Algorithms Lab

How computers can help researchers to make discovery in Graph Theory ? This, and extremal properties of graphs, are the main research objectives of the Algorithms Lab.

The Algorithms Lab was created in October 2010 by Hadrien Mélot and belongs to the Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Science (UMONS). The Lab carries both teaching activities (courses in Algorithms, Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Graph Theory, etc.) and research activities (mainly in the fields of Extremal Graph Theory and Computer Assisted Scientific Discovery).


The Algorithms Lab belongs to two UMONS research institutes: Complexys (Research Institute for Complex Systems) and InforTech (Research Institute for Information technology and Computer science).

Contact person

Prof. Hadrien MELOT
Prof. Hadrien MELOT
Bâtiment De Vinci
15, avenue victor maistriau
7000 Mons
+32 (0)65 37.34.46