Just accepted paper in JASMS by Fabrice Saintmont on the structure of dendrimers in the gas phase
In this paper, we study the structure of different generations and charge states of PAMAM and PPI dendrimers in the gas phase by Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Molecular Dynamics.

In this paper, we study the structure of different generations and charge states of PAMAM and PPI dendrimers in the gas phase by Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Molecular Dynamics. As the number of charges increases, the structure extents due to coulombic repulsion. For the lowest charge states, a globular structure can be assigned to the ions, allowing to calculate CCS-derived volume, surface and density. Those parameters are compared with MD geometrical data to characterize the structure of ions studied by Ion Mobility Spectrometry.
Fabrice Saintmont, Julien De Winter, Fabien Chirot, Emilie Halin, Philippe Dugourd, Patrick Brocorens, Pascal Gerbaux