotidienne".
Neveu, G., Cassonnet, P., Vidalain, P.-O., Rolloy, C., Mendoza, J., Jones, L. M., Tangy, F., Muller, M., Demeret, C., Tafforeau, L., Lotteau, V., Rabourdin-Combe, C., Travé, G., Dricot, A., Hill, D. E., Vidal, M., Favre, M., & Jacob, Y. (08 December 2012). Comparative analysis of virus-host interactomes with a mammalian high-throughput protein complementation assay based on Gaussia princeps luciferase. "Methods, 58" (4), 349-359. doi:10.1016/j.ymeth.2012.07.029
Juillard, F., Bazot, Q., Mure, F., Tafforeau, L., Macri, C., Rabourdin-Combe, C., Lotteau, V., Manet, E., & Gruffat, H. (01 April 2012). Epstein-Barr virus protein EB2 stimulates cytoplasmic mRNA accumulation by counteracting the deleterious effects of SRp20 on viral mRNAs. "Nucleic Acids Research, 40" (14), 6834-6849. doi:10.1093/nar/gks319
Bourai, M., Lucas-Hourani, M., Gad, H. H., Drosten, C., Jacob, Y., Tafforeau, L., Cassonnet, P., Jones, L. M., Judith, D., Couderc, T., Lecuit, M., André, P., Kummerer, B. M., Lotteau, V., Desprès, P., Tangy, F., & Vidalain, P.-O. (01 March 2012). Mapping of Chikungunya Virus Interactions with Host Proteins Identified nsP2 as a Higly Connected Viral Component. "Journal of Virology, 86" (6), 3121-3134. doi:10.1128/jvi.06390-11
Tafforeau, L., Rabourdin-Combe, C., & Lotteau, V. (2012). Virus-human cell interactomes. "Methods in Molecular Biology". doi:10.1007/978-1-61779-455-1_6
Zorbas, C., Tafforeau, L., Langhendries, J.-L., Mullineux, S.-T., Stamatopoulou, V., Mullier, R., & Lafontaine, D. (23 August 2012). "Probing the human nucleolar proteome for novel pre-rRNA processing factors". Paper presented at 9th International Conference on ribosome synthesis, Banff, Canada.
Lotteau, V., de Chassey, B., André, P., Rabourdin-Combe, C., Tafforeau, L., Chantier, T., & Aublin-gex, A. (11 May 2012). "METHODS FOR SCREENING SUBSTANCES CAPABLE OF MODULATING THE REPLICATION OF AN INFLUENZA VIRUS".
Tafforeau, L., Chantier, T., Pradezynski, F., Pellet, J., Mangeot, P. E., Vidalain, P.-O., André, P., Rabourdin-Combe, C., & Lotteau, V. (01 December 2011). Generation and comprehensive analysis of an influenza virus polymerase cellular interaction network. "Journal of Virology, 85" (24), 13010-13018. doi:10.1128/jvi.02651-10
Schweicher, G., Paquay, N., Amato, C., Resel, R., Koini, M., Talvy, S., Cornil, J., Lemaur, V., Geerts, Y., & Gbabode, G. (27 June 2011). Toward Single Crystal Thin Films of Terthiophene by Directional Crystallization Using a Thermal Gradient. "Crystal Growth and Design, 11", 3663-3672.
Pellet, J.* , Tafforeau, L.* , Lucas-Hourani, M.* , Navratil, V., Meyniel, L., Achaz, G., Guironnet-Paquet, A., Aublin-gex, A., Caignard, G., Cassonnet, P., Chaboud, A., Chantier, T., Deloire, A., Demeret, C., Le Breton, M., Neveu, G., Jacotot, L., Vaglio, P., Delmotte, S., & Vidalain, P.-O. (01 January 2010). ViralORFeome: an integrated database to generate a versatile collection of viral ORFs. "Nucleic Acids Research, 38", 371-D378. doi:10.1093/nar/gkp1000
Juillard, F., Bazot, Q., Mure, F., Tafforeau, L., Rabourdin-Combe, C., Lotteau, V., Manet, E., & Gruffat, H. (04 September 2010). "EB2, the EBV viral mRNA export protein interacts with SRP20, a factor implicated in cellular mRNA splicing and export". Paper presented at 14th Biennal Conference of the International Association for Research on Epstein-Barr Virus & Associated Diseases, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Bazot, Q., Tafforeau, L., Rabourdin-Combe, C., Lotteau, V., Gruffat, H., & Manet, E. (04 September 2010). "EBNA3A represses CDKN2A and CDKN2B expression through interaction with MIZ-1". Paper presented at 14th Biennal Conference of the International Association for Research on Epstein-Barr Virus & Associated Diseases, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Martin, T., & Kaufmann, O. (2010). "Rapport de synthèse de la prospection géophysique en vue de rechercher un ancien puits de mine (Réf. RW : 0350475) à Montigny-le-Tilleul : Phase 1 : Radar géologique (GPR)".
Pellet, J., Meyniel, L., Vidalain, P.-O., de Chassey, B., Tafforeau, L., Lotteau, V., Rabourdin-Combe, C., & Navratil, V. (29 October 2009). pISTil: a pipeline for yeast two-hybrid Interaction Sequence Tags identification and analysis. "BMC Research Notes, 2". doi:10.1186/1756-0500-2-220
Ansseau, E., Laoudj-Chenivesse, D., Marcowycz, A., Tassin, A., Vanderplanck, C., Sauvage, S., Barro, M., Mahieu, I., Leroy, A., Leclercq, I., Mainfroid, V., Figlewicz, D., Mouly, V., Butler-Browne, G., Belayew, A., & Coppée, F. (01 October 2009). DUX4c Is Up-Regulated in FSHD. It Induces the MYF5 Protein and Human Myoblast Proliferation. "PLoS ONE, 4" (10), 7482. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007482
Martin, T., Yans, J., Dupuis, C., Spagna, P., & Kaufmann, O. (17 March 2009). "3d modelling of the paleozoic top surface in the bernissart area and integration of data from boreholes drilled in the 'cran aux iguanodons'". Poster session presented at Matinée des chercheurs (MdC'2009), Mons, Belgium.
Tafforeau, L. (November 2009). "Introduction à la Biologie des Systèmes, études des interactions entre protéines virales et cellulaires". Paper presented at Seminar given during a practical course "interactions protéines-acides nucléiques", D. Lafontaine, 1st Master degree BBMC, ULB.
Tafforeau, L. (01 September 2009). "Characterization of the influenza polymerase cellular interactants". Paper presented at 4th FluPol Meeting (6th European framework), London, United Kingdom.
Tafforeau, L. (02 February 2009). "Identification of Influenza polymerase subunits host-cell interacting partners, advancement". Paper presented at 3d FluPol meeting (6th European framework), Barcelona, Spain.
Feldheim, V. (26 October 2009). "L'énergie solaire thermique et photovoltaïque en Belgique - regain d'intérêt pour les énergies renouvelables". Paper presented at 2ème colloque international sur les énergies renouvelables et l'efficacité énergétique, Oujda, Morocco.
de Chassey, B.* , Navratil, V.* , Tafforeau, L.* , Hiet, M.-S., Aublin-gex, A., Agaugué, S., Meiffren, G., Pradezynski, F., Faria, B. F., Chantier, T., Le Breton, M., Pellet, J., Davoust, N., Mangeot, P. E., Chaboud, A., Penin, F., Jacob, Y., Vidalain, P.-O., Vidal, M., & Lotteau, V. (04 November 2008). Hepatitis C virus infection protein network. "Molecular Systems Biology, 4". doi:10.1038/msb.2008.66
Tafforeau, L., de Chassey, B., Navratil, V., André, P., Rabourdin-Combe, C., & Lotteau, V. (16 June 2008). "Hepatitis C virus infection network". Paper presented at 6th international conference on pathways, networks and systems medicine, Chania, Greece.
Tafforeau, L., de Chassey, B., Navratil, V., André, P., Rabourdin-Combe, C., & Lotteau, V. (27 March 2008). "Cartographie et analyse globale des interactions entre les protéines du virus de l'hépatite C et les protéines cellulaires". Paper presented at Xèmes journées francophones de virologie, Paris, France.
de Chassey, B.* , Navratil, V.* , Tafforeau, L.* , André, P., Rabourdin-Combe, C., & Lotteau, V. (06 August 2008). Hepatitis C virus infection protein network. "International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 12", 175. doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2008.05.437
Tafforeau, L. (October 2008). "Cartographie et analyse globale des interactions entre protéines virales et cellulaires". Paper presented at Seminar given during the course "relations hôtes-pathogènes", Prof. J.J. Letesson, 1st Master BBMC, UNamur.
Tafforeau, L. (05 September 2008). "Identification of Influenza polymerase subunits host-cell interacting partners". Paper presented at 2d FluPol meeting (6th European framework), Madrid, Spain.
Guiguen, A., Soutourina, J., Dewez, M., Tafforeau, L., Dieu, M., Raes, M., Vandenhaute, J., Werner, M., & Hermand, D. (01 March 2007). Recruitment of P-TEFb (Cdk9-Pch1) to chromatin by the cap-methyl transferase Pcm1 in fission yeast. "EMBO Journal, 26" (6), 1552-1559. doi:10.1038/sj.emboj.7601627
Tafforeau, L. (November 2007). "Cartographie et analyse globale des interactions entre les protéines du virus de l’hépatite C et les protéines humaines". Paper presented at Seminar given at URBM, UNamur (invited by Prof. J. Vandenhaute).
Tafforeau, L. (09 October 2007). "Viral interactomes : progress, problems and solutions for Influenza". Paper presented at 1st FluPol meeting (6th European Framework), Marburg, Germany.
Tafforeau, L., Le Blastier, S., Bamps, S., Dewez, M., Vandenhaute, J., & Hermand, D. (01 October 2006). Repression of ergosterol level during oxidative stress by fission yeast F-box protein Pof14 independently of SCF. "EMBO Journal, 25" (19), 4547-4556. doi:10.1038/sj.emboj.7601329
Pietka, A., Rosier, C., Stanicki, D., Wattiez, R., & Vanden Eynde, J.-J. (01 December 2006). "Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Novel Bisbenzimidazoles Mimicking Pentamidine". Poster session presented at 26th Interdisciplinary Meeting on Anti-infectious Chemotherapy, Paris, France.
Hentges, P., Van driessche, B., Tafforeau, L., Vandenhaute, J., & Carr, A. M. (01 October 2005). Three novel antibiotic marker cassettes for gene disruption and marker switching in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. "Yeast, 22" (13), 1013-1019. doi:10.1002/yea.1291
Van driessche, B.* , Tafforeau, L.* , Hentges, P., Carr, A. M., & Vandenhaute, J. (01 October 2005). Additional vectors for PCR-based gene tagging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe using nourseothricin resistance. "Yeast, 22" (13), 1061-1068. doi:10.1002/yea.1293
Tafforeau, L. (2005). "Approche génétique et biochimique du rôle des protéines à F-box chez Schizosaccharomyces pombe". Unpublished doctoral thesis, UNamur - Université de Namur, fr. Jury: Vandenhaute, J. (Promotor).
Bamps, S.* , Westerling, T.* , Pihlak, A., Tafforeau, L., Vandenhaute, J., Makela, T. T. P., & Hermand, D. (24 December 2004). Mcs2 and a novel CAK subunit Pmh1 associate with Skp1 in fission yeast. "Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 325" (4), 1424-1432. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2004.10.190
Hermand, D.* , Bamps, S.* , Tafforeau, L., Vandenhaute, J., & Makela, T. T. P. (14 March 2003). Skp1 and the F-box protein Pof6 are essential for cell separation in fission yeast. "Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278", 9671-9677. doi:10.1074/jbc.m211358200
Tafforeau, L., Bamps, S., Hermand, D., & Vandenhaute, J. (07 April 2003). "Pof14, une protéine à F-box impliquée dans un SCF ?" Paper presented at Levure, modèle et outil (VI), Genève, Switzerland.
Bamps, S., Hermand, D., Tafforeau, L., Makela, T. T. P., & Vandenhaute, J. (01 August 2002). Regulation of the Mcs2 C-type cyclin in fission yeast. "Yeast, 19", 282.
Feldheim, V., & Lybaert, P. (2002). "Solution of radiative heat transfer problem with the discrete transfer method applied to triangular meshes". Paper presented at ACOMEN 2002 'Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering', Liège, Belgium.
Tafforeau, L. (09 September 2002). "Function of the new SCF-Pof14". Paper presented at NORFA (Nordic Academy for Advanced Studies) meeting, Helsinki, Finland.
Kaufmann, O. (2001). "An application of cone penetration tests and combined array 2D electrical resistivity tomography to delineate cover-collapse sinkhole prone areas". Paper presented at 8th Multidiscipliinary Conference on sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karsts, Lousville, United States.
De Geyter, C., Wattiez, R., Sansonetti, P., Falmagne, P., Ruysschaert, J.-M., Parsot, C., & Cabiaux, V. (2000). Characterization of the interaction of IpaB and IpaD, proteins required for entry of Shigella flexneri into epithelial cells, with a lipid membrane. "European Journal of Biochemistry".
Coheur, P.-F., Cornil, J., Dos Santos, D. A., Birkett, P. R., Lievin, J., Brédas, J.-L., Walton, D. R. M., Taylor, R., Kroto, H. W., & Colin, R. (11 February 2000). Photophysical Properties of Hexa-functionalized C60 Derivatives: Spectroscopic and Quantum-chemical Investigations. "Journal of Chemical Physics, 112", 8555-8566.
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