
Congratulations, Dr BOUANATI !

Publié le 16 mars 2021
Rédigé par Eric Weverbergh
On Thursday march 11, Tiffani BOUANATI has defended her PhD thesis entitled “Production, characterization and valorization of the polysaccharidic fraction of  macroalgae and microalgae”.
Congratulations, Dr BOUANATI !
Congratulations, Dr BOUANATI !

On Thursday march 11, Tiffani BOUANATI has defended her PhD thesis entitled “Production, characterization and valorization of the polysaccharidic fraction of  macroalgae and microalgae”.

The PhD thesis jury was composed by Prof Roberto Lazzaroni (UMONS), Prof Anne-Lise Hanston (UMONS), Prof Baptiste Leroy (UMONS), Prof Koenraad Muylaert (KULeuven), Dr Juan-Carlos Cabrera (Fyteko), Prof Jean-Marie Raquez (UMONS) and Prof Pascal Gerbaux (UMONS).

Congratulations for this work well done !