Higher Spin Gravity online-club by Sachin Jain

On 15 March 2022 at 10:00

The next seminar of the Higher Spin Gravity online-club series, co-organised by UMONS and the University of Tours, will be given by Sachin Jain (IISER, Pune).

Momentum space CFT correlation function and its applications to slightly broken higher spin theories

Momentum space CFT correlator finds its application in cosmology, condensed matter physics, its connection to flat space amplitude in one higher dimensions. In this talk we discuss some of these aspects of momentum space correlator. We first focus on three point function of conserved currents in momentum space and show that the structure is much richer than its position space analogue. We then make  the connection CFT_3 correlator/ flat space amplitude in 4 dimensions precise and discuss some puzzles and their resolution. We briefly discuss how this connection gives rise to possibility of  interesting new developments in CFT correlation functions. We then turn our attention to  application of the results to slightly broken higher spin theories at large N, the Chern-Simons (CS) matter theories. One interesting outcome in momentum space for CS matter theories is its anionic nature of correlation functions. We discuss briefly ongoing work on understanding this anionic nature for higher point function in CS matter theories.

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