Hadrien Mélot

Hadrien Mélot is professor in the Computer Science Department (Faculty of Science) at the University of Mons. He leads the Algorithms Lab created in 2010. He is the President of the Computer Science Department and his international coordinator.

The main subject of his research concerns extremal graph theory. In particular, Hadrien Mélot and his collaborators study how computers can help researchers in this field to find conjectures, counterexamples or ideas for proofs (interactively or automatically). Several tools to aid discovery in graph theory have been (co-)developed within the Algorithms Lab (e.g., GraPHedron, PHOEG, House of Graphs). These tools are recognized and used by the international community.

In terms of teaching, in the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Hadrien Mélot holds courses in Algorithmics and Imperative Programming; Algorithmic Complements and Classical Approaches to Artificial Intelligence. In the Master’s degree in Computer Science, he teaches courses in Artificial Intelligence (Charleroi) and Graphs and Artificial Intelligence.

  • September 2001 to April 2006 : PhD in Computer Science. Promotors : Pierre Hansen (HEC Montréal and GERAD) and Véronique Bruyère (UMONS)
  • September 1999 to June 2000 : DEA in Operations Research (ULB)
  • September 1994 to June 1999 : Degree in Mathematics, orientation Statistics and Operations Research (ULB)

Hadrien Mélot’s data sheet