Noteworthy equipment and services
The Health Institute’s research units boast state-of-the-art equipment which is available for use by third parties. Below are some examples of this equipment:
- Protein purification platforms
- Proteomic platform with UPLC (Eksigent) coupled with Triple Tof (ABSCIEX), NanoLC (Dionex) coupled with HCT Ultra (Bruker), NanoLC 5dionex coupled with QTof and MALDI
- dPC fractionator metroproteomy platform (Protein Forest)
- Mass spectrometry platform: Waters QToF2, Waters QToF Premier, MALDI-ToF, and HCTultra, coupled, or not, with HPLC
- Bioprofiling Platform (NMR and MRM Mass Spectrometry) for the identification, quantification and validation of biomarkers
- NMR spectrometry (Bruker Avance, 7 Tesla & 11.75)
- Analytical equipment (FT-IR, HPLC-UV, HPLC-Fluo, UPLC-PDA, UPLC ELSD, GC-MS, TOCmeter, ICP, NIR Probe)
- Preclinical MRI (magnetic resonance (Bruker Biospec, 7 Tesla Pharmascan magnet), optics (PhotonImager, Biospace Lab) and multispectral photoacoustic imaging (multi-spectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT))
- Complete installations for electrophysiological recordings (extra and intracellular)
- EEG device (MedCat) for electroencephalographic recordings via 64 or 128 channels, and processing using BrainVision Recorder and BrainVision Analyser software
- Eye-Tracking SMI RED250mobile