Higher Spin Gravity online-club by Tung Tran

On 29 March 2022 at 10:00

Organized by

Xavier Bekaert and Evgeny Skvortsov

The next seminar of the Higher Spin Gravity online-club series, co-organised by UMONS and the University of Tours, will be given by Tung Tran (UMONS).

A twistorial higher-spin theory from the IKKT-matrix model

At the interface between three theories: higher-spin gravity, twistor theory, and matrix model is a higher-spin theory induced by the IKKT matrix model (HS-IKKT) on a covariant fuzzy 4-sphere/fuzzy twistor space. Using spinorial representation, the relationship between the HS-IKKT and twistor theory becomes manifest. We show that the HS-IKKT is a higher-spin extension of N=4 SYM with vertices that have more than two derivatives. We also obtain the spacetime action of the HS-IKKT by using the Penrose transform in what is so-called the balanced weight representation. We also study the tree-level amplitudes of the HS-IKKT in the flat limit. The self-dual sector of the HS-IKKT model is obtained by dropping some parts of the cubic- and the quartic interactions, which is shown to reduce to a BF-type action on commutative deformed projective twistor space.

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Meeting ID: 927 5718 8305; Passcode: cL8d07