We initiated the CUlture and TEchnology workshops in Mons in 2013. For a few days, we invite experts in creative technology for a hands-on workshop in which they explain the tools they have created and made available to the scientific community. In previous editions our guests were Dr. C. D’Alessandro (LIMSI-CNRS, France), Dr. M. Puckette (UCSD, USA) Prof. M. Leman (UGENT-IPEM, Belgium), Prof. S. Roy (UMONTREAL, 3DLAB, Canada), Prof. M. Wanderley (McGill – CIRMMT, Canada), Prof. R. Fiebrink (Goldsmiths, London), T. Todoroff (ARTEM, Belgium), and Prof. P. Toiviainen (University of Jyväskylä, Sweden)
Since 2005, we have initiated and coordinated the eNTERFACE 1-month European workshops on Multilmodal Interfaces. The eNTERFACE summer workshops aim at establishing a tradition of collaborative research and development work by gathering, in a single place, a group of senior project leaders, researchers, and (undergraduate) students, working together on a pre-specified list of challenges, for 4 weeks. Participants are organized in teams, attached to specific projects related to multimodal interfaces. Previous issues took place in Ankara, Louvain-la-neuve, Porto, Twente, Mons, Bilbao, Lisbon, Metz, Plzen, Amsterdam, Genova, Paris, Istanbul, Dubrovnik and Mons.
The NUMEDIART Institute has organized and hosted several conferences on creative technology :
- eNTERFACE (2005)
- Journées d’informatique musicales (2012)
- NOLISP (2013)
- INTETAIN (2013)
- eNTERFACE (2015)
- SLSP (2018)
As often as we can, we take part to cultural and creative events. We have been an important driving force in MONS2015 (Mons was the EU capital of Culture in 2015). We have co-initiated the ViceVersa art-science workshop with Transcultures in 2014. Through our CLICK’ creative innovation lab, we also helped many artists and art collectives to develop and use technology for interactive purposes. Since 2019, we are partners of the Wallifornia MusicTech events in Liege. We also initiated the FABLAB MONS npo, and are connected to the Jeunesses Scientifiques Belges for encouraging kids to dive into science and technology.
See our « installations and performances » video channel for more examples of our outreach initiatives.