
Congratulations Dr Liénard

Published on 22 septembre 2020
Written by Eric Weverbergh
On Friday September 11, Romain Liénard, PhD student at the Organic Synthesis Lab (S²MOs) and Polymer Lab (SMPC), has defended his PhD thesis entitled “Original Cyclo-based Macrostructures: Elaboration and Characterization” under the joint supervision of Olivier Coulembier and Julien De Winter.
Congratulations Dr Liénard
Congratulations Dr Liénard

On Friday September 11, Romain Liénard, PhD student at the Organic Synthesis Lab (S²MOs) and Polymer Lab (SMPC), has defended his PhD thesis entitled “Original Cyclo-based Macrostructures: Elaboration and Characterization” under the joint supervision of Olivier Coulembier and Julien De Winter.

The PhD thesis jury was composed of Prof Chrys Wesdemiotis (University of Akron, USA), Prof Scott Grayson (Tulane University, USA), Prof Pascal Gerbaux (UMONS), Prof Roberto Lazzaroni (UMONS), Dr Julien De Winter (S²MOs Lab, UMONS) and Prof Olivier Coulembier (SMPC Lab, UMONS).

Although the presentation conditions were unusual due to the sanitary restrictions, the jury points out, unanimously, that Mr. Romain Liénard exposed his research work in a very clear and didactic manner, which demonstrated his excellent communication skills.

Congratulations Romain for this excellent work!