

  • Basile, T., Joung, E., Mkrtchyan, K., & Mojaza, M. (03 June 2024). Spinor-helicity representations of particles of any mass in dS4 and AdS4 spacetimes. "Physical Review. D, 109" (12). doi:10.1103/physrevd.109.125003
  • Bekaert, X., Campoleoni, A., & Pekar, S. (22 May 2024). Holographic Carrollian conformal scalars. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024" (5), 242. doi:10.1007/JHEP05(2024)242
  • White, O., Dehouck, V., Boulanger, N., Dierick, F., Babič, J., Goswami, N., & Buisseret, F. (17 May 2024). Resonance tuning of rhythmic movements is disrupted at short time scales: A centrifuge study. "iScience, 27" (5), 109618. doi:10.1016/j.isci.2024.109618
  • BOULANGER, N., Campoleoni, A., Lekeu, V., & SKVORTSOV, E. (09 May 2024). Strange higher-spin topological systems in 3D. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024" (5), 109. doi:10.1007/jhep05(2024)109
  • Dutta, P., & CHATTOPADHYAY, A. (06 May 2024). Weyl formula and thermodynamics of geometric flow. "Physical Review. D, 109" (10). doi:10.1103/physrevd.109.105010
  • Bekaert, X., BOULANGER, N., Goncharov, Y., & Grigoriev, M. (01 April 2024). Ambient-space variational calculus for gauge fields on constant-curvature spacetimes. "Journal of Mathematical Physics, 65" (4). doi:10.1063/5.0159769
  • CHATTOPADHYAY, A., Mandal, T., & Marrani, A. (29 March 2024). Generalized Freudenthal duality for rotating extremal black holes. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024" (3). doi:10.1007/jhep03(2024)170
  • Boulanger, N., Herfray, Y., & Parrini, N. (23 February 2024). Conformal boundaries of Minkowski superspace and their super cuts. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024" (177), 32. doi:10.1007/JHEP02(2024)177
  • Basile, T., Joung, E., & Oh, T. (05 January 2024). Manifestly covariant worldline actions from coadjoint orbits. Part I. Generalities and vectorial descriptions. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024" (1). doi:10.1007/JHEP01(2024)018
  • Brihaye, Y., & Hartmann, B. (January 2024). Note on super-critical charged boson stars. "General Relativity and Gravitation, 56" (1). doi:10.1007/s10714-023-03190-9
  • Lhost, G. (26 March 2024). "Late Inspiral of a self-forced eccentric EMRI" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
  • Skvortsov, E. (18 April 2024). "Some applications of Hochschild cohomology in physics" [Paper presentation]. Hochschild (Co)Homology and Applications, Oberwolfach, Germany.
  • Skvortsov, E. (01 February 2024). "Higher spin symmetry/gravity and 3d bosonization duality" [Paper presentation]. Recent developments in CFTs, Thessaloniki, Greece.


  • Basile, T., Grigoriev, M., & Skvortsov, E. (06 September 2023). Covariant action for conformal higher spin gravity. "Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical, 56" (38), 385402. doi:10.1088/1751-8121/aceeca
  • Lüst, D., Markou, C., Mazloumi, P., & Stieberger, S. (September 2023). A stringy massive double copy. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023" (8). doi:10.1007/JHEP08(2023)193
  • Pekar, S. (24 May 2023). Introduction to higher-spin theories. "PoS Proceedings of Science, Modave2022" (2023), 004. doi:10.22323/1.435.0004
  • Basile, T., Dhasmana, S., & Skvortsov, E. (May 2023). Chiral approach to partially-massless fields. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023" (5). doi:10.1007/JHEP05(2023)136
  • Adamo, T., & Tran, V. (28 April 2023). Higher-spin Yang–Mills, amplitudes and self-duality. "Letters in Mathematical Physics, 113" (3). doi:10.1007/s11005-023-01673-z
  • Scalea, A. (April 2023). On Correlation Functions as Higher-Spin Invariants. "Symmetry, 15" (4), 950. doi:10.3390/sym15040950
  • Basile, I., Campoleoni, A., & Raeymaekers, J. (24 March 2023). A note on the admissibility of complex BTZ metrics. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023" (3), 187. doi:10.1007/jhep03(2023)187
  • Basile, I., Campoleoni, A., Pekar, S., & Skvortsov, E. (13 March 2023). Infinite distances in multicritical CFTs and higher-spin holography. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023" (3), 75. doi:10.1007/jhep03(2023)075
  • Bekaert, X., Campoleoni, A., & Pekar, S. (10 March 2023). Carrollian conformal scalar as flat-space singleton. "Physics Letters B, 838", 137734. doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2023.137734
  • Tran, V. (21 February 2023). Toward a twistor action for chiral higher-spin gravity. "Physical Review. D, 107" (4). doi:10.1103/physrevd.107.046015
  • Sharapov, A., Skvortsov, E., & Sukhanov, A. (February 2023). Deformation quantization of the simplest Poisson orbifold. "Journal of Geometry and Physics, 184", 104723. doi:10.1016/j.geomphys.2022.104723
  • Tran, V. (01 February 2023). Constraining higher-spin S-matrices. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023" (2). doi:10.1007/JHEP02(2023)001
  • Campoleoni, A., Delfante, A., Francia, D., & Heissenberg, C. (12 December 2023). Renormalization of spin-one asymptotic charges in AdS_D. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023" (12), 061. doi:10.1007/JHEP12(2023)061
  • Campoleoni, A., Delfante, A., Pekar, S., Petropoulos, P. M., Rivera-Betancour, D., & Vilatte, M. (12 December 2023). Flat from anti de Sitter. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023" (12), 078. doi:10.1007/JHEP12(2023)078
  • MARKOU, C., & SKVORTSOV, E. (11 December 2023). An excursion into the string spectrum. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023" (12). doi:10.1007/jhep12(2023)055
  • Brihaye, Y., eugen radu, carlos herdeiro, & joao novo. (2023). Kaluza-Klein monopole with scalar hair. "Journal of High Energy Physics". doi:10.1007/JHEP01(2024)181
  • Ciambelli, L., Delfante, A., Ruzziconi, R., & Zwikel, C. (04 December 2023). Symmetries and charges in Weyl-Fefferman-Graham gauge. "Physical Review. D, 108" (12). doi:10.1103/physrevd.108.126003
  • Boulanger, N., Campoleoni, A., & Pekar, S. (28 November 2023). New higher-spin curvatures in flat space. "Physical Review. D, 108", 101904. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.108.L101904
  • Cangemi, L., Chiodaroli, M., Johansson, H., Ochirov, A., Pichini, P., & SKVORTSOV, E. (27 November 2023). Kerr Black Holes From Massive Higher-Spin Gauge Symmetry. "Physical Review Letters, 131" (22). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.131.221401
  • Boulanger, N., Lhost, G., & Thomee, S. (15 November 2023). Consistent Couplings between a Massive Spin-3/2 Field and a Partially Massless Spin-2 Field. "Universe, 9" (11), 482. doi:10.3390/universe9110482
  • Chattopadhyay, A., Mandal, T., & Marrani, A. (August 2023). Near-extremal Freudenthal duality. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023" (8). doi:10.1007/JHEP08(2023)014
  • Chattopadhyay, A., Mitra, A., & Van Zyl, H. J. R. (15 July 2023). Spread complexity as classical dilaton solutions. "Physical Review. D, 108" (2). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.108.025013
  • Brihaye, Y., & Hartmann, B. (15 June 2023). Charged and rotating boson stars in five-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory. "Physical Review. D, 107" (12). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.107.124060
  • Sharapov, A., Skvortsov, E., Sukhanov, A., & Van Dongen, R. (May 2023). More on Chiral Higher Spin Gravity and convex geometry. "Nuclear Physics B, 990", 116152. doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2023.116152
  • Skvortsov, E., & Yin, Y. (April 2023). On (spinor)-helicity and bosonization in AdS 4/CFT 3. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023" (3). doi:10.1007/JHEP03(2023)204
  • Boulanger, N., Buisseret, F., Dehouck, V., Dierick, F., & White, O. (06 February 2023). Diffusion in Phase Space as a Tool to Assess Variability of Vertical Centre-of-Mass Motion during Long-Range Walking. "Physics, 2023" (5), 168-178. doi:10.3390/physics5010013
  • Herfray, Y., Krasnov, K., & Skvortsov, E. (2023). Higher-spin self-dual Yang-Mills and gravity from the twistor space. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023" (1). doi:10.1007/JHEP01(2023)158
  • Sharapov, A., Skvortsov, E., & Van Dongen, R. (2023). Chiral higher spin gravity and convex geometry. "SciPost Physics, 14" (6). doi:10.21468/SciPostPhys.14.6.162
  • Paindaveine, D., & Spindel, P. (2023). Revisiting the name variant of the two-children problem. "Publications of the American Statistical Association". doi:10.1080/00031305.2023.2173293
  • Delfante, A. (09 November 2023). "(Weyl-)Fefferman-Graham asymptotic symmetries". Paper presented at Quantum Gravity Seminar, Waterloo, Canada.
  • Delfante, A. (02 October 2023). "Weyl-Fefferman-Graham and Covariant Bondi gauges". Paper presented at Carroll Workshop 2023, Thessanolique, Greece.
  • Delfante, A. (19 April 2023). "Weyl-Fefferman-Graham gauge and asymptotic symmetries". Paper presented at CPHT Young Researcher Seminars.
  • Markou, C. (2023). "New probes of the string spectrum". Paper presented at NORDITA Program "Amplifying Gravity at All Scales", Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Markou, C. (21 December 2023). "Probing the deep string spectrum" [Paper presentation]. Xmas Theoretical Physics Workshop, Athens, Greece.
  • Campoleoni, A. (06 December 2023). "Gravitational waves" [Paper presentation]. From cross border collaborations to infinity and beyond (Academic/ R&I Conference within the Belgian State Visit to Germany), Berlin, Germany.
  • Delfante, A. (05 December 2023). "(Weyl-)Fefferman-Graham asymptotic symmetries" [Paper presentation]. ENS Lyon Seminar, Lyon, France.
  • Delfante, A. (23 November 2023). "Renormalization of Maxwell asymptotic charges in AdS$_D$". Paper presented at Roma Tre Seminar, Rome, Italy.
  • Parrini, N. (06 October 2023). "Super null infinity and the super good cuts" [Paper presentation]. 3rd Carroll Workshop.
  • Parrini, N. (08 February 2023). "Geometry of the super Null Infinity" [Paper presentation]. Beyond Lorentzian Geometry II.
  • Mele, L. (2023). "Carrollian fermions coupled to gravity". Unpublished master thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons [Faculté des Sciences], Mons, Belgium. Jury: Campoleoni, A. (Promotor).
  • Pekar, S. (2023). "Aspects of higher-spin symmetry in flat space". Unpublished doctoral thesis, UMONS - University of Mons [Sciences], Belgium. Jury: Campoleoni, A. (Promotor), Boulanger, N., Skvortsov, E., Francia, D., Petropoulos, M., ... Semay, C.
  • Gamrath, S., Cimino, L., De corte, A., Lhost, G., & Bernardi, M. (2023). "Table ronde - La vie d'un doctorant en physique".
  • Skvortsov, E. (2023). "Strong homotopy algebras for higher spin gravity and 3d bosonization duality". Paper presented at ESI Workshop Higher Structures and Field Theory, Vienna, Austria.
  • Delfante, A. (19 December 2023). "(Weyl-)Fefferman-Graham asymptotic symmetries" [Paper presentation]. Vienna Joint Theory Seminar, Vienne, Austria.
  • Markou, C. (11 December 2023). "New probes of the string spectrum" [Paper presentation]. Special Seminar, Theoretical Physics Group, London, United Kingdom.
  • Skvortsov, E. (28 November 2023). "Kerr black holes and massive higher spins" [Paper presentation]. From Quarks to Galaxies: Elucidating Dark Sides, Protvino, Russia.
  • Markou, C. (17 November 2023). "New probes of the string spectrum" [Paper presentation]. Weekly Journal Club Meeting, String Theory Group, Paris, France.
  • Markou, C. (15 November 2023). "New probes of the string spectrum" [Paper presentation]. String Theory Weekly Seminar Series, Paris, Saclay, France.
  • Markou, C. (09 November 2023). "New probes of the string spectrum" [Paper presentation]. Fields and Strings Weekly Seminar Series, Munich, Germany.
  • Skvortsov, E. (03 November 2023). "Higher spin gravity, pre-Calabi-Yau, Formality and Convex geometry" [Paper presentation]. Pre-Calabi-Yau day, Grenoble, France.
  • Skvortsov, E. (23 September 2023). "Noncommutative geometry and higher spin gravity/symmetry" [Paper presentation]. Workshop on noncommutative and generalized geometry, Corfu, Greece.
  • Skvortsov, E. (28 July 2023). "Higher spins: from quantum gravity to black hole scattering" [Paper presentation]. From Amplitudes to Gravitational Waves, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Boulanger, N. (10 January 2023). "Higher-spins from higher dualisations" [Paper presentation]. Higher Structures, Gravity and Fields, Mainz, Germany.
  • Skvortsov, E. (2023). "(Chiral) theories with massless and massive higher spins" [Paper presentation]. QFTG-2023, Tomsk, Russia.
  • Berghofer, P., Francois, J., Friederich, S., Gomes, H., Hetzroni, G., Maas, A., & Sondenheimer, R. (2023). "Gauge Symmetries, Symmetry Breaking, and Gauge-Invariant Approaches". Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781009197236
  • Boulanger, N. (2023). "New higher-spin topological systems in 3D" [Paper presentation]. Joint TU/UV Theory Seminar, Vienna, Austria.
  • Boulanger, N. (2023). "Strange Higher Spins are Wild Quivers" [Paper presentation]. Seminars of the Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, NYU, New York, United States.
  • Boulanger, N. (2023). "Scientific exchanges between Einstein, Weyl and Cartan: The Birth of Gauge Theory" [Paper presentation]. Seminars of the CUNY City Tech center for theoretical Physics, New York, United States.


  • BOULANGER, N., Cook, P. P., O’Connor, J. A., & West, P. (27 December 2022). Higher dualisations of linearised gravity and the $$ {A}_1^{+++} $$ algebra. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022" (12), 43. doi:10.1007/jhep12(2022)152
  • Ochirov, A., & Skvortsov, E. (09 December 2022). Chiral Approach to Massive Higher Spins. "Physical Review Letters, 129" (24). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.241601
  • CAMPOLEONI, A., Ciambelli, L., Delfante, A., Marteau, C., Petropoulos, P. M., & Ruzziconi, R. (01 December 2022). Holographic Lorentz and Carroll frames. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022" (12), 007. doi:10.1007/jhep12(2022)007
  • Steinacker, H. C.* , & Tran, V. (25 November 2022). A twistorial description of the IKKT-matrix model. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022" (11). doi:10.1007/JHEP11(2022)146
  • Skvortsov, E., & Sharapov, A. (2022). Integrable models from non-commutative geometry, with applications to 3d dualities. "PoS Proceedings of Science". doi:10.22323/1.406.0253
  • Brihaye, Y., betti hartmann, & felipe console. (15 November 2022). `Charged and radially excited boson stars (in Anti-de Sitter),''. "Physical Review. D, Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology, 10", 104058. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.106.104058
  • Herfray, Y. (03 November 2022). Carrollian manifolds and null infinity: a view from Cartan geometry. "Classical and Quantum Gravity, 39" (21), 215005. doi:10.1088/1361-6382/ac635f
  • Brihaye, Y., carlos herdeiro, & eugen radu. (11 October 2022). $D = 5$ static, charged black holes, strings and rings with resonant, scalar Q-hair,''. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 10", 153-176. doi:10.1007/JHEP10(2022)153
  • Basile, I., Raucci, S., & Thomee, S. (October 2022). Revisiting Dudas-Mourad Compactifications. "Universe, 8" (10), 544. doi:10.3390/universe8100544
  • Campoleoni, A., Henneaux, M., Pekar, S., Pérez, A., & Salgado-Rebolledo, P. (16 September 2022). Magnetic Carrollian gravity from the Carroll algebra. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022" (9), 127. doi:10.1007/jhep09(2022)127
  • Buisseret, F., Dehouck, V., Boulanger, N., Henry, G., Piccinin, F., White, O., & Dierick, F. (09 September 2022). Adiabatic Invariant of Center-of-Mass Motion during Walking as a Dynamical Stability Constraint on Stride Interval Variability and Predictability. "Biology, 2022" (11), 1334. doi:10.3390/biology11091334
  • Sharapov, A., Skvortsov, E., Sukhanov, A., & Van Dongen, R. (September 2022). Minimal model of Chiral Higher Spin Gravity. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022" (9). doi:10.1007/JHEP09(2022)134
  • Skvortsov, E., & Van Dongen, R. (15 August 2022). Minimal models of field theories: Chiral higher spin gravity. "Physical Review. D, 106" (4). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.106.045006
  • Donnay, L., Fiorucci, A., Herfray, Y., & Ruzziconi, R. (12 August 2022). Carrollian Perspective on Celestial Holography. "Physical Review Letters, 129" (7), 071602. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.071602
  • Heckelbacher, T., Sachs, I., Skvortsov, E., & Vanhove, P. (August 2022). Analytical evaluation of cosmological correlation functions. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022" (8). doi:10.1007/JHEP08(2022)139
  • Heckelbacher, T., Sachs, I., Skvortsov, E., & Vanhove, P. (August 2022). Analytical evaluation of AdS4 Witten diagrams as flat space multi-loop Feynman integrals. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022" (8). doi:10.1007/JHEP08(2022)052
  • Skvortsov, E., & Van Dongen, R. (August 2022). Minimal models of field theories: SDYM and SDGR. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022" (8). doi:10.1007/JHEP08(2022)083
  • Campoleoni, A., & Pekar, S. (17 February 2022). Carrollian and Galilean conformal higher-spin algebras in any dimensions. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 02", 1-87. doi:10.1007/JHEP02(2022)150
  • Brihaye, Y., Hartmann, B., Kleihaus, B., & Kunz, J. (15 February 2022). Horndeski Proca stars with vector hair. "Physical Review. D, 105" (4), 044050.
  • Herfray, Y., & Scarinci, C. (20 January 2022). Einstein gravity as a gauge theory for the conformal group. "Classical and Quantum Gravity, 39" (2), 025011. doi:10.1088/1361-6382/ac3e53
  • Gerasimenko, P., Sharapov, A., & Skvortsov, E. (2022). Slightly broken higher spin symmetry: general structure of correlators. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022" (1). doi:10.1007/JHEP01(2022)097
  • Sharapov, A., & SKVORTSOV, E. (2022). Chiral Higher Spin Gravity in (A)dS${}_4$ and secrets of Chern-Simons Matter Theories. "Nuclear Physics B, 985", 115982. doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2022.115982
  • Francois, J. (24 June 2022). Twisted gauge fields. "Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 25" (6), 1389 - 1447. doi:10.4310/ATMP.2021.v25.n6.a2
  • Sharapov, A. A., & Skvortsov, E. (June 2022). Homotopy Cartan calculus and inner deformations of A∞ -algebras. "Letters in Mathematical Physics, 112" (3). doi:10.1007/s11005-022-01557-8
  • Boulanger, N., & Erdmenger, J. (03 February 2022). Corrigendum: A classification of local Weyl invariants in D = 8, (Classical and Quantum Gravity (2004) 21 (4305-4316). "Classical and Quantum Gravity, 39" (3), 039501. doi:10.1088/1361-6382/ac4617
  • Anonyme. (2022). "Gu Hongzhong, 'Festivités nocturnes de Han Xizai'" (Henry, K., Trans.). Nuvis.
  • AA., V., Boulanger, N. (Ed.), & Campoleoni, A. (Ed.). (2022). "Exact Solutions in Classical Field Theory: Solitons, Black Holes and Boson Stars". Basel, Switzerland: MDPI. doi:10.3390/books978-3-0365-2974-5
  • Boulanger, N. (09 December 2022). "Deformed oscillators and higher-spin fields". Paper presented at Journées SL2R, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
  • Campoleoni, A. (16 October 2022). "Infinite distances in multicritical CFTs and higher-spin holography". Paper presented at Higher Spin Gravity and its Applications, Pohang, South Korea.
  • Delfante, A. (03 October 2022). "Holographic Lorentz and Carroll Frames". Paper presented at Quantum Gravity Around the Corner, Waterloo, Canada.
  • Campoleoni, A. (03 October 2022). "An introduction to coadjoint orbits". Paper presented at Quantum Gravity Around the Corner, Waterloo, Canada.
  • Boulanger, N. (16 September 2022). "Higher spins from higher dualisations". Paper presented at Higher Spin Gravity and its Applications, Pohang, South Korea.
  • Parrini, N. (15 September 2022). "Homogenous super-Carrollian manifolds for the super Poincaré group". Paper presented at Carroll Workshop.
  • Delfante, A. (14 September 2022). "Holographic Lorentz and Carroll Frames". Paper presented at Second Carroll Workshop, Mons, Belgium.
  • Parzy, E., Boudries, D., Jacoutot, S., Albalat, M., Vanthuyne, N., Franconi, J.-M., Mellet, P., Thiaudiere, E., Audran, G., Marque, S. R. A., Massot, P., Garifo, S., Stanicki, D., Laurent, S., & Muller, R. (August 2022). "Enzymatic Activity Monitoring through Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in the Earth magnetic field, the PRIMOGAIA Project". Paper presented at Contrast Media Research Symposium, CMR 2022, Annapolis, United States.
  • Boulanger, N. (13 May 2022). "Couplings between massless spin-2 fields, partially-massless spin-2 fields and vector gauge fields in de-Sitter spacetime". Paper presented at 14th Spontaneous Workshop on Hot topics in Modern Cosmology (SW14), Cargèse, France.
  • Boulanger, N. (03 May 2022). "Scientific exchanges between Einstein, Weyl and Cartan - The birth of Gauge Theory". Paper presented at When the M meets the P 2022, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
  • Campoleoni, A. (18 February 2022). "Higher-spin extensions of Carrollian symmetries". Paper presented at Carroll workshop, Vienna, Austria.
  • Markou, C. (2022). "Advances in spin-2 physics". Paper presented at 12th Crete Regional Meeting in String Theory, Greece.
  • Markou, C. (2022). "A stringy massive double copy". Paper presented at QCD meets Gravity 2022 (Université de Zurich), Switzerland.
  • Markou, C. (2022). "Extracting bigravity from string amplitudes". Paper presented at Jean-Pierre Fest (Ecole Normale Supérieure), France.
  • Lüst, D., Markou, C., Mazloumi, P., & Stieberger, S. (2022). Extracting Bigravity from string amplitudes. "PoS Proceedings of Science". doi:10.22323/1.406.0207
  • Basile, I. (2022). Supersymmetry breaking, brane dynamics and the swampland. "PoS Proceedings of Science". doi:10.22323/1.406.0164
  • Luest, D., Markou, C., Mazloumi, P., & Stieberger, S. (2022). Extracting Bigravity from String Theory. "PoS Proceedings of Science". doi:10.22323/1.406.0179
  • Bekaert, X., Boulanger, N., Campoleoni, A., Chiodaroli, M., Francia, D., Grigoriev, M., Sezgin, E., & Skvortsov, E. (03 May 2022). "Snowmass White Paper: Higher Spin Gravity and Higher Spin Symmetry". Paper presented at Snowmass 2021.
  • Boulanger, N. (2022). "The Big Bang Theory". Mons, Belgium: MUMONS.
  • Skvortsov, E. (15 October 2022). "Chiral News". Paper presented at APCTP workshop HiSGRA and its Applications, Pohang, South Korea.
  • Skvortsov, E. (21 September 2022). "Strong homotopy algebras in conformal field theory and higher spin gravity". Paper presented at Workshop on noncommutative and generalized geometry, Corfu, Greece.
  • Skvortsov, E. (2022). "Higher Spin Gravities: News and (possible) relations to string theory". Paper presented at String field theory, Prague, Czechia.
  • Markou, C. (17 October 2022). "Advances in spin-2 physics" [Paper presentation]. String Theory Weekly Seminar Series, Prague, Czechia.
  • Skvortsov, E. (26 April 2022). "Higher spin gravity/symmetry: status report and applications to 3d bosonization duality" [Paper presentation]. Eurostrings, Lyon, France.
  • Skvortsov, E. (2022). "Strong homotopy algebras for higher spin gravity and 3d bosonization duality" [Paper presentation]. ESI Workshop Higher Structures and Field Theory, Vienna, Austria.
  • De Muijlder, T., Voué, M., & Leclère, P. (2022). "Etude et caractérisation à la nanoéchelle des propriétés électriques et mécaniques de nanoparticules d’argent dispersées dans une matrice de polystyrène" [Poster presentation]. Forum2022, Saint-Valery-Sur-Somme, France.


  • Francois, J., Parrini, N., & Boulanger, N. (2021). Note on the bundle geometry of field space, variational connections, the dressing field method, & presymplectic structures of gauge theories over bounded regions. "Journal of High Energy Physics". doi:10.1007/JHEP12(2021)186
  • Brihaye, Y., & Hartmann, B. (2021). Spherically symmetric charged black holes with wavy scalar hair}. "Classical and Quantum Gravity".
  • Basile, I., & Platania, A. (06 December 2021). String tension between de Sitter vacua and curvature corrections. "Physical Review. D, 104".
  • Boulanger, N., Buisseret, F., & Lhost, G. (2021). A First-Quantized Model for Unparticles and Gauge Theories around Conformal Window. "Universe". doi:10.3390/universe7120471
  • Tran, V. T. (2021). Twistor constructions for higher-spin extensions of (self-dual) Yang-Mills. "Journal of High Energy Physics".
  • Sharapov, A., & Skvortsov, E. (2021). Higher spin gravities and presymplectic AKSZ models. "Nuclear Physics B". doi:
  • Basile, I. (18 October 2021). Asymptotic Safety: Swampland or Wonderland? "Universe, 7".
  • Spindel, P. (2021). Comment on 'Spherically symmetric perturbations of a Schwarzschild black hole in torsion bigravity'. "Physical Review. D, Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology".
  • Basile, I. (11 October 2021). Supersymmetry breaking, brane dynamics and Swampland conjectures. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2110".
  • Ahlouche Lahlali, I., Boulanger, N., & Campoleoni, A. (2021). Coadjoint Orbits of the Poincaré Group for Discrete-Spin Particles in Any Dimension. "Symmetry". doi:10.3390/ sym13091749
  • Krasnov, K., Skvortsov, E., & Tran, V. T. (17 August 2021). Actions for Self-dual Higher Spin Gravities. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021" (8). doi:
  • Krasnov, K., & Skvortsov, E. (17 August 2021). Flat Self-dual Gravity. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021" (8). doi:
  • Boulanger, N., Buisseret, F., Dehouck, V., Dierick, F., & White, O. (2021). Motor strategies and adiabatic invariants: The case of rhythmic motion in parabolic flights. "Physical Review. E ,Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics".
  • Basile, I. (2021). Supersymmetry breaking and stability in string vacua: Brane dynamics, bubbles and the swampland. "Rivista del Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica".
  • Spindel, P. (2021). Dynamical torsion gravity backgrounds. "Physical Review. D, Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology".
  • Bekaert, X., & Boulanger, N. (2021). The unitary representations of the Poincaré group in any spacetime dimension. "SciPost Physics Lecture Notes".
  • Basile, I., & Platania, A. (07 June 2021). Cosmological α′-corrections from the functional renormalization group. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 06".
  • Brihaye, Y., & verbin, Y. (2021). Scalarized dyonic black holes in vector-tensor Horndeski gravity}. "Physical Review. D".
  • Brihaye, Y., capobianco, R., & Hartmann, B. (2021). Spontaneous scalarization of self-gravitating magnetic fields}. "Physical Review. D".
  • Francois, J. (23 March 2021). Bundle geometry of the connection space, covariant Hamiltonian formalism, the problem of boundaries in gauge theories, and the dressing field method. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021" (3), 225. doi:10.1007/JHEP03(2021)225
  • Boulanger, N., & Lekeu, V. (2021). Higher spins from exotic dualisations. "Journal of High Energy Physics".
  • Sharapov, A., & Skvortsov, E. (2021). Cup product on A∞-cohomology and deformations. "Journal of Noncommutative Geometry". doi:DOI: 10.4171/JNCG/411
  • Shakeri-Zadeh, A., Zareyi, H., Sheervalilou, R., Laurent, S., Ghaznavi, H., & Samadian, H. (2021). Gold nanoparticle-mediated bubbles in cancer nanotechnology. "Journal of Controlled Release".
  • Pekar, S. (13 December 2021). "Flat space higher-spin symmetry algebras in any dimensions". Paper presented at INFN Strings Young Days, Milano Bicocca, Italy.
  • Pekar, S. (16 November 2021). "Carrollian and Galilean conformal higher-spin algebras in any dimensions". Paper presented at HS seminar, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Boulanger, N. (06 October 2021). "UIR's of the maximally symmetric spacetime algebras". Paper presented at All Lambda Holography @ Prague, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Boulanger, N. (15 September 2021). "Algebraic classification of conformal invariants and conformal anomalies in arbitrary dimension". Paper presented at Geometry for Higher Spin Gravity: Conformal Structures, PDEs, and Q-manifolds, Vienna, Austria.
  • Campoleoni, A. (02 September 2021). "On Carrollian and Galilean higher-spin algebras". Paper presented at Geometry for Higher Spin Gravity: Conformal Structures, PDEs, and Q-manifolds, Vienna, Austria.
  • Boulanger, N. (04 June 2021). "Exotic Duality and Higher Spins". Paper presented at XXI International Seminar on High-Energy Physics (QUARKS-2020), On-line, Russia.
  • Francois, J. (2021). "Differential geometry of gauge theories: an introduction". Paper presented at XVI Modave Summer School in Mathematical Physics, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Delfante, A. (02 September 2021). "Conformal anomaly in 3D fluid/gravity". Poster session presented at Geometry for Higher Spin Gravity: Conformal Structures, PDEs, and Q-manifolds, Vienne, Austria.


  • Sharapov, A., & Skvortsov, E. (2020). Characteristic Cohomology and Observables in Higher Spin Gravity. "Journal of High Energy Physics".
  • Campoleoni, A., Francia, D., & Heissenberg, C. (21 December 2020). On asymptotic symmetries in higher dimensions for any spin. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 12", 1-33. doi:10.1007/JHEP12(2020)129
  • Brihaye, Y., console, F., & Hartmann, B. (20 December 2020). Inflation inside non-topological defects and scalar black holes. "Symmetry, 13" (01), 20-29. doi:10.1007/JHEP02(2010)041
  • Skvortsov, E., Tran, V. T., & Tsulaia, M. (2020). A Stringy theory in three dimensions and Massive Higher Spins. "Physical Review. D".
  • Boulanger, N., Buisseret, F., Dehouck, V., Dierick, F., & White, O. (01 December 2020). Adiabatic invariants drive rhythmic human motion in variable gravity. "Physical Review. E, 102", 062403.
  • Basile, I., & Lanza, S. (16 October 2020). de Sitter in non-supersymmetric string theories: no-go theorems and brane-worlds. "Journal of High Energy Physics, 10".
  • Boulanger, N., Garcia-Saenz, S., & Traina, L. (2020). Interactions for partially-massless spin-2 fields. "Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters".
  • Boulanger, N., & Buisseret, F. (01 October 2020). The Formulations of Classical Mechanics with Foucault's Pendulum. "Physics, 2" (4), 531-540.
  • Grigoriev, M., Mkrtchyan, K., & Skvortsov, E. (2020). Matter-free higher spin gravities in 3D: Partially-massless fields and general structure. "Physical Review. D".
  • Brihaye, Y., & Buisseret, F. (12 September 2020). Gravitating bubbles of gluon plasma above deconfinement temperature. "Symmetry, 12" (10), 1668.
  • Skvortsov, E., & Tran, V. T. (2020). One-loop Finiteness of Chiral Higher Spin Gravity. "Journal of High Energy Physics".
  • Skvortsov, E., Tran, V. T., & Tsulaia, M. (2020). More on Quantum Chiral Higher Spin Gravity. "Physical Review. D".
  • Brihaye, Y., Hartmann, B., urrestilla, J., & aprile, N. (12 April 2020). Scalarization of asymptotically anti-de Sitter black holes with applications to holographic phase transitions. "Physical Review. D, 101" (12), 124016.
  • Brihaye, Y., Ducobu, L., & Hartmann, B. (11 April 2020). Boson and neutron stars with increased density. "Physics Letters B, 811", 135906.
  • Brihaye, Y., & verbin, Y. (10 April 2020). `Scalarized compact objects in a vector-tensor Horndeski gravity. "Physical Review. D, 102", 124021.
  • Brihaye, Y., herdeiro, C., & Radu, E. (12 February 2020). Black Hole Spontaneous Scalarisation with a Positive Cosmological Constan. "Physics Letters B, 802", 135269.
  • Francois, J., Masson, T., & Lazzarini, S. (10 February 2020). Cartan Connections and Atiyah Lie Algebroids. "Journal of Geometry and Physics, 148", 103541.
  • Sharapov, A., Skvortsov, E., & Tran, V. T. (2020). Towards massless sector of tensionless strings on AdS5. "Physics Letters B".
  • Amro, K., Thakur, A. K., Rolland, M., Van Der Lee, A., Lemaur, V., Lazzaroni, R., Rault-Berthelot, J., Poriel, C., Hirsch, L., Clément, S., & Gerbier, P. (2020). Linking triptycene to silole: a fruitful association. "Materials Chemistry Frontiers".
  • Traore, O., Campaore, M., Okusa, P., Hubinon, F., Duez, P., Blankert, B., & Kiendrebeogo, M. (16 May 2020). Development and validation of an original magneto-chromatography device for the whole blood determination of hemozoin, the paramagnetic malaria pigment. "Microchemical Journal, 157".
  • Campoleoni, A. (23 November 2020). "Higher Spin Extensions of the BMS group". Paper presented at Solvay Workshop on 'The asymptotic structure of spacetime', Brussels, Belgium.
  • Francois, J. (06 November 2020). "Artificial vs substantial gauge symmetries: Criterion and application to the electroweak model". Paper presented at Conceptual and Phenomenological Reflections on Gauge Symmetries, the Brout-Englert-Higgs Mechanism, Particles, and Observables, Graz University, Austria.
  • Boulanger, N., Deffayet, C., Garcia-Saenz, S., & Traina, L. (2020). "A theory for multiple partially massless spin-2 fields". Paper presented at 19th Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity (CORFU2019), Corfu, Greece.
  • Francois, J. (2020). "The 2019 Nobel prize in physics 2".


  • De Filippi, D., Iazeolla, C., & Sundell, P. (2019). Fronsdal fields from gauge functions in Vasiliev's higher spin gravity. "Journal of High Energy Physics", (10(2019)).
  • Spindel, P. (08 August 2019). Three dimensional black string : instabilities and asymptotic charges. "Classical and Quantum Gravity, 36".
  • Boulanger, N., Deffayet, C., Garcia-Saenz, S., & Traina, L. (2019). Theory for multiple partially massless spin-2 fields. "Physical Review. D".
  • Campoleoni, A., Francia, D., & Heissenberg, C. (23 October 2019). Electromagnetic and color memory in even dimensions. "Physical Review. D, 100". doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.100.085015
  • Campoleoni, A., Ciambelli, L., Marteau, C., Petropoulos, P. M., & Siampos, K. (11 July 2019). Two-dimensional fluids and their holographic duals. "Nuclear Physics B, 946". doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2019.114692
  • Boulanger, N., Francois, J., & Lazzarini, S. (2019). A classification of global conformal invariants. "Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical". doi:10.1088/1751-8121/ab01af
  • Boulanger, N., Buisseret, F., Dierick, F., & White, O. (2019). Higher-derivative harmonic oscillators: stability of classical dynamics and adiabatic invariants. "European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields".
  • Traina, L. (15 September 2019). "An interacting theory for multiple partially massless spin-2 fields". Paper presented at Corfu Summer Institute 2019, Corfou, Greece.
  • Bridoux, S. (01 April 2019). "Étude de pratiques in situ d'enseignants universitaires et confrontation avec le vécu des étudiants". Paper presented at La pédagogie universitaire: un terrain pour les recherches en didactique des disciplines, Rouen, France.
  • De Filippi, D. (22 March 2019). "Observables and boundary conditions in Vasiliev's higher spin gravity". Paper presented at ESI Programme and Workshop 'Higher spins and holography', The Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics, Austria.
  • Traina, L. (11 February 2019). "BRST-BV deformation procedure for extended theories of gravity". Paper presented at Seminaires GReCo, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France.
  • Boulanger, N. (15 January 2019). "On conformal anomalies and conformal invariants in arbitrary dimension: General solution of the Wess-Zumino consistency condition". Paper presented at The Third Mandelstam Theoretical Physics School and Workshop, Durban, South Africa.
  • Boulanger, N. (10 January 2019). "The generalised Bargmann-Wigner program in dimensions D > 3 : Minkowski and (A)dS spacetimes". Paper presented at The Third Mandelstam Theoretical Physics School and Workshop, Durban, South Africa.
  • De Filippi, D., Iazeolla, C., & Sundell, P. (12 July 2019). "Linearized gauge functions and the COMST in Vasiliev's higher spin gravity". Poster session presented at Strings 2019, Flagey (Bruxelles), Belgium.
  • Traina, L., Boulanger, N., Garcia-Saenz, S., & Deffayet, C. (09 July 2019). "A theory for multiple partially massless spin-2 fields". Poster session presented at Strings 2019, Flagey (Bruxelles), Belgium.
  • Goncharov, Y. (09 July 2019). "Scattering amplitudes via multi-particle higher-spin charges". Poster session presented at Strings 2019, Flagey (Bruxelles), Belgium.
  • Bonezzi, R., Boulanger, N., De Filippi, D., & Sundell, P. (05 March 2019). "Théorie non-commutative de spins élevés". Poster session presented at Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.
  • Mita, K., Silmina, A., Panepinto, A., Noirfalise, X., Savorianakis, G., Voué, M., Guyot, C., Yang, M., Shimizu, T., & Konstantinidis, S. (23 January 2019). "On the synthesis of VOx thin film by reactive magnetron sputtering". Poster session presented at The 15th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, Kanazawa, Japan.
  • Fabienne, V. M., Campoleoni, A., Close, C., & Saerens, P. (2019). "Physique quantique, Ressentiment démocratique et Contrats intelligents". La 1ère.
  • Bulgakova, D., Goncharov, Y., & Ogievetsky, O. (2019). "Normal form for the walled Brauer algebra: construction and applications".
  • Francois, J. (2019). "The 2019 Nobel prize in physics 1".
  • Boulanger, N. (2019). "Partially-massless spin-2 fields: Twisted duality and interactions in (A)dS".


  • Boulanger, N., Campoleoni, A., Cortese, I., & Traina, L. (27 November 2018). Spin-2 Twisted Duality in (A)dS. "Frontiers in physics, 6", 1-8. doi:10.3389/fphy.2018.00129
  • Boulanger, N. (04 December 2018). "Partially-massless spin-two twisted duality in (A)dS". Paper presented at Workshop 'Higher Symmetries and Quantum Gravity', Potsdam, Germany.
  • Campoleoni, A. (04 December 2018). "Gravity and higher spins in three-dimensional flat space". Paper presented at Workshop 'Higher Symmetries and Quantum Gravity', Potsdam, Germany.
  • Boulanger, N. (28 August 2018). "Spin-2 Twisted Duality in (A)dS". Paper presented at Seminars of the Theoretical Physics Departement, Kyung-Hee University Seoul, South Korea.
  • Boulanger, N. (25 April 2018). "Higher-spins off-shell: Dreams and Reality". Paper presented at Higher Spin Theory: Past and Future, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France.
  • Campoleoni, A., Francia, D., & Heissenberg, C. (31 October 2018). Asymptotic symmetries and charges at null infinity: from low to high spins. "EPJ Web of Conferences, 191", 06011. doi:10.1051/epjconf/201819106011
  • Roland, V., Delvaux, V., Haelewyck, M.-C., Huet, K., Piccaluga, M., & Harmegnies, B. (29 November 2018). "Analyse multiparamétrique de la dysarthrie parkinsonienne : vers l'identification de profils individuels de la maladie de Parkinson". Poster session presented at Réunion du Groupe de Contact FNRS en Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique, Mons, Belgium.
  • Saaoui, D., Benali, S., Mincheva, R., Habi, A., Dubois, P., & Raquez, J. M. (29 May 2018). "Poly(ethylene terephthalate)poly(e-caprolactone) blend nanocomposites : the effect of ionic liquid on the dispersion and localization of CRGO in the blend". Poster session presented at Annual Meeting Belgian Polymer Group 2018, Blankenberge, Belgium.


  • Glineur, C. (2017). "Conférence de presse du projet Action Jeunes pour l'emploi".


  • Francois, J. (25 April 2016). Weyl gravity and Cartan geometry. "Physical Review. D, 93", 085032.
  • Arnal, M. L., Boissé, S., Muller, A. J., Meyer, F., Raquez, J. M., Dubois, P., & Prud'homme, R. E. (22 April 2016). Interplay between poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(L-lactide) blocks during diblock copolymer crystallization. "CrystEngComm, 18", 3635-3649.


  • Watlet, A., Kaufmann, O., Francis, O., Van Camp, M., Triantafyllou, A., Wilkinson, P., Meldrum, P., & Chambers, J. (26 November 2015). "ERT monitoring of the vadose zone of a karst system sounds like a challenge!" Paper presented at 3rd International Workshop on Geoelectric Monitoring (GELMON), Vienne, Austria.
  • Boulanger, N. (05 August 2015). "Higher-Spin I.: An Introduction to Higher-Spin Gravity". Paper presented at Gauge theories, supergravity and superstrings, Centro de ciencas Pedro Pascual, Benasque, Spain.
  • Larhmam, M., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (10 December 2015). "Classification of Spine Metastasis in T1-weighted MRI". Poster session presented at Grascomp Doctoral Day, Namur, Belgium.


  • Ansciaux, E., Burtea, C., Nonclercq, D., Vander Elst, L., Laurent, S., & Muller, R. (26 May 2013). "A contrast agent vectorized against amyloid plaques and potentially able to cross the blood-brain barrier: toward earlier diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease by molecular imaging". Paper presented at 8th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Molecular Imaging, Torino, Italy.
  • Wang, L., Verbelen, B., Tonnele, C., Beljonne, D., Lazzaroni, R., Leen, V., Dehaen, W., & Boens, N. (25 January 2013). UV-vis Spectroscopy of the Coupling Products of the Palladium of the Palladium-Catalyzed C-H arylation of the BODIPY Core. "Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, &é", 835-847.


  • Létourneau, M., Tremblay, M., Faucher, L., Rojas, D., Chevallier, P., Gossuin, Y., Lagueux, J., & Fortin, M.-A. (01 January 2012). MnO-labeled cells: Positive contrast enhancement in MRI. "Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116" (44), 13228-13238.
  • Van Koninckxloo-Van Bever, A., Vander Elst, L., Henoumont, C., Laurent, S., & Muller, R. (16 October 2012). "NMR study of micelle interaction with peptides designed for cell apoptosis targeting". Poster session presented at Ecole doctorale en sciences pharmaceutiques, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • denAdel, B., Burtea, C., Laurent, S., Suidgeest, E., Poelmann, R. E., Muller, R., & van der Weerd, L. (05 September 2012). "Imaging Anti-Atherosclerotic Therapy Response and macrophage polarization in ApoE-/- Mice Using E-selectin Targeted USPIOs". Poster session presented at World Molecular Imaging Congress, Dublin, Ireland.
  • VanParys, L. (2012). Monitoring structurel : quand l'ouvrage montre des signes de faiblesse. "Polytech News 47".


  • Filleul, O., Crompot, E., & Saussez, S. (28 May 2010). Bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw: a review of 2,400 patient cases. "Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 136", 1117-1124.


  • Burtea, C., Laurent, S., Lancelot, E., Port, M., Ballet, S., Rousseaux, O., Vander Elst, L., & Muller, R. (30 May 2009). "Molecular MRI of apoptosis in atherosclerotic plaque by using a peptide-vectorized paramagnetic imaging probe". Paper presented at 4th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, Barcelone, Spain.
  • Campoleoni, A. (08 June 2009). "Unconstrained higher-spin fields of mixed symmetry" [Paper presentation]. INFN Meeting on Theoretical Physics, Sestri Levante, Italy.
  • Al Moubayeb, S., Baklouti, M., Chetouani, M., Dutoit, T., Mahdhaoui, A., Martin, J.-C., Ondas, S., Pelachaud, C., Urbain, J., & Yilmaz, M. (2009). "Generating robot/agent backchannels during a storytelling experiment". Paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'09), Kobe, Japan.


  • Ferring, M., Gouttebaron, R., Cornet, V., Leclère, P., Dubois, P., Lazzaroni, R., & Hecq, M. (2000). "A Joint SIMS and AFM Study of the Surface Morphology of Poly(e-caprolactone) - Poly(methylmethacrylate) Blends" [Paper presentation]. SIMS XII. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Bagein, M., Dutoit, T., Malfrère, F., Pagel, V., Ruelle, A., Tounsi, N., & Wynsberghe, D. (2000). "Vers un logiciel multilingue et gratuit pour l'aide aux personnes handicapées de la parole: le projet W". Paper presented at Handicap'2000, Paris, France.


  • Boulanger, N. (1999). "L'anomalie conforme en dimensions 4 et 6; Dérivation par la méthode de DeWitt-Schwinger et via la correspondance AdS/CFT" [Master’s dissertation, ULB - Université Libre de Bruxelles]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.


  • Berwaer, M., Peers, B., Nalda, A.-M., Monget, P., Davis, J., Belayew, A., & Martial, J. (01 March 1993). Thyrotropin-releasing hormone and epidermal growth factor induce human prolactin expression via identical multiple cis elements. "Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 92" (1), 1-7.