Véronique Bruyère



De Vinci Building (second floor)
University of Mons
Avenue Maistriau 15, B-7000 Mons, Belgium





I am a full professor at the Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Mons (Belgium). I am responsable for the Theoretical Computer Science Lab.


Research topics

  • Game theory and reactive synthesis/verification
  • Active learning of automata with ressources


  • PC member: MFCS’23, ICALP’23, FoSSaCS’23, Highlights’22, CONCUR’21, LICS’21, FoSSaCS’21, AutoMathA’20, Highlights’19, MoRe’19, SR’19, FSTTCS’19, MFCS’19, MoRe’18, Highlights’18, SR’18, CSL’18, STACS’18, FCT’17, CSR’17, MOVEP’16, AutoMathA’15
  • Co-organizer: Workshop – Theory and Algorithms in Graph and Stochastic Games 2019 (Belgium), Highlights’16 (Belgium)
  • Invited speaker: ACTS’23 (France), Workshop on Stochastic Games: theory and computational aspects 2022 (USA), CIE’22 (UK), CIE’20 (Italy), UMI/Relax Workshop on Games 2020 (India), Journées Nationales 2019 du GDR IM (France), GANDALF’18 (Germany), DLT’17 (Belgium), Colloque en l’honneur de Marcel-Paul Schützenberger 2017 (France), QuantLA school 2016 (Germany)
  • Editorial board: JALC