Higher Spin Gravity online-club by Marcela Lagos

On 12 April 2022 at 10:00

Organized by

Xavier Bekaert and Evgeny Skvortsov

The next seminar of the Higher Spin Gravity online-club series, co-organised by UMONS and the University of Tours, will be given by Marcela Lagos (Chile Austral U., Valdivia).

Analytic meronic black holes, gravitating solitons and higher spins in the Einstein SU(N)-Yang-Mills theory

In this talk we will discuss the construction of exact meronic black holes and solitons in the Einstein SU(N)-Yang-Mills theory in D = 4 and D = 5 dimensions. We will explicitly show the role that the color number N plays in the black hole thermodynamics as well as in the gravitational spin from isospin effect. Two remarkable results of our analysis are that, first, meronic black holes can be distinguished by colored black holes by looking at the spin from isospin effect. Second, using the theory of non-embedded ansatz for SU(N) together with the spin from isospin effect, one can build fields of arbitrary high spin out of scalar fields charged under the gauge group. Hence, one can analyze interacting higher spin fields in asymptotically flat space-times without “introducing by hand” higher spin fields.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92757188305?pwd=U3dxYzVIY3dieWlPckNSNHl4RlNXQT09

Meeting ID: 927 5718 8305; Passcode: cL8d07