Voir les publications sur le dépôt de l’UMONS Télécharger la liste ci-après au format PDF
Delmotte, P., Lecron, F., Lefebvre, L., & Ris, L. (21 May 2024). "Vers un dépistage précoce de la maladie d'Alzheimer" [Paper presentation]. 10e Journée scientifique du Pôle Hainuyer, Mons, Belgium.
Schuller, J., Cavenaile, J.-C., & Briganti, G. (October 2023). Somatic Management of Psychiatric Patients in the Emergency Department. "Psychiatria Danubina, 35" (Suppl 2), 341 - 346.
Bosserez, N., Hanak, C., & Briganti, G. (October 2023). Narrating: from Evolutionary to Clinical Advantages. "Psychiatria Danubina, 35" (Suppl 2), 8 - 14.
Briganti, G. (October 2023). Neuropsychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology of Dementia: a Guide to Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Management. "Psychiatria Danubina, 35" (Suppl 2), 230 - 235.
Briganti, G. (October 2023). Artificial Intelligence in Psychiatry. "Psychiatria Danubina, 35" (Suppl 2), 15 - 19.
Till, A. C., & Briganti, G. (October 2023). AI in Child Psychiatry: Exploring Future Tools for the Detection and Management of Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents. "Psychiatria Danubina, 35" (Suppl 2), 20 - 25.
Trovao de Sa, P., & Briganti, G. (October 2023). Empathy and Psychopathy Traits in University Students in Belgium: a Network Approach. "Psychiatria Danubina, 35" (Suppl 2), 353 - 358.
Pizzolla, I., Aro, R., Duez, P., De Lièvre, B., & Briganti, G. (10 August 2023). Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Medical Education: Lessons Learned From a Belgian Initiative. "Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 34" (2), 401-424.
Fourre, A., Vanderstraeten, R., Ris, L., Bastiaens, H., Michielsen, J., Demoulin, C., Darlow, B., & Roussel, N. (23 April 2023). Management of Low Back Pain: Do Physiotherapists Know the Evidence-Based Guidelines? "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20" (9), 5611. doi:10.3390/ijerph20095611
Briganti, G. (2023). Artificial intelligence: An introduction for clinicians. "Revue des Maladies Respiratoires, 40" (4), 308 - 313. doi:10.1016/j.rmr.2023.02.005
Ternad, I., Penninckx, S., Lecomte, V., Vangijzegem, T., Conrard, L., Lucas, S., A.-C. Heuskin, Michiels, C., Muller, R., Stanicki, D., & Laurent, S. (2023). Advances in the Mechanistic Understanding of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles’ Radiosensitizing Properties. "Nanomaterials".
Roland, A., Colomb, C., Noël, S., Putilov, A., Oginska, H., Delwiche, B., Benkirane, O., Windal, M., Vanlaer, N., Briganti, G., Carrasquer-Ferrer, J., Riahi, B., Konreich, C., Neu, D., Newell, J., Vermylen, O., Peigneux, P., Pattyn, N., Verbraecken, J., ... Mairesse, O. (2023). Prevalence of Insomnia and Sleep Habits during the First and Second Wave of COVID-19 in Belgium. "Psychologica Belgica, 63" (1), 18 - 29. doi:10.5334/pb.1160
Boitsios, G., Briganti, G., Mokhtari, A., De Lucia, F., Aparisi Gómez, M. P., & Simoni, P. (2023). Online software Boneureka assessing bone age based on metacarpal length in healthy children: proof-of-concept study. "Pediatric Radiology, 53" (6), 1100 - 1107. doi:10.1007/s00247-023-05595-9
Andre, S., Verteneuil, S., Ris, L., Kahvecioglu, Z. C., Nonclercq, D., De winter, J., Vander elst, L., Laurent, S., Muller, R., & Burtea, C. (29 December 2023). Modulation of Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 as a Potential Therapeutic Strategy for Alzheimer’s Disease. "Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports, 7" (1), 1395-1426. doi:10.3233/adr-230075
BRIGANTI, G. (2023). How ChatGPT works: a mini review. "European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology". doi:10.1007/s00405-023-08337-7
Borzooei, S., Briganti, G., Golparian, M., Lechien, J. R., & Tarokhian, A. (2023). Machine learning for risk stratification of thyroid cancer patients: a 15-year cohort study. "European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology". doi:10.1007/s00405-023-08299-w
Musa Obadia, P., Pyana Kitenge, J., Carsi Kuhangana, T., Kalenga Ilunga, G., Billen, J., Kayembe-Kitenge, T., Haufroid, V., Mukalay Wa Mukalay, A., Ris, L., Banza Lubaba Nkulu, C., Nemery, B., & Enzlin, P. (October 2023). Erectile dysfunction in copper and cobalt miners: a cross-sectional study in the former Katanga province, Democratic Republic of the Congo. "Sexual Medicine, 11" (5), 052. doi:10.1093/sexmed/qfad052
Cheron, G., Ris, L., & Cebolla, A. M. (2023). Nucleus incertus provides eye velocity and position signals to the vestibulo-ocular cerebellum: a new perspective of the brainstem-cerebellum-hippocampus network. "Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 17", 1180627. doi:10.3389/fnsys.2023.1180627
Coulembier, O. (22 May 2023). "The Organocatalysis: An Efficient Tool in Ring-Opening Polymerization - Valuable Interests of DBU & TBD Superbases". Paper presented at 3rd Edition of International Conference on Green Chemistry and Renewable Energy, Tokyo, Japan.
Boumazguida, K., Temperman, G., & De Lièvre, B. (2023). "Design pédagogique et scénarisation d’un dispositif de formation à distance dans le cadre du certificat en sciences de la mariculture". Paper presented at Séminaire d’accompagnement techno-pédagogique à Tuléar dans le cadre de la création d’un certificat en sciences de la mariculture (ARES), Tuléar, Madagascar.
Vu thanh, O., & Gillis, N. (2023). Identifiability of Polytopic Matrix Factorization. "European Signal Processing Conference".
Bridoux, S. (21 April 2023). "La transition secondaire-supérieur: où en est-on en 2023?" Paper presented at Séminaire du Centre de Recherche sur l'Enseignement des Mathématiques, Nivelles, Belgium.
De leener, M., Ris, L., Lefebvre, L., & Colomar, A. (26 May 2023). "A study of prebiotic fiber intake in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: an assessment of core symptoms severity and social responsiveness" [Poster presentation]. BAPS Annual Meeting 2023, Mons, Belgium.
Uslu, F., Bodart, A., Lefebvre, L., & Colomar, A. (26 May 2023). "Is there a link between omega-3 intake and social interaction deficits in children with autism spectrum disorders?" [Poster presentation]. BAPS Annual Meeting 2023, Mons, Belgium.
Vandenbulke, A. (2022). Aspects généraux de droits intellectuels et application spécifique : les NFT artistiques face au droit d’auteur. In A. Vandenbulke, "Les aspects juridiques de la blockchain et de ses applications" (pp. 67-85). Limal, Belgium: Anthemis.
Aro, R., NACHTERGAEL, A., Ris, L., Manto, M., & Duez, P. (2022). Essential tremor: a three-dimensional neurosphere in vitro model to assess the neurotoxicity of harmane. "Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences". doi:10.1016/j.jtcms.2022.12.002
Shivarama Shetty, M., Ris, L., Schindler, R. F. R., Mizuno, K., Fedele, L., Giese, K. P., Brand, T., & Abel, T. (03 August 2022). Mice lacking the cAMP effector protein POPDC1 show enhanced hippocampal synaptic plasticity. "Cerebral Cortex, 32" (16), 3457-71. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhab426
Latragna, A.* , Sabaté San José, A.* , Tsimpos, P., Vermeiren, S., Gualdani, R., Chakrabarti, S., Callejo, G., Desiderio, S., Shomroni, O., Sitte, M., Kricha, S., Luypaert, M., Vanhollebeke, B., Laumet, G., Salinas, G., St John Smith, E., Ris, L.* , & Bellefroid, E.*. (01 August 2022). Prdm12 modulates pain-related behavior by remodeling gene expression in mature nociceptors. "Pain, 163" (8), 927-e941. doi:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002536
Fourre, A., Fierens, A., Michielsen, J., Ris, L., Dierick, F., & Roussel, N. (01 April 2022). An interactive e-learning module to promote bio-psycho-social management of low back pain in healthcare professionals: a pilot study. "JOURNAL OF MANUAL & MANIPULATIVE THERAPY, 30" (2), 105-115. doi:10.1080/10669817.2021.1988397
Cheron, G., Ristori, D., Marquez-Ruiz, J., Cebolla, A. M., & Ris, L. (09 February 2022). Electrophysiological alterations of the Purkinje cells and deep cerebellar neurons in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease. "European Journal of Neuroscience, Feb 9".
Verbruggen, L., Ates, G., Lara, O., De Munck, J., Villers, A., De Pauw, L., Ottestad-Hansen, S., Kobayashi, S., Beckers, P., Janssen, P., Sato, H., Zhou, Y., Hermans, E., Njemini, R., Arckens, L., Danbolt, N. C., De Bundel, D., Aerts, J., Barbé, K., ... Massie, A. (01 February 2022). Lifespan extension with preservation of hippocampal function in aged system xc- deficient male mice. "Molecular Psychiatry, Feb18".
Dauvin, C., Mabrouk, A., Cavenaile, J.-C., Briganti, G., & Préseau, T. (2022). Upper limb traumatic pain. Methoxyflurane versus standard treatment: a prospective study. "Revue Médicale de Bruxelles, 43" (5), 481 - 487. doi:10.30637/2022.21-075
Mahmoudi, S. (19 October 2022). "CLEO : Computer-aided Low-dose Estimation of Osteoarticular Diseases". Paper presented at Industry meets Universities BIR&D, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Patris, S., Bamps, J., Hordies, M., Mbolo Ebubu, E. R., & Vanpee, D. (18 May 2022). "Learning Lab : un exemple d’application interprofessionnelle". Paper presented at Journée des enseignants, Mons, Belgium.
Delpierre, A., Deroux, C., Ris, L., Decleves, A.-E., Legrand, A., Villers, A., & Tassin, A. (12 September 2022). "Focus on the endocrine function of skeletal muscle: study of muscle-to-brain communication under voluntary and forced exercise applied in the context of obesity in mice". Poster session presented at 7th International scientific congress "Myology 2022", Nice, France.
Tchéoubi, E. S. R., Akpovi, C. D., Coppée, F., Tassin, A., Decleves, A.-E., Fiogbé, S. E., Sègbo, G. J., Laurent, S., & Burtea, C. (11 September 2022). "PCSK9 variants affect differently the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus development. Potential impact on the therapy with PCSK9 inhibitors". Poster session presented at 12th International Symposium on Drug Analysis & 32nd International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis.
Vicenzutto, A., Tiberi, L., Nouar, Y., & Pham Hoang, T. (06 September 2022). "Evaluation des fonctions intellectuelles de patients médico-légaux : Version abrégée de la WAIS-IV". Poster session presented at 11ème Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC), Mons, Belgium.
Braeckeveldt, B., & Maes, B. (2022). "Thermal radiation in asymmetrically driven coupled non-linear Kerr photonic cavities". Poster session presented at Belgian Photonics Online Meetup 2022.
Proces, A., Yerandy Alpizar Aguiar, Brône, B., Saudou, F., Gabriele, S., & Ris, L. (12 November 2022). "Phagocytosis and synaptic pruning are enhanced in mechanically activated glial cells" [Poster presentation]. Neuroscience 2022, San Diego, United States - California.
Merenda, T., & Patris, S. (06 September 2022). "Soins pharmaceutiques à destination des patients déficients visuels : étude des besoins des pharmaciens d'officine et de leur expérience professionnelle" [Poster presentation]. Mardi Des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
Bourgaux, A.-E., Reuchamps, M., & Bottin, J. (2022). "Rencontres annuelles de la participation (première édition)".
Soresen, G., Rickhag, M., Leo, D., Lycas, M., Herrstedt Ridderstrøm, P., Weikop, P., Lilja, J., Rifes, P., Herborg, F., Woldbye, D., Wörtwein, G., Gainetdinov, R., Fink-Jensen, A., & Gether, U. (2021). Disruption of the PDZ domain-binding motif of the dopamine transporter uniquely alters nanoscale distribution, dopamine homeostasis, and reward motivation. "Journal of Biological Chemistry".
Bealem, A., Sakava, P., Favier, L., Hauchard, D., Guegan, J.-P., Noel, N. J., Talla, E., Henoumont, C., Laurent, S., Atchade, D. T. A., & Mbafor Tanyi, J. (2021). Chemical Constituents of Crossopteryx febrifuga (Afzel ex G. Don) Benth (Rubiaceae), their Phytotoxicity and Antioxidant Activities. "Natural Products Chemistry and Research".
Lantoine, J., Proces, A., Villers, A., Halliez, S., Buée, L., Ris, L., & Gabriele, S. (2021). Inflammatory Molecules Released by Mechanically Injured Astrocytes Trigger Presynaptic Loss in Cortical Neuronal Networks. "ACS Chemical Neurosciences". doi:10.1021/acschemneuro.1c00488f
Bentea, E., Villers, A., Moore, C., Funk, A. J., O'Donovan, S. M., Verbruggen, L., Lara, O., Janssen, P., De Pauw, L., Declerck, N. B., DePasquale, E. A., Churchill, M. J., Sato, H., Hermans, E., Arckens, L., Meshul, C. K., Ris, L., McCullumsmith, R. E., & Massie, A. (26 September 2021). Corticostriatal dysfunction and social interaction deficits in mice lacking the cystine/glutamate antiporter. "Molecular Psychiatry, Sep 26" (9), 1-16. doi:10.1038/s41380-020-0751-3
Margineanu, D. G. (01 August 2021). Drug Resistance in Epilepsy: Which Prospect to Tame its Stubbornness. "Medical Research Archives, 9" (8), 1-20.
illiano, P., Leo, D., & Pardo, M. (2021). Early Adolescence Prefrontal Cortex Alterations in Female Rats Lacking Dopamine Transporter. "Biomedicines".
Florquin, R., Till, A., Briganti, G., & van der Linden, P. (2021). The violation of the recommendations: prst cause of methemoglobinemia induced by prilocaine. A systematic review of the literature. "Revue Médicale de Bruxelles, 42" (3), 174 - 181. doi:10.30637/2021.20-050
Kalinda Zula, J., & Briganti, G. (2021). Adoption of new guidelines for the management of acute heart failure in the emergency department: An assessment on the quality of practice. "International Journal of Healthcare Management, 14" (4), 1333 - 1336. doi:10.1080/20479700.2020.1758895
Cotin, G., Blanco-Andujar, C., Perton, F., Asin, L., De la Fuente, J., Reichardt, W., Schaffner, D., Nguyen, D.-V., Mertz, D., Kiefer, C., Meyer, F., Spassov, S., Ersen, O., Chatzidakis, M., Botton, G., Henoumont, C., Laurent, S., Grenèche, J. M., Teran, F. J., ... Begin-Colin, S. (2021). Unveiling the role of surface, size, shape and defects for theranostic applications of iron oxide nanoparticles. "Nanoscale".
Marchal, N., Mosconi, E., Garcia-Espejo, G., Almutairi, T., Beljonne, D., & Quarti, C. (08 March 2021). Cation Engineering for Resonant Energy Level Alignment in Two-Dimensional Lead Halide Perovskites. "Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12", 2528-2535.
Vandestrate, S., Dubois, L.-A., & Van Daele, A. (16 November 2021). "Analyse de l'activité de gestion des risques en situation de crise simulée : le cas d'une cellule de crise confrontée à une fuite de gaz massive". Paper presented at Les Entretiens du Risque de l'Institut pour la Maîtrise des Risques (IMDR), Paris, France.
Proces, A., Ris, L., & Gabriele, S. (29 October 2021). "Deciphering the role of mechanical cues on activation of microglial cells". Paper presented at BSCDB Autumn Meeting : Mechanobiology in Cell Biology and Development, Ghent, Belgium.
Leo, D. (17 October 2021). "Young Scientists School ITBM SPbU 2021". Paper presented at Young Scientists School ITBM SPbU 2020, on line, Unknown/unspecified.
Ouakka, S., Verlinden, O., & Kouroussis, G. (22 June 2021). "Railway vibration mitigation measures: a case study based on the T2000 tram circulating in Brussels". Paper presented at ICONHIC2021 preparatory workshop, virtual conference, Greece.
Delpierre, A., Deroux, C., Ris, L., Decleves, A.-E., Legrand, A., Villers, A., & Tassin, A. (25 May 2021). "Muscle-to-Brain communication in the context of obesity: impact of physical exercise?" Paper presented at PhysPhar Spring meeting, Belgium.
Leo, D. (18 May 2021). "Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry (ICB), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), italie". Paper presented at Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry (ICB), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), on line, Italy.
Leo, D. (15 April 2021). "'Neapolitan Brain Group' ( meeting". Paper presented at IBBR-NBG Joint Seminar, on line, Italy.
Durieux, M., Pouleur, J.-A., Scoubeau, C., & Lago, N. (2021). "Citizen Participation exposed to digitals : The relationship between traditional and digital tools observed on three Belgian study field". Paper presented at Hyperurbain 7 : Towards a Smart Social City | Vers une ville sociale intelligente|, Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil.
Draguet, A., Tagliatti, V., Schepkens, C., & Colet, J.-M. (17 June 2021). "An in vitro metabonomic approach to evaluate metabolic inhibitors either in monotherapy or coupled with Doxorubicin". Poster session presented at Metabolomics 2021, .
Delpierre, A., Akan, M., Deroux, C., Jenart, V., Ris, L., Decleves, A.-E., Legrand, A., Villers, A., & Tassin, A. (30 March 2021). "Effect of voluntary and forced exercise on FNDC5-Irisin pathway and muscle-to-brain crosstalk in a model of obesity". Poster session presented at Mardi des chercheurs, Valenciennes, France.
Proces, A., Ris, L., & Gabriele, S. (24 March 2021). "Mechano-activation of astrocytes and microglial cells". Poster session presented at ImmunoBiophysics: From fundamental physics to understanding immune response, Virtuel, Unknown/unspecified.
Aro, R. (2021). "Pathogenesis of essential tremor: characterization of potentially involved endogenous alkaloids of dietary origin and evaluation of their activity on an original 3d neurosphere model". Unpublished doctoral thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Duez, P. (Promotor), & Manto, M. (Promotor).
Ris, L. (2020). L'infinie longueur de l'immortalité est mortellement triste : Propos recueillis par Pierre Gillis. "Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme".
Horgan, D., Nobili, F., Teunissen, C., Grimmer, T., Mitrecic, D., Ris, L., Pirtosek, Z., Bernini, C., Federico, A., Blackburn, D., Logroscino, G., & Scarmeas, N. (23 November 2020). Biomarker Testing: Piercing the Fog of Alzheimer's and Related Dementia. "Biomedicine Hub, 5" (511233), 1-22. doi:10.1159/000511233
Fassin, M., Danhier, P., & Ris, L. (2020). Effect of oral administration of Magnesium N-Acetyltaurinate on synaptic plasticity in rodents. "Magnesium Research: Official Organ of the International Society for the Development of Research on Magnesium".
Lechien, J., Chiesa-Estomba, C. M., De Siati, D. R., Horoi, M., Le Bon, S., Rodriguez, A., Dequanter, D., Blecic, S., El Afia, F., Distinguin, L., Chekkoury-Idrissi, Y., Hans, S., Lopez-Delgado, I., Calvo-Henriquez, C., Lavigne, P., Falanga, C., Barillari, M. R., Cammaroto, G., Khalife, M., ... Saussez, S. (04 June 2020). Olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions as a clinical presentation of mild-to-moderate forms of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19): a multicenter European study. "European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Apr 6", 1-11. doi:10.1007/s00405-020-05965-1
Lechien, J., Chiesa-Estomba, C. M., Place, S., Van Laethem, Y., Carabaux, P., Mat, Q., Plzak, J., Horoi, M., Hans, S., Barillari, M. R., Cammaroto, G., Fakhry, N., Martiny, D., Ayad, T., Jouffe, L., Hopkins, C., Ris, L., & Saussez, S. (30 April 2020). Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of 1,420 European patients with mildtomoderate coronavirus disease 2019. "Journal of Internal Medicine, April" (30), 1-19. doi:10.1111/joim.13089
Leo, D. (2020). Altered Sexual Behavior in Dopamine Transporter (DAT) Knockout Male Rats: A Behavioral, Neurochemical and Intracerebral Microdialysis Study. "Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience".
Leo, D. (2020). Trace Amine-Associated Receptor 5 Provides Olfactory Input Into Limbic Brain Areas and Modulates Emotional Behaviors and Serotonin Transmission. "Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience".
Briganti, G., & Linkowski, P. (2020). Erratum: Erratu: Item and domain network structures of the Resilience Scale for Adults in 675 university students (Journal of Physical Chemistry (2020) 29:e33 (1–9) DOI: 10.1017/S2045796019000222). "Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences". doi:10.1017/S2045796020000323
Henry, K., & Henry, K. (Ed.). (2020). "May Fourth and Translation". Venise, Italy: Edizioni Ca' Foscari. doi:10.30687/978-88-6969-465-3/000
Leo, D. (10 October 2020). "'ITBM School of Young Scientists' speaker". Paper presented at Young Scientists School ITBM SPbU 2020, on line, Unknown/unspecified.
Leo, D. (15 July 2020). "Trace amine associate receptor 1 (TAAR1) as a new target for the treatment of cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer disease". Paper presented at 12 FENS, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Leo, D., Espinoza, S., Villers, A., Gainetdinov, R., & Ris, L. (11 July 2020). "Trace amine associate receptor 1 (TAAR1) as a new target for the treatment of cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer disease". Poster session presented at 12 FENS, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Ris, L., Gaugue, J., & Rossignol, M. (2020). Un site détecte l'anxiété des enfants. "Sud Presse".
Rossignol, M., Ris, L., & Gaugue, J. (2020). Confinement et anxiété : l'UMONS propose un site pour aider les enfants, les ados et les jeunes adultes. "RTBF info".
Ris, L., Gaugue, J., & Rossignol, M. (2020). Confinement et anxiété : l'UMONS propose un site pour aider les enfants, les ados et les jeunes adultes. "Vivre Ici".
Gaugue, J., Rossignol, M., & Ris, L. (2020). 'Home Stress Home': comprendre et maîtriser ses émotions en (dé)confinement. "L'Avenir".
Ris, L. (2020). Le taux de burn-out chez les soignants risque d'exploser. "La Libre".
Ris, L., Gaugue, J., & Rossignol, M. (2020). Home-Stress-Home aide les jeunes à gérer leur stress. "Journal du Médecin (Le)".
Rossignol, M., Ris, L., & Gaugue, J. (2020). L'UMONS lance un site pour détecter le niveau d'anxiété des enfants et de jeunes de 3 à 25 ans. "Sud Presse".
Gaugue, J., Rossignol, M., & Ris, L. (2020). Un site internet pour aider à gérer l'anxiété des plus jeunes. "La libre Belgique".
Ris, L., Gaugue, J., & Rossignol, M. (2020). Coronavirus: L'UMONS lance 'Home stress Home', un site web dédié à la gestion du stress pour les plus jeunes. "La Dernière Heure".
Gaugue, J., Rossignol, M., & Ris, L. (2020). L'UMONS lance un site pour détecter le niveau d'anxiété de votre enfant. "La Province".
Rossignol, M., Ris, L., & Gaugue, J. (2020). Coronavirus: L'UMONS lance 'Home stress Home', un site web dédié à la gestion du stress pour les plus jeunes. "La Dernière Heure".
Gaugue, J., Rossignol, M., & Ris, L. (2020). "Les savanturiers : home-stress-home: dossier de psychologie".
Ris, L. (2020). "Le cerveau plastique".
Brunois, C., & Ris, L. (2019). Multi-actions of microglia. In "Neuroimmune diseases: from cells to the living brain" (pp. 30). Editions Springer.
Sukhanov, I., & Leo, D. (2019). Dopamine transporter knockout rats as the new preclinical model of hyper- and hypo-dopaminergic disorders. "V.M. BEKHTEREV REVIEW OF PSYCHIATRY AND MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY".
Pierrot, N., Ris, L., Stancu, I.-C., Doshina, A., Ribeiro, F., Tyteca, D., Baugé, E., Lalloyer, F., Malong, L., Schakman, O., Leroy, K., Kienlen-Campard, P., Gailly, P., Brion, J.-P., Dewachter, I., Staels, B., & Octave, J.-N. (11 March 2019). Sex regulated gene dosage effect of PPARα on synaptic plasticity. "Life Science Alliance, Mar 20" (2(2)). doi:10.26508/lsa.201800262
Cheron, G., Leroy, A., Cheron, J., & Ris, L. (01 March 2019). Electrical Brain System Perspective for Alzheimer Disease Prevention and Therapy. "Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinsonism, 9:1". doi:10.4172/2161-0460.1000463
Adinolfi, A., Zelli, S., Leo, D., & Carbone, C. (02 January 2019). Behavioral characterization of DAT-KO rats and evidence of asocial-like phenotypes in DAT-HET rats: The potential involvement of norepinephrine system. "Behavioural Brain Research, 359", 516-527. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2018.11.028
Briganti, G., & Linkowski, P. (2019). Item and domain network structures of the Resilience Scale for Adults in 675 university students. "Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences". doi:10.1017/S2045796019000222
Berger, R., Grevin, B., Leclère, P., & Zhang, Y. (2019). Scanning probe microscopy for energy-related materials. "Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology".
Aro, R., Wauters, M., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., Manto, M., & Duez, P. (21 November 2019). "3D neurons model for studying neurodegenerative disorders". Paper presented at BelTox-Invitrom_IC3Rs Scientific Meeting 2019, Life Science Campus - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
Verbruggen, L., Bentea, E., Villers, A., Olaya, L., Gamze, A., De Bundel, D., Hideyo, S., Ris, L., & Massie, A. (24 May 2019). "System xc- deficiency extends life-span and prevents age-related hippocampal dysfunction in mice". Paper presented at 13th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Brussels, Belgium.
Wauters, M., Vertraelen, P., Garcia-Diaz Barriga, G., Leroy, B., Delporte, C., Coppée, F., Van Antwerpen, P., Wattiez, R., De Vos, W., & Ris, L. (24 May 2019). "Toxicity assessment of the hyperphosphorylated Tau protein on the neuronal network connectivity". Paper presented at 13th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Brussels, Belgium.
Leo, D., Espinoza, S., Villers, A., Gainetdinov, R., & Ris, L. (24 May 2019). "Trace amine associate receptor 1 (TAAR1) as a new target for the treatment of cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer disease". Paper presented at 13th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Brussels, Belgium.
Aro, R., Diallo, A., Pichuèque, M., Wauters, M., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., Duez, P., & Manto, M. (23 April 2019). "Evaluating the neurotoxicity of harmane, the B-carboline alkaloid incriminated in essential tremor by using 3D neurons model". Paper presented at Belgian Molecular Imaging Congress 2019, Academy Palace, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Dewasme, L., & Raquez, J. M. (09 May 2019). "ALPO - Bioplastics from microalgae cultures" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Green Chemistry and White Biotechnology : (Bio-)Polymers and Ecocircularity: From Challenges to Opportunities, Gosselies, Belgium.
Leo, D., Espinoza, S., Villers, A., Gainetdinov, R., & Ris, L. (2019). "Trace amine associate receptor 1 (TAAR1) as a new target for the treatment of cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer disease". Paper presented at 32nd European college of neuropsychopharmacology congress, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Brahimi, M., Mahmoudi, S., Boukhalfa, K., & Moussaoui, A. (2019). "Deep interpretable architecture for plant diseases classification". Paper presented at 2019 Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications (SPA), POZNAN, Unknown/unspecified.
Feudjio Letchindjio, C., Dewasme, L., Deschênes, J.-S., & Vande Wouwer, A. (2019). "A Slope Seeking-Based Approach for Optimal and Sub-Optimal SISO Process Control: Application to Microalgae Culture" [Paper presentation]. 12th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2019), Florianopolis, Brazil.
Delpierre, A., Villers, A., Deroux, C., Ris, L., Decleves, A.-E., Legrand, A., & Tassin, A. (22 November 2019). "Muscle-to-brain communication in the context of obesity : impact of physical exercise". Poster session presented at Physphar Autumn Meeting, Bruxelles, Unknown/unspecified.
Proces, A., Lantoine, J., Ris, L., & Gabriele, S. (05 November 2019). "Deciphering the role of activated glial cells on neuronal connectivity using in vitro models of traumatic brain injury". Poster session presented at GDR CellTiss Days, Giens, France.
Proces, A., Lantoine, J., Ris, L., & Gabriele, S. (03 June 2019). "Deciphering the role of activated glial cells on neuronal connectivity using in vitro models of traumatic brain injury". Poster session presented at CellMech 2019, Milan, Italy.
Aro, R., Diallo, A., Pichuèque, M., Wauters, M., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., Duez, P., & Manto, M. (24 May 2019). "Reshaping our appraisal of environmental factors in Essential tremor including Harmane using 3D neural spheroid". Poster session presented at The 13th National Congress of the Belgian Society of Neuroscience, Palais des academies, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Proces, A., Lantoine, J., Gabriele, S., & Ris, L. (24 May 2019). "The beneficial and harmful effects of glial cells on neuronal connectivity in in vitro models of traumatic brain injury". Poster session presented at 13th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Brussels, Belgium.
Aro, R., Diallo, A., Pichuèque, M., Wauters, M., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., Duez, P., & Manto, M. (17 May 2019). "Using 3D Neural Spheroid Cultures to assess Harmane Neurotoxicity". Poster session presented at EDT BCMB PhD Student Day 2019, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Proces, A., Lantoine, J., Gabriele, S., & Ris, L. (17 May 2019). "The beneficial and harmful effects of glial cells on neuronal connectivity in in vitro models of traumatic brain injury". Poster session presented at Ecole doctorale EDT-BCMB (Biologie Cellulaire et Moléculaire & Biochimie - FNRS), Bruxelles, ULB - Campus Erasme, Belgium.
Lantoine, J., Proces, A., Ris, L., & Gabriele, S. (18 March 2019). "Microprinted neuronal networks as an efficient platform for studying the role of cytokines on neuronal plasticity". Poster session presented at Événement de maillage UHMAP, Mons, Belgium.
Aro, R., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., & Duez, P. (18 March 2019). "Evaluating the neurotoxic effect of Harmane in 3D neuronal cultures". Poster session presented at Workshop UMHAP Medical Research Center, Mons, Belgium.
Delpierre, A., Villers, A., Deroux, C., Ris, L., Decleves, A.-E., Legrand, A., & Tassin, A. (05 March 2019). "Inter-communication muscle - cerveau dans un contexte d'obésité : Impact de l'exercice". Poster session presented at Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.
Brandelet, A. (05 March 2019). "Logic Of Fictions: What Does Quantum Mechanics Say About The world?" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.
Leo, D. (2018). Novel translational rat models of dopamine transporter deficiency. "Neural Regeneration Research".
Leo, D. (2018). Biochemical and Functional Characterization of the Trace Amine-Associated Receptor 1 (TAAR1) Agonist RO5263397. "Frontiers in Pharmacology".
Leo, D. (2018). Biochemical and Functional Characterization of the Trace Amine-Associated Receptor 1 (TAAR1) Agonist RO5263397. "Frontiers in Pharmacology".
Leo, D. (2018). Novelty-related behavior of young and adult dopamine transporter knockout rats: Implication for cognitive and emotional phenotypic patterns. "Genes, Brain, and Behavior".
Leo, D. (2018). Novelty-related behavior of young and adult dopamine transporter knockout rats: Implication for cognitive and emotional phenotypic patterns. "Genes, Brain, and Behavior".
Boucherie, C., Boutin, C., Jossin, Y., Schakman, O., Goffinet, A. M., Ris, L., Gailly, P., & Tissir, F. (01 March 2018). Neural progenitor fate decision defects, cortical hypoplasia and behavioral impairment in Celsr1-deficient mice. "Molecular Psychiatry, 23" (3), 723-734. doi:10.1038/mp.2017.236
Briganti, G., Falla, J.-P., & Roumeguère, T. (2018). Chronic pelvic pain syndrome and Crohn's disease : aa dangerous association. "Revue Médicale de Bruxelles, 39" (3), 175 - 177. doi:10.30637/2018.16-064
Massie, A., Bentea, E., Villers, A., Moore, C., Funk, A., O'Donovan, S. M., Verbruggen, L., Depasquale, E., Churchill, M. J., Sato, H., Ris, L., Meshul, C. K., & McCullumsmith, R. E. (07 November 2018). "The cystine/glutamate antiporter system xc- as modulator of corticostriatal neurotransmission". Paper presented at Neuroscience 2018, San Diego, United States - California.
Wauters, M., Leroy, B., Coppée, F., & Ris, L. (13 August 2018). "Internalisation and toxic effects resulting from the addition of extracellular hyperphosphorylated monomeric Tau". Paper presented at Belgian Brain Congress 2018-Belgian Brain Council, Liège, Belgium.
Wauters, M., Coppée, F., & Ris, L. (10 July 2018). "A role for hyperphosphorylated monomeric Tau in the propagation of Tau pathology". Paper presented at 11th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Berlin, Germany.
Brunois, C., & Ris, L. (10 July 2018). "Anti-GAD65 antibodies and their effects in the hippocampus - an in vivo model". Paper presented at 11th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Berlin, Germany.
Aro, R., Diallo, A., Pichueque, M., Wauters, M., Nachtergael, A., Ris, L., Duez, P., & Manto, M. (04 July 2018). "Assessing Harmane Neurotoxicity Using 3D Neural Spheroid Cultures: Reshaping Our Appraisal Of Environmental Factors With Mini-brains". Paper presented at The 6th Annual Meeting of the Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association, London, United Kingdom.
Bentea, E., Moore, C., Villers, A., Churchill, M. J., Hood, R. L., Deneyer, L., Verbruggen, L., Albertini, G., Sato, H., Ris, L., Meshul, C., & Massie, A. (01 April 2018). "System xc- as a novel modulator of corticostriatal neurotransmission". Paper presented at Crossing Borders in Schizotypy Research, Bejing, China.
Chauvy, R., Dubois, L., Thomas, D., & De Weireld, G. (17 October 2018). "Carbon capture in cement production and its reuse" [Paper presentation]. ECRA/CEMCAP/CLEANKER Workshop 'Carbon Capture Technologies in the Cement Industry', Brussels, Belgium.
Proces, A., Villers, A., Gabriele, S., & Ris, L. (20 September 2018). "Development of an experimental model of traumatic brain injury using hippocampal slice cultures". Poster session presented at BSCDB and RBSM meeting: Cell and Tissue Mechanics in Physiology and Disease, Antwerpen, Belgium. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/5/03/T03013
Rinchon, A. (2018). "Etude des effets de la neuroinflammation développée au cours de l'encéphalomyélite autoimmune expérimentale sur l'hippocampe de la souris". Unpublished doctoral thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Ris, L. (Promotor), Burtea, C., Nonclercq, D., Villers, A., Petry, K., ... Massie, A.
Ghali, S., & Ris, L. (2018). La nouvelle religion. "Le Vif/L'express".
Rinchon, A. (2018). "Rapport d'activité FRIA-B2 2ème année (2017-2018)".
Florence, C., Macaluso, F., Verdonck, A.-L., Verdonck, R., & Wyseur, V. (2018). Get Up 3. In "Get Up 3". Editions Pelckmans.
Brandelet, A. (2018). "Enjeux épistémologiques de la mécanique quantique : Entre Popper et Heisenberg : le philosophe-physicien et le physicien-philosophe" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
Cebolla, A. M., Palmero-Soler, E., Leroy, A., & Cheron, G. (2017). EEG Spectral generators involved in motor imagery : a swLORETA study. "Frontiers in Psychology".
Houyoux, N., Wattiez, R., & Ris, L. (06 June 2017). A proteomic analysis of fear memory reveals neuroglial plasticity in the rat dentate gyrus. "European Journal of Neuroscience, 46" (6), 2177-2189. doi:10.1111/ejn.13664
Paci, P., Gabriele, S., & Ris, L. (10 April 2017). A new method allowing long-term potentiation recordings in hippocampal organotypic slices. "Brain and Behavior, 7" (e00692), 1-13. doi:10.1002/brb3.692
Vicenzutto, A., Saloppé, X., lindekens, M., milazzo, V., Pouls, C., Jeandarme, I., & Pham Hoang, T. (16 January 2017). Importance et enjeux du Double Diagnostic chez les patients médico-légaux. "Annales Médico-Psychologiques, 175", 267-270.
Ris, L. (04 December 2017). "A role for Amyloid Precursor Protein in neurotransmitter homeostasis?" Paper presented at 6th European Synapse Meeting, Milan, Italy.
Ris, L., Villers, A., & Gloire, M. (08 September 2017). "Alzheimer and Brain metabolism: what is the role of Amyloid Precursor Protein?" Paper presented at Innovations and State of the Art in Dementia Research, Roma, Italy.
Rinchon, A., Villers, A., & Ris, L. (22 May 2017). "The hippocampus during EAE: the impact of neuroinflammation and the influence of gender on immune responses". Paper presented at 12th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Ghent, Ughent, Belgium.
Gloire, M., Villers, A., Colet, J.-M., & Ris, L. (30 March 2017). "Reciprocal influence between APP expression and glucose metabolism in the hippocampus". Paper presented at The 13th International conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, Vienne, Austria.
Gloire, M. (30 March 2017). "Reciprocal influence between APP expression and glucose metabolism in the hippocampus". Paper presented at The 13th International conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, Vienne, Austria.
Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., Tadrist, N., Bindelle, J., & Lebeau, F. (2017). "Improvement of battery life of iPhones Inertial Measurement Unit by using edge computing: Application to cattle behavior". Paper presented at International Symposium on Computer Sciences and Applications, Errachidia, Morocco.
Vallée, F., Hupez, M., Toubeau, J.-F., & De Grève, Z. (2017). "Dealing with Sparse Smart Metering Data in Techno-Economic Analysis of Low Voltage Networks". Paper presented at 24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Brunois, C., Paci, P., & Ris, L. (20 May 2017). "Effects of b78 and b96.11 anti-GAD65 antibodies on synaptic plasticity and inflammatory state of the hippocampus - an in vivo model". Poster session presented at 12th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Ghent, Ughent, Belgium.
Bar, I., Larbanoix, L., Merhi, A., Haussy, S., Laurent, S., Delrée, P., & Canon, J.-L. (04 April 2017). "Knockdown of CSNK1D affect migratory capacity of triple negative cell lines". Poster session presented at ESMI, Cologne, Germany.
Gloire, M., Villers, A., Colet, J.-M., & Ris, L. (30 March 2017). "Reciprocal influence between APP expression and glucose metabolism in the hippocampus". Poster session presented at The 13th International conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, Vienne, Austria.
Rinchon, A., Villers, A., & Ris, L. (07 March 2017). "Neuroinflammatory processes induced during EAE also affect the hippocampus and its associated cognitive processes". Poster session presented at Huitième édition montoise du MdC : le Mardi des Chercheurs 2017, UMons, Belgium.
Gloire, M., Villers, A., Colet, J.-M., & Ris, L. (07 March 2017). "Reciprocal influence between APP expression and glucose metabolism in the hippocampus". Poster session presented at Huitième édition montoise du MdC : le Mardi des Chercheurs 2017, UMons, Belgium.
Wattiaux, D., Verlinden, O., & Filippi, E. (07 March 2017). "Utilisation du Prototypage virtuel et rapide dans le cadre du cours de Mécanique Rationnelle". Poster session presented at Mardi des Chercheurs (MdC2017), Mons, Belgium.
Quinten, J., & Feldheim, V. (30 May 2017). "Détermination d'un mur 1D équivalent à une structure 2D/3D : nouvelle fonction objectif, impact du flux solaire et des phénomènes surfaciques". Poster session presented at Congrès Français de Thermique (SFT), Marseille, France.
Gloire, M. (2017). "Thèse 'Etude de l'influence réciproque entre l'APP et le métabolisme du glucose dans l'hippocampe de la souris". Unpublished doctoral thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Ris, L. (Promotor), Colet, J.-M., Octave, J.-N., Zouaoui Boudjeltia, K., ... Thomas, P.
Ris, L. (2017). Les femmes et les hommes ont-ils le même cerveau ? "L'UMONS, n°26".
Ris, L. (2017). Le cerveau a-t-il un sexe ? "VLAN".
Ris, L. (2017). Le cerveau a-t-il un sexe ? "SUDPRESSE".
Caulier, G., & Saintghislain, V. (2017). "Quoi de neuf docteur ?"
Rinchon, A. (2017). "Etude des effets de la neuroinflammation sur la plasticité synaptique de l'hippocampe au cours de l'EAE (2017)".
Ris, L. (2017). "Pour ou contre l'utilisation des tablettes pour l'apprentissage de l'écriture".
Ris, L. (2017). "L'impact des écrans sur l'attention".
Ris, L. (2017). "Journée de la maladie d'Alzheimer".
Ris, L. (2017). "La maladie d'Alzheimer - les progrès de la recherche".
Rinchon, A. (2017). "Rapport d'activité FRIA-B2 1ère année (2016-2017)".
Ris, L. (2017). "Les femmes et les hommes ont-ils le même cerveau ?"
Duroisin, N., Henry, V., Orange, C., & Khan, S. (2017). "Rapport intermédiaire sur le travail du consortium Mathématiques-Sciences-Géographie physique".
Pieropan, L. (2016). Le Petit Café (notice pour :). In C. Gravet, B. Costa, L. Pieropan, T. Fauvaux, E. Papayannopoulou, K. Rondou, P. ragot, ... C. Gravet (Ed.), "Marie Delcourt, Nouvelles" (pp. 51). Service communication écrite FTI UMONS.
Cheron, G. (06 December 2016). How to measure the psychological 'Flow', a neuroscience perspective. "Frontiers in Psychology, 7", 1-6.
Jensen, C., Demol, F., Bauwens, R., Kooijman, R., Massie, A., Villers, A., Ris, L., & Dekeyser, J. (04 October 2016). Astrocytic β2 adrenergic receptor gene deletion affects memory in aged mice. "PLoS ONE, PONE-D-16-11141R1".
Wauters, M., Wattiez, R., & Ris, L. (19 August 2016). Internalization of the extracellular full-length Tau inside Neuro2A and cortical cells is enhanced by phosphorylation. "Biomolecules, 6(3)" (36), 1-13. doi:10.3390/biom6030036
Mitoma, H., & Manto, M. (12 August 2016). The physiological basis of therapies for cerebellar ataxias. "Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders, 9" (5), 396-413. doi:10.1177/1756285616648940
Oulad Ben Taib, N., & Manto, M. (08 August 2016). The in vivo reduction of afferent facilitation induced by low frequency electrical stimulation of the motor cortex is antagonized by cathodal direct current stimulation of the cerebellum. "Cerebellum and Ataxias, 3" (1), 15-19. doi:10.1186/s40673-016-0053-3
Lavita, S., Aro, R., Kiss, B., Manto, M., & Duez, P. (12 June 2016). The Role of β-Carboline Alkaloids in the Pathogenesis of Essential Tremor. "Cerebellum, 15" (3), 276-284. doi:10.1007/s12311-015-0751-z
Bodranghien, F., Manto, M., & Lebon, F. (06 June 2016). Enhancing transcranial direct current stimulation via motor imagery and kinesthetic illusion: crossing internal and external tools. "Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 13" (50), 1-3. doi:10.1186/s12984-016-0156-3
van Dun, K., Bodranghien, F., Mariën, P., & Manto, M. (06 May 2016). tDCS of the Cerebellum: Where Do We Stand in 2016? Technical Issues and Critical Review of the Literature. "Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10" (199), 1-15. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2016.00199
Haines, D. E., & Manto, M. (2016). The Cerebellar System and What it Signifies from a Biological Perspective: a Communication by Christfried Jakob (1866-1956) Before the Society of Neurology and Psychiatry of Buenos Aires, December 1938. "Cerebellum".
Cheron, G. (01 March 2016). Motor imagery in children with cerebral palsy: one step beyond with EEG dynamics. "Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 58" (3), 223-224.
Cheron, G., Petit, G., Cheron, J., Leroy, A., Cebolla, A. M., Cevallos, C., Petieau, M., Hoellinger, T., Zarka, D., Clarinval, A.-M., & Dan, B. (07 February 2016). Brain Oscillations in Sport: Toward EEG Biomarkers of Performance. "Frontiers in Psychology, 7" (246), 1-25.
Margineanu, D. G. (15 January 2016). Neuropharmacology beyond reductionism - A likely prospect. "Biosystems, 141", 1-9.
Rubio Magnieto, J., Kumar, M., Brocorens, P., Idé, J., George, S. J., Lazzaroni, R., & Surin, M. (12 December 2016). Chiral supramolecular organization and cooperativity in DNA-templated assemblies of ZnII-chromophore complexes. "Chemical Communications, 52", 13873-13876.
Gruol, D. L., Koibuchi, N., Manto, M., Molinari, M., Schmahmann, J. D., & Shen, Y. (2016). "Essentials of Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders. A Primer For Graduate Students". Editions Springer.
Gloire, M. (08 October 2016). "Reciprocal influence between APP expression and glucose metabolism in the hippocampus (short talk)". Paper presented at 6th Belgian Brain Congress, Mons, Belgium.
Gloire, M., Villers, A., Colet, J.-M., & Ris, L. (08 October 2016). "Reciprocal influence between APP expression and glucose metabolism in the hippocampus". Paper presented at 6th Belgian Brain Congress, Mons, Belgium.
Rinchon, A., Villers, A., & Ris, L. (08 October 2016). "Neuroinflammatory processes induced during EAE also affect the hippocampus and its associated cognitive processes". Paper presented at Belgian Brain Congress, MICX. October 8, 2016, Mons, Belgium.
Ris, L., Etienne, H., Houyoux, N., & Wattiez, R. (04 October 2016). "Oligodendrocyte regulation of neuronal plasticity during learning and ageing - a proteomic study". Paper presented at Belgian Brain Congress, MICX, MONS, Belgium.
Ris, L., Etienne, H., & Wattiez, R. (04 October 2016). "Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Ageing in Rat Hippocampus". Paper presented at 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Brunois, C., Paci, P., Wauters, M., & Ris, L. (13 July 2016). "In vivo effects of GAD65-specific b78 antibody in the hippocampus". Paper presented at 6th Belgian Brain Congress - 8 octobre 2016, Mons, Belgium.
Rinchon, A., Villers, A., & Ris, L. (05 July 2016). "Neuroinflammation and hippocampal synaptic plasticity during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis". Paper presented at 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Gloire, M. (05 February 2016). "Reciprocal influence between APP expression and glucose metabolism in the hippocampus". Paper presented at 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Boulanger, N. (02 August 2016). "Duality in Gravity and Higher Spin gauge theory" [Paper presentation]. Quantum Field Theory and Gravity, Tomsk, Russia.
Ozcan, A., Rivière, E., Filippi, E., Verlinden, O., & Huynh, H. (2016). "Modélisation du mouvement dynamique d'une machine-outil à l'aide d'un logiciel de simulation dynamique multi-corps - Première approche". Paper presented at MUGV 2016, Tours, France.
De Grève, Z., Vanstals, J., Toubeau, J.-F., Geth, F., Ramasmawy, P. C., Rapoport, S., & Vallée, F. (2016). "Impact of the Geographical Correlation between Wind Speed Time Series on Reliability Indices in Power System Studies". Paper presented at IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2016, Leuven, Belgium.
Rinchon, A., Villers, A., & Ris, L. (28 November 2016). "Neuroinflammatory processes induced during EAE also affect the hippocampus and its associated cognitive processes". Poster session presented at Biological and bio-inspired adhesion meeting, Research Institute for Biosciences (UMONS), Mons, Belgium.
Gloire, M., Villers, A., Colet, J.-M., & Ris, L. (28 November 2016). "Reciprocal influence between APP expression and glucose metabolism in the hippocampus". Poster session presented at Biological and bio-inspired adhesion meeting, Research Institute for Biosciences (UMONS), Mons, Belgium.
Gloire, M. (08 October 2016). "Reciprocal influence between APP expression and glucose metabolism in the hippocampus". Poster session presented at 6th Belgian Brain Congress, Mons, Belgium.
Rinchon, A., Villers, A., & Ris, L. (08 October 2016). "Neuroinflammatory processes induced during EAE also affect the hippocampus and its associated cognitive processes". Poster session presented at 6th Belgian Brain Congress, Mons, Belgium.
Gloire, M., Colet, J.-M., Villers, A., & Ris, L. (03 July 2016). "Reciprocal influence between APP expression and glucose metabolism in the hippocampus". Poster session presented at 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Palmisano, M., Stanicki, D., Dubois, P., Hemery, G., Laurent, S., Mespouille, L., Sandre, O., & Lecommandoux, S. (23 May 2016). "Preparation of thermoresponsive diblock and copolymers by RAFT polymerization for the stabilization of SPIONs as potent contrast agents". Poster session presented at Annual Meeting of the Belgian Polymer Group (BPG), Hasselt , Belgium.
Rinchon, A., Villers, A., & Ris, L. (25 March 2016). "Impact of neuroinflammation developed during EAE on hippocampal synaptic plasticity and cognition". Poster session presented at FWO Symposium on Multiple Sclerosis, Gand, Belgium.
Deruche-Lienard, A. (2016). "Diagnostic spécifique du cancer thyroïdien papillaire à l'aide d'un agent de contraste IRM ciblant la galectine-I". Unpublished master thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Laurent, S. (Promotor).
Nowak, C. (2016). "L'impact des facteurs environnementaux sur la maladie de Parkinson". Unpublished master thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Duez, P. (Promotor).
Paci, P., & Ris, L. (2016). "Etude de la plasticité synaptique et des effets des anticorps anti-GAD65 dans l'hippocampe". Unpublished doctoral thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: .
Rinchon, A. (2016). "Etude des effets de la neuroinflammation sur la plasticité synaptique de l'hippocampe au cours de l'EAE (2016)".
Gloire, M. (2016). "Rapport d'activités FRIA troisième année + présentation des résultats au comité".
Rinchon, A. (2016). "Rapport d'activité FRIA-B1 2ème année (2015-2016)".
Dehon, A., & Bocquillon, M. (2016). "Teacher-student interaction. Observation and analysis of actual teaching practices. Etude de cas publiée sur le site de Noldus Technology, Innovative solutions for behavioral research".
Cevallos, C., Zarka, D., Hoellinger, T., Leroy, A., Dan, B., & Cheron, G. (30 December 2015). Oscillations in the human brain during walking execution, imagination and observation. "Neuropsychologia, 79" (B), 223-232.
Cebolla, A. M., Petieau, M., Cevallos, C., Leroy, A., Dan, B., & Cheron, G. (01 December 2015). Long-lasting cortical reorganization as the result of motor imagery of throwing a ball in a virtual tennis court. "Frontiers in Psychology, 6".
Cheron, G. (2015). From biomechanics to sport psychology: The current oscillatory approach. "Frontiers in Psychology", (6).
Stancu, I.-C., Vasconcelos, B., Ris, L., Wang, P., Villers, A., Peeraer, E., Buist, A., Terwel, D., Baatsen, P., Oyelami, T., Pierrot, N., Casteels, C., Bormans, G., Kielen-Campard, P., Octave, J.-N., Moechars, D., & Dewachter, I. (01 June 2015). Templated misfolding of Tau by prion-like seeding along neuronal connections impairs neuronal network function and associated behavioral outcomes in Tau transgenic mice. "Acta Neuropathologica, 129" (6), 875-94. doi:10.1007/s00401-015-1413-4
Pelc, K., Cevallos, C., Cebolla, A. M., Lombardo, C., Cheron, G., & Dan, B. (30 May 2015). Functional impairment of somatosensory association cortex in Angelman syndrome. "Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 57" (4), 57-58.
Pelc, K., Cevallos, C., Cebolla, A. M., Graf von Kalkreuth, C., Dan, J., Gajewska, A., Cheron, G., & Dan, B. (26 May 2015). Maturation of high-density EEG oscillatory visual responses in infants born preterm. "Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 57" (4), 38-39.
Abbas, A. K., Villers, A., & Ris, L. (2015). The temporal phases of long-term potentiation (LTP) : myth or fact? "Reviews in the Neurosciences". doi:10.1515/revneuro-2014-0072
Dan, B., Pelc, K., Cebolla, A. M., & Cheron, G. (01 April 2015). High-density electroencephalography developmental neurophysiological trajectories. "Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 57" (3), 44-47.
Dan, B., Pelc, K., De Meirleir, L., & Cheron, G. (01 April 2015). Phenotypic plasticity and the perception-action-cognition-environment paradigm in neurodevelopmental genetic disorders. "Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 57" (2), 52-54.
Petit, G., Cimochowska, A., Cevallos, C., Cheron, G., Kornreich, C., Hanak, C., Schröder, E., Verbanck, P., & Campanella, S. (01 April 2015). Reduced processing of alcohol cues predicts abstinence in recently detoxified alcoholic patients in a three-month follow up period: An ERP study. "Behavioural Brain Research, 282", 84-94.
Allard, J., Paci, P., Vander Elst, L., & Ris, L. (24 February 2015). Regional and Time-dependent neuroprotective effect of hypothermia following oxygen-glucose deprivation. "Hippocampus, Feb25", 197-207. doi:10.1002/hipo.22364
Erkens, M., Tanaka-Yamamoto, K., Cheron, G., Márquez-Ruiz, J., Prigogine, C., Schepens, J., Nadif Kasri, N., Augustine, G., & Hendriks, W. (09 January 2015). Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type R is required for Purkinje cell responsiveness in cerebellar long-term depression. "Molecular Brain, 8" (1).
Bengoetxea, A., Leurs, F., Hoellinger, T., Cebolla, A. M., Dan, B., Cheron, G., & McIntyre, J. (01 January 2015). Physiological modules for generating discrete and rhythmic movements: Component analysis of EMG signals. "Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 8", 01-16.
Brunet, J., Genty, E., Landkocz, Y., Al Zallouha, M., Billet, S., courcot, D., Siffert, S., Thomas, D., De Weireld, G., & Cousin, R. (06 October 2015). Identification of by-products issued from toluene catalytic oxidation by chemical and biological methods: Identification des sous-produits de l'oxydation catalytique du toluène par méthodes chimiques et biologiques. "Comptes Rendus Chimie, 18", 1084-1093.
Fenwick, O., Van Dyck, C., Murugavel, K., Cornil, D., Reinders, F., Haar, S., Mayor, M., Cornil, J., & Samori, P. (01 January 2015). Modulating the Charge Injection in Organic Field-Effect Transistors: Fluorinated Oligophenyl Self-Assembled Monolayers for High Work Function Electrodes. "Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3", 3007-3015.
Marien, P., Manto, M. (Ed.), & Marien, P. (Ed.). (2015). "The linguistic cerebellum". Elsevier.
Gloire, M., Villers, A., & Ris, L. (23 June 2015). "Relationship linking glucose metabolism to Amyloid Precursor Protein expression and processing". Paper presented at The 2015 Alzheimer's disease congress, London, United Kingdom.
Rinchon, A., Brunois, C., Villers, A., & Ris, L. (22 May 2015). "Hippocampal synaptic plasticity and neuroinflammation during the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis". Paper presented at 11th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Mons, Belgium.
Paci, P., & Ris, L. (22 May 2015). "Effects of GAD65-specific b78 antibody on synaptic plasticity in hippocampal organotypic slices". Paper presented at 11th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Mons, Belgium.
Wauters, M., Paci, P., & Ris, L. (22 May 2015). "Study of the impact of Tau phosphorylation on its internalization and processing in cultured neuronal cells". Paper presented at 11th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Mons, Belgium.
Wauters, M., Paci, P., & Ris, L. (05 May 2015). "Study of the impact of Tau phosphorylation on its internalization and processing in cultured neuronal cells". Paper presented at 11th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Mons, Belgium.
Gloire, M., Villers, A., & Ris, L. (29 April 2015). "Study of the physiopathological roles of APP: implication in Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes". Paper presented at 11th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Mons, Belgium.
Paci, P., & Ris, L. (19 March 2015). "GAD65-specific antibody effects on synaptic plasticity in hippocampal organotypic slices". Paper presented at 11th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, Göttingen, Germany.
Duez, P. (26 November 2015). "Conserving and valorizing biodiversity: the medicinal flora of Madagascar', symposium 'Biodiversity and development, a global heritage". Paper presented at Symposium 'Biodiversity and development, a global heritage', Bruxelles, Belgium.
Decroo, C., Caulier, G., De Winter, J., Lemaur, V., Flammang, P., Cornil, J., & Gerbaux, P. (08 October 2015). "Ion mobility mass spectrometry of saponins: from ion conformation to molecule structure". Poster session presented at Journée scientifique annuelle de la SRC sur 'Chimie aux interfaces', Bruxelles, Belgium.
Gloire, M. (24 June 2015). "Relationship linking glucose metabolism to Amyloid Protein Precursor expression and processing". Poster session presented at The 2015 Alzheimer's disease congress, London, United Kingdom.
Paci, P., & Ris, L. (22 May 2015). "Effects of GAD65-specific b78 antibody on synaptic plasticity in hippocampal organotypic slices". Poster session presented at 11th National Congress of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Mons, Belgium.
Gloire, M. (22 May 2015). "Relationship linking glucose metabolism to Amyloid Protein Precursor expression and processing". Poster session presented at 11th national congress of the BSN, Mons, Belgium.
Harmegnies, B., Haelewyck, M.-C., Lahaye, W., & Saussez, S. (2015). "Evaluation acoustique et auditive du signal de parole de locuteurs francophones en situation de handicap. Apports de la phonétique clinique au développement de procédures d'évaluation holistique du sujet communicant situé dans son écosystème. Rapport annuel d'état d'avancement de travaux".
Mouton, C., Feldheim, V., Hauglustaine, J.-M., Leveau, C., Huberlant, B., Cherdon, M., Greimers, C., & De Meyer, A. (2015). "COZEB Extension".
Rinchon, A. (2015). "Etude des effets de la neuroinflammation sur la plasticité synaptique de l'hippocampe au cours de l'EAE (2015)".
Gloire, M. (2015). "Rapport d'activités sur la 1ère Bourse FRIA et projet pour la 2ème bourse FRIA (2015)".
Rinchon, A. (2015). "Rapport d'activité FRIA-B1 1ère année (2014-2015)".
Paci, P. (2015). "Explorer l'Invisible : 'Réseau dense de dendrites'".
Villers, A., Giese, K. P., & Ris, L. (20 October 2014). Long-term potentiation can be induced in the CA1 region of hippocampus in the absence of αCaMKII T286-autophosphorylation. "Learning and Memory, 21" (11), 616-626. doi:10.1101/lm.035972.114
Margineanu, D. G. (09 September 2014). Systems biology, complexity, and the impact on antiepileptic drug discovery. "Epilepsy and Behavior, 38", 131-142. doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2013.08.029
Arcolia, V., Paci, P., Dhont, L., Chantrain, G., Sirtaine, N., Decaestecker, C., Remmelink, M., Belayew, A., & Saussez, S. (08 July 2014). Helicase-like Transcription Factor: a new marker of well-differentiated thyroid cancers. "BMC Cancer, 14", 492-504.
Stancu, I.-C., Ris, L., Vasconcelos, B. M., Marinangeli, C., Goeminne, L., Laporte, V., Haylani, L. E., Couturier, J., Schakman, O., Gailly, P., Pierrot, N., Kielen-Campard, P., Octave, J.-N., & Dewachter, I. (08 June 2014). Tauopathy contributes to synaptic and cognitive deficits in a murine model for Alzheimer's disease. "FASEB Journal, 28" (6), 2620-2631.
Capette, L., Laurent, S., Granato, L., Muller, R., & Vander Elst, L. (09 October 2014). "Design and characterization of MRI contrast agents dedicated to the imaging of the central nervous system". Poster session presented at journée scientifique annuelle de la SRC, 'Nanochimie : Réalisations et Perspectives.', Namur, Belgium.
Gloire, M. (2014). "Rapport d'activités FRIA première année + présentation des résultats au comité".
Paci, P. (2014). "Explorer l'Invisible : 'Tranche d'hippocampe en culture'".
Paci, P. (2014). "Explorer l'Invisible : 'Epines dendritiques'".
Villers, A., & Ris, L. (06 June 2013). Improved preparation and preservation of hippocampal mouse slices for a very stable and reproducible recording of long term potentiation. "Journal of Visualized Experiments, 76" (e50483). doi:10.3791/50483
Maurin, H., Lechat, B., Dewachter, I., Ris, L., Louis, J. V., Borghgraef, P., Devijver, H., Jaworski, T., & Van Leuven, F. (25 May 2013). Neurological characterization of mice deficient in GSK3α highlight pleiotropic physiological functions in cognition and pathological activity as Tau kinase. "Molecular Brain, 6", 27-50. doi:10.1186/1756-6606-6-27
Osella, S., Cornil, D., & Cornil, J. (27 November 2013). Work function modification of the (111) gold surface covered by long alkanethiol-based self-assembled monolayers. "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16", 2866-2873.
Muller, R., Hannecart, A., Sandre, O., Stanicki, D., Miraux, S., Lecommandoux, S., Vander Elst, L., & Laurent, S. (03 November 2013). "Polymer grafted USPIO as thermosensitive contrast agents for MRI". Paper presented at Contrast Media Research, Pekin, China.
Villers, A., Lucchesi, W., Giese, K. P., & Ris, L. (18 April 2013). "L-LTP can be induced in CA1 pyramidal cells in the absence of alpha-CaMKII autophosphorylation". Paper presented at 1st European Neuroscience Conference by Doctoral Students, Bordeaux, France.
Hannecart, A., Laurent, S., Sandre, O., Stanicki, D., Miraux, S., Lecommandoux, S., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (29 May 2013). "Grafting of a thermosensitive polymer onto the surface of iron oxide nanoparticles". Poster session presented at E-MRS 2013 SPRING MEETING, SPRING 13 U: Design of multifunctional nano-objects for biomedical applications, Strasbourg, France.
Dentamaro, M., Laurent, S., Lux, F., Vander Elst, L., Truillet, C., Plisonneau, M., Tillement, O., & Muller, R. (24 May 2013). "Grafting of AGuIX® nanoparticles with an apoptosis marker". Poster session presented at 1st Health Institute Day, Mons, Belgium.
Guillerm, B., Coulembier, O., Ernould, B., Gohy, J.-F., Lemaur, V., Cornil, J., & Dubois, P. (17 May 2013). "Metal-free elaboration of biodegradable and antifungal polymeric emulsion based on amphiphilic triblock copolymers". Poster session presented at BPG Annual meeting, Houffalize, Belgium.
Rinaldi, R., Lefebvre, L., & Trappeniers, J. (18 March 2013). "Language, executive functioning and symptomatology in schizophrenia : is fluency a transversal tool ?" Poster session presented at Symposium on Cognitive Disorders and Remediation in Schizophrenia and Other Mental Diseases, Strasbourg, France.
Paci, P., Ris, L., & Godaux, E. (12 March 2013). "Expression of Arc protein in hippocampal organotypic cultures". Poster session presented at 7ème édition de la Matinée de Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
Paci, P., Ris, L., & Godaux, E. (29 January 2013). "Expression of Arc protein in hippocampal organotypic cultures". Poster session presented at Journée scientifique des doctorants en Sciences Biomédicales et Pharmaceutiques: 'New tools and strategies in identification of pathology-related biomarkers', UMONS, Belgium.
Okusa Ndjolo, P., Haddadi, Z., & Duez, P. (30 August 2013). "Development of a simple TLC-bioautographic assay based on the inhibition of hemozoin synthesis for screening of natural sources antimalarial compounds". Poster session presented at 2nd Annual Meeting of The Good Practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Association, Graz, Austria.
Villers, A. (2013). "Etude des mécanismes de la potentialisation à long terme : reconsidération du rôle de la synthèse des protéines". Unpublished doctoral thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: Ris, L. (Promotor), Capron, B., Nonclercq, D., Schiffmann, S., Seutin, V., ... Wattiez, R.
Villers, A. (2013). "Study of the Mechanisms of Long Term Potentiation: Reconsideration of the Role of Protein Synthesis". Eprint/Working paper retrieved from
Gloire, M. (2013). "Projet FRIA et présentation orale".
Pierrot, N., Tyteca, D., d'Auria, L., Dewachter, I., Gailly, P., El Haylani, L., Tasiaux, B., Muls, N., N'Kulli, F., Courtoy, P., Kienlen-Campard, P., & Octave, J.-N. (31 July 2012). Amyloid precursor protein regulates neuronal cholesterol turnover needed for synaptic activity. "Alzheimer's and Dementia: the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 8" (4), 648-9.
Pierrot, N., Tyteca, D., d'Auria, L., Dewachter, I., Gailly, P., Ris, L., El Haylani, L., Tasiaux, B., Muls, N., N'Kulli, F., Courtoy, P., Kienlen-Campard, P., & Octave, J.-N. (31 July 2012). Amyloid precursor protein regulates neuronal cholesterol turnover needed for synaptic activity. "Alzheimer's and Dementia: the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 8" (4), 648-649.
Villers, A., Godaux, E., & Ris, L. (11 July 2012). Long-Lasting LTP Requires Neither Repeated Trains for Its Induction Nor Protein Synthesis for Its Development. "PLoS ONE, 7 (7)", 1-12.
Margineanu, D. G. (21 February 2012). Systems biology impact on antiepileptic drug discovery. "Epilepsy Research, 98", 104-115.
Houyoux, N., Ris, L., Wattiez, R., & Godaux, E. (26 July 2012). "Protein expression patterns and phosphorylation in rat dentate after contextual fear conditioning". Paper presented at FENS, Barcelone, Spain.
Villers, A., Lucchesi, W., Giese, K. P., & Ris, L. (14 July 2012). "L-LTP can be induced in CA1 pyramidal cells in the absence of alpha-CaMKII autophosphorylation but with a loss of specificity". Paper presented at 8th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Barcelona, Spain.
Vuong, Q. L., Gossuin, Y., Gillis, P., Roch, A., & Delangre, S. (30 May 2012). "Theory of longitudinal and transverse relaxation times induced by superparamagnetic particles". Paper presented at Belgian Physical Society, Brussels, Belgium.
Vaesen, S., Yang, Q., Hemsley, C., Ragon, F., Devic, T., Serre, C., Maurin, G., & De Weireld, G. (18 September 2012). "Synthesis of a highly selective CO2/N2 acidic substituted porous Zr terepthalate : from a computational design toward synthesis & adsorption" [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Conference on Metal-Organics Frameworks and Open Framework Compounds, Edimburgh, United Kingdom.
Paci, P., Godaux, E., & Ris, L. (17 June 2012). "Expression de la protéine Arc dans les cultures organotypiques d'hippocampe". Poster session presented at Doctoriales Franco-Belges, Mont Saint-Aubert, Belgium.
Rinaldi, R. (2012). "La dimension exécutive des tâches de fluence dans le cadre de la schizophrénie : une étude corrélationnelle". Unpublished master thesis, Université de Mons. Jury: .
Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "Statistical Methods for Varying the Degree of Articulation in New HMM-based Voices". Paper presented at IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT), Miami, United States - Florida.
Mahmoudi, M., Shokrgozar, M. A., Bonakdar, S., Moghadam, M. K., & Laurent, S. (04 December 2011). Interaction of Bare and Gold-Coated Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with Fetal Bovine Serum. "Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 8" (4), 944-950.
Radwanska, K., Medvedev, N., Pereira, G. S., Engmann, O., Thiede, N., Moraes, M. F. D., Villers, A., Irvine, E. E., Maunganidze, N. S., Pyza, E. M., Ris, L., Szymanska, M., Lipinski, M., Kaczmarek, L., Stewart, M. G., & Giese, K. P. (08 November 2011). Mechanism for long-term memory formation when synaptic strengthening is impaired. "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108" (45), 18471-18475.
Conotte, R., De Luca, D., Tagliatti, V., & Colet, J.-M. (28 August 2011). Metabonomic Evaluation of Oxaliplatin Hepatotoxicity by Comparison with a Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome (SOS) Model. "Toxicology Letters, 205", 181.
Irvine, E. E., Danhiez, A., Radwanska, K., Nassim, C., Lucchesi, W., Godaux, E., Ris, L., & Giese, K. P. (28 January 2011). Properties of Contextual Memory Formed in the Absence of alphaCaMKII Autophosphorylation. "Molecular Brain, 4" (8), 1-10.
Sobhi, W., Khettal, B., Belmouhoub, M., Atmani, D., Duez, P., & Benboubetra, M. (01 January 2011). Hepatotoxicity and Langerhans islets regenerative effects of polar and neutral lipids of Nigella sativa L. in nicotinamide/streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. "Pteridines, 22", 97 - 104.
Vuong, Q. L., Delangre, S., Gillis, P., & Gossuin, Y. (17 December 2011). "Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation induced by Superparamagnetic Particles". Paper presented at Séminaire à l'université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
Villers, A., Godaux, E., & Ris, L. (23 May 2011). "An L-LTP independent of de novo protein synthesis can be induced by a single train in hippocampal slices". Paper presented at 9th Bi-Annual Meeting of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Leuven, Belgium.
Paci, P., Godaux, E., & Ris, L. (23 May 2011). "Expression of Arc and Homer1 in hippocampal organotypic cultures". Paper presented at Acta Neurologica Belgica, Leuven, Belgium.
Villers, A., Godaux, E., & Ris, L. (18 March 2011). "L-LTP can be induced by a single train of stimulation in presence of protein-synthesis inhibitors". Paper presented at PhysPhar, Liège, Belgium.
Teghem, J., & Tuyttens, D. (2011). "A Bi-objective Approach to Reschedule New Jobs in an One Machine Model" [Paper presentation]. IFORS 2011 - 19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Melbourne, Australia.
Odent, J., Raquez, J. M., Duquesne, E., & Dubois, P. (15 January 2011). "Effect of processing conditions on toughening of polylactide in the presence of impact modifiers". Poster session presented at IAP Annual Meeting, Houffalize, Belgium.
Margineanu, D. G. (21 October 2010). Epileptic hypersynchrony revisited. "Neuroreport, 21" (15), 963-967.
El Gout, R., Khattach, D., Houari, M.-R., Kaufmann, O., & Aqil, H. (12 March 2010). Main structural lineaments of north-eastern Morocco derived from gravity and aeromagnetic data. "Journal of African Earth Sciences, 58", 255-271. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2010.03.006
Villers, A., Godaux, E., & Ris, L. (17 February 2010). Late phase of L-LTP elicited in isolated CA1 dendrites cannot be transferred by synaptic capture. "Neuroreport, 21", 210-205.
Okusa Ndjolo, P., Stevigny, C., Devleeschouwer, M., & Duez, P. (01 October 2010). Optimization of the culture medium used for direct TLC-bioautography. Application to the detection of antimicrobial compounds from Cordia gilletii De Wild (Boraginaceae). "Journal of Planar Chromatography, 23", 245-249.
Villers, A., Godaux, E., & Ris, L. (05 July 2010). "Proteins synthesized in dendrites can sustain local long-lasting long term potentiation (L-LTP) but cannot be captured by other synapses". Paper presented at 7th Forum of Neuroscience, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Charles, C., Moreno Y Banuls, L., Stevigny, C., Belayew, A., & Duez, P. (26 October 2010). "Effect of ten flavonoids, curcumin and indole-3-carbinol on in vitro DNA double-strand breaks repair". Paper presented at 5ème symposium du Groupe de Contact FNRS - Nutrition, Alimentation et Santé (GCNAS), Bruxelles, Belgium.
Ris, L., Villers, A., & Godaux, E. (01 November 2009). Synaptic capture-mediated L-LTP is strongly dependent on mRNA translation. "Neuroreport, 20", 1572-1576.
Dewachter, I., Ris, L., Jaworski, T., Seymour, C. M., Kremer, A., Borghgraef, P., Devijver, H., Godaux, E., & Van Leuven, F. (01 April 2009). GSK3beta, a centre-staged kinase in neuropsychiatric disorders, modulates long term memory by inhibitory phosphorylation at Serine-9. "Neurobiology of Disease, 35" (2), 193-200.
Dewachter, I., Filipkowski, R. K., Priller, C., Ris, L., Neyton, J., Croes, S., Terwel, D., Gysemans, M., Devijver, H., Borghgraef, P., Godaux, E., Kaczmarek, L., Herms, J., & Van Leuven, F. (01 February 2009). Deregulation of NMDA-receptor function and down-stream signaling in APP[V717I] transgenic mice. "Neurobiology of Aging, 30" (2), 241-256. doi:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2007.06.011
Villers, A., Godaux, E., & Ris, L. (11 May 2009). "Protein synthesis in dendrites plays an important role in long-lasting long-term potentiation (L-LTP)". Paper presented at 8th Bi-Annual Meeting of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience, Liège, Belgium.
Dewachter, I., Ris, L., Croes, S., Borghgraef, P., Devijver, H., Voets, T., Nilius, B., Godaux, E., & Van Leuven, F. (01 May 2008). Modulation of synaptic plasticity and Tau phosphorylation by wild-type and mutant presenilin1. "Neurobiology of Aging, 29" (5), 639-652. doi:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2006.11.019
Thillou, C., Brouse, A., Filatriau, J.-J., Paco-Rocchia, S., Sebbe, R., Tilmanne, J., Todoroff, T., & Mancas, M. (01 March 2008). Project #2: Sensor-based Mini-Comedia. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (1), 17-34.
Parac-Vogt, T. N., Dehaen, G., Binnemans, K., Laurent, S., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (01 January 2008). "Solution chemistry of self-assembled gadolinium (III) - iron (II/III) contrast agents with high relaxivity". Poster session presented at COST D38 Metal-Based Systems for molecular imaging application, Sacavém, Portugal.
Ris, L., Capron, B., Sclavons, C., Liegeois, J.-F., Seutin, V., & Godaux, E. (01 August 2007). Metaplastic effect of apamin on LTP and paired-pulse facilitation. "Learning and Memory, 14" (6), 390-399. doi:10.1101/lm.571007
Genlain, M., Godaux, E., & Ris, L. (01 August 2007). Involvement of hyperpolarization-activated cation channels in synaptic modulation. "Neuroreport, 18" (12), 1231-1235. doi:10.1097/WNR.0b013e32821c538f
Capron, B., Wattiez, R., Sindic, C., Godaux, E., & Ris, L. (13 March 2007). Tyrosine phosphorylation of rabphilin during long-lasting long-term potentiation. "Neuroscience Letters, 414" (3), 257-62. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2006.12.031
Ris, L., & Godaux, E. (01 March 2007). Synapse specificity of long-term potentiation breaks down with aging. "Learning and Memory, 14" (3), 185-189. doi:10.1101/lm.451507
Mizuno, K., Antunes-Martins, A., Ris, L., Peters, M., Godaux, E., & Giese, K. P. (01 March 2007). Calcium/calmodulin kinase kinase beta has a male-specific role in memory formation. "Neuroscience, 145" (2), 393-402. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2006.11.056
Piette, T., Mescola, P., Uytdenhoef, P., Henriet, M., Vanderkelen, B., Jacquy, J., Seeldrayers, P., & Godaux, E. (01 January 2007). A unique episode of REM sleep behavior disorder triggered during surgery for Parkinson's disease. "Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 253" (1,2), 73-76.
Vander Elst, L., Laurent, S., & Muller, R. (01 January 2007). "Investigation of the Structure-Stability Relationship of Macrocyclic and Linear MRI Contrast Agents". Paper presented at Contrast Media Research, CMR 2007, Banff, Canada.
Medeiros Machado, D., Couvreur, N., & Bruyninckx, M. (2007). "Réduction des inégalités par l'engagement des femmes dans des activités à caractère économique à Oussouye (Casamance, Sénégal)" [Paper presentation]. «L'Etat malgré tout : acteurs publics et développement», 23èmes Journées du Développement de l'Association Tiers-Monde, Mons, Belgium.
Mizuno, K., Ris, L., Sanchez-Capelo, A., Godaux, E., & Giese, K. P. (01 December 2006). Ca2+/calmodulin kinase kinase alpha is dispensable for brain development but is required for distinct memories in male, though not in female, mice. "Molecular and Cellular Biology, 26" (23), 9094-9104. doi:10.1128/MCB.01221-06
Capron, B., Sindic, C., Godaux, E., & Ris, L. (01 May 2006). The characteristics of LTP induced in hippocampal slices are dependent on slice-recovery conditions. "Learning and Memory, 13" (3), 271-277. doi:10.1101/lm.135406
Ris, L., Angelo, M., Plattner, F., Capron, B., Errington, M. L., Bliss, T. V., Godaux, E., & Giese, K. P. (01 June 2005). Sexual dimorphisms in the effect of low-level p25 expression on synaptic plasticity and memory. "European Journal of Neuroscience, 21" (11), 3023-3033. doi:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2005.04137.x
Giese, K. P., Ris, L., & Plattner, F. (01 January 2005). Is there a role of the cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator p25 in Alzheimer's disease? "Neuroreport, 16", 1725-1730.
Laurent, S., Burtea, C., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (30 May 2005). "Synthesis and characterisation of new low molecular weight lysine-conjugated Gd-DTPA contrast agents suited for MR angiography". Poster session presented at Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Miami, United States - Florida.
Kaufmann, O. (01 November 2004). "Investigations géophysiques dans les sédiments de l'Aven d'Orgnac". Paper presented at Journée de la spéléologie scientifique, .
Ris, L., Dewachter, I., Reverse, D., Godaux, E., & Van Leuven, F. (07 November 2003). Capacitative calcium entry induces hippocampal long term potentiation in the absence of presenilin-1. "Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278", 44393-9.
Peters, M., Mizuno, K., Ris, L., Angelo, M., Godaux, E., & Giese, K. P. (29 October 2003). Loss of Ca2+/calmodulin kinase kinase beta affects the formation of some, but not all, types of hippocampus-dependent long-term memory. "Journal of Neuroscience, 23", 9752-60.
Beraneck, M., Hachemaoui, M., Idoux, E., Ris, L., Uno, A., Godaux, E., Vidal, P.-P., Moore, L., & Vibert, N. (15 July 2003). Long-term plasticity of ipsilesional medial vestibular nucleus neurons after unilateral labyrinthectomy. "Journal of Neurophysiology, 90" (1), 184-203.
Colin, F., Ris, L., & Manto, M. (2002). Neuroanatomy of the Cerebellum. In "The cerebellum and its disorders" (pp. 6-29). Cambridge University Press.
Ris, L., & Hachemaoui, M. (28 October 2002). Effect of labyrinthectomy on the pike generator of vestibular neurons in the guinea pig. "Neuroreport, 13" (15), 1875-1879.
Caluwaerts, N., Dewachter, I., Godaux, E., Kuiperi, C., Mercken, M., Moechars, D., Reverse, D., Ris, L., Serneels, L., Spittaels, K., Thiry, E., Umans, L., Van den Haute, C., & Van Leuven, F. (01 May 2002). Neuronal deficiency of presenilin 1 inhibits amyloid plaque formation and corrects hippocampal long-term potentiation but not a cognitive defect of amyloid precursor protein [V717I] transgenic mice. "Journal of Neuroscience, 22" (9), 3445-53.
Lefebvre, L. (01 January 2002). Les neurosciences : une nouvelle approche en psychologie. "UMH Dédicace, 19", 5-6.
Ouakssim, A., Fastrez, S., Roch, A., Laurent, S., Pierart, C., Gossuin, Y., & Muller, R. (06 December 2002). "Characterization of Dextran Coated Nano-Magnets by NMR, Magnetometry and Photon Correlation Spectroscopy". Poster session presented at Chemical Nanotechnology Talks III, Mannheim, Germany.
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