4th Mons Workshop on Higher Spin Gauge Theories

From 26 April 2017 to 26 April 2017
Campus Plaine de Nimy - Pentagone

Organized by

G. Barnich (ULB), Th. Basile (UMONS), R. Bonezzi (UMONS), N. Boulanger (UMONS), A. Campoleoni (ULB), D. De Filippi (UMONS), L. Traina (UMONS)

A three-day workshop dedicated to “Higher Spin Gauge Theories” gathered in Mons several international experts on the topic and featured the following talks:

  • Xavier Bekaert (Université de Tours) | Unitarity of mixed-symmetry gauge fields on de Sitter spacetime
  • Dario Francia (Scuola Normale Superiore) | On the cubic interactions of Maxwell-like higher spins
  • Stefan Fredenhagen (University of Vienna) | On asymptotic W-symmetries in 3d higher-spin gauge theories
  • Maxim Grigoriev (Lebedev Institute Moscow) | Fefferman-Graham construction and higher-spin fields
  • Carlo Heissenberg (Scuola Normale Superiore) | Higher-Spin Asymptotic Symmetries and Soft Theorems
  • Carlo Iazeolla (Università Guglielmo Marconi, Roma) | 4D higher-spin black holes with nonlinear scalar field fluctuations: more on Vasiliev vs. Fronsdal
  • Pan Kessel (AEI Potsdam) | Higher Spin and Locality
  • Shailesh Lal (LPTHE Paris) | Quantum Corrections to Stringy HS Holography
  • Amaury Leonard (Université Libre de Bruxelles) | On twisted self-duality conditions
  • Karapet Mkrtchyan (AEI Potsdam) | Amplitudes from vertices in 4d
  • Dimitri Ponomarev (Imperial College London) | On higher-spin theories in flat space
  • Rakibur Rahman (AEI Potsdam) | The Uniqueness of Hypergravity
  • Evgeny Skvortsov (LMU Munich & Lebedev Inst. Moscow) | Formal higher-spin theories
  • Mauricio Valenzuela (U. San Sebastian Valdivia) | Higher spin matrix models
  • Yuri Zinoviev (Kurchatov Institute Protvino) | Infinite spin fields in 3d and beyond
  1. Glenn Barnich (ULB, Belgium)
  2. Thomas Basile (UMONS/U. Tours, Belgium/France)
  3. Rudranil Basu (ULB, Belgium)
  4. Xavier Bekaert (U. Tours, France)
  5. Roberto Bonezzi (UMONS, Belgium)
  6. Nicolas Boulanger (UMONS, Belgium)
  7. Andrea Campoleoni (ULB and UMONS, Belgium)
  8. David De Filippi (UMONS, Belgium)
  9. Dario Francia (SNS Pisa, Italy)
  10. Stefan Fredenhagen (U. Vienna, Austria)
  11. Maxim Grigoriev (Lebedev Institute, Moscow, Russia)
  12. Carlo Heissenberg (SNS Pisa, Italy)
  13. Carlo Iazeolla (U. Marconi, Roma, Italy)
  14. Pan Kessel (AEI Potsdam, Germany)
  15. Shailesh Lal (Paris LPTHE, France)
  16. Victor Lekeu (ULB, Belgium)
  17. Amaury Leonard (ULB, Belgium)
  18. Karapet Mkrtchyan (AEI Potsdam, Germany)
  19. Rakibur Raham (AEI Potsdam, Germany)
  20. Arash Ranjbar (ULB, Belgium)
  21. Romain Ruzziconi (ULB, Belgium)
  22. Dmitry Ponomarev (Imperial College London, UK)
  23. Evgeny Skvortsov (LMU Munich, Germany)
  24. Lucas Traina (UMONS, Belgium)
  25. Mauricio Valenzuela (San Sebastian U., Valdivia, Chile)
  26. Yuri Zinoviev (HEP Kurtchatov Institute, Protvino, Russia)


The abstracts and the program are available at the following links:

A special issue of the journal Universe associated with this event has also been published.



Workshop supported by


Avenue du Champ de Mars, 6
7000 Mons, Belgium