The Department is composed of eight teams that are carrying out research along different research themes:
- Software Engineering Lab
The Software Engineering Lab, directed by Professor Tom Mens, has founded in October 2023. As part of the Department of Computer Science, the lab is involved in teaching and research activities related to the scientific domains of software engineering, software modeling, as well as the development and evolution of software ecosystems.
Contact : - Theoretical Computer Science Lab
The Theoretical Computer Science Lab, directed by Véronique Bruyère, participates in research and teaching activities in the field of theoretical computer science: formal methods for the verification and synthesis of computer systems (research) and data structures, compilation , computability (teaching).
Contact : - Information Systems Lab
- Networking Lab
- Algorithms Lab
- Big Data and Machine Learning Lab
- Artificial Intelligence Unit
Permanent members
- Ben Taieb Souhaib (associate professor)
- Bruyère Véronique (professor)
- Buys Alain (senior research and teaching associate)
- Decan Alexandre (research associate)
- De Coninck Quentin (associate professor)
- Dupont Stéphane (associate professor)
- Melot Hadrien (professor)
- Mens Tom (professor)
- Quoitin Bruno (professor)
- Wijsen Jef (professor)
PhD students
- Ahmed Aqeel (researcher)
- Amezian El Khalfioui Aziz (researcher)
- Bonte Sébastien (assistant)
- Bosser Tanguy (researcher)
- Cardoen Guillaume (assistant)
- Chidambaram Natarajan (researcher)
- Dheur Victor (researcher)
- Dubrulle Jérémy (assistant)
- Dusollier Valentin (assistant)
- Grandmont Christophe (researcher)
- Hourri Youness (researcher)
- Onsori Delicheh Hassan (researcher)
- Rostami Mazrae Pooya (researcher)
- Siddique Muhammad Ehsan (researcher)
- Staquet Gaëtan (researcher)
- Tamines Clément (researcher)
- Thaenkaew Phithak (researcher)
- Vanderplaetse Bastien (researcher)
Postdoctoral researchers
Goedgebeur Jan (researcher)
Associate members
- Absil Romain
- Callut Vincent (education coordinator)
- Constantinou Eleni
- Coppens Adrien (researcher)
- Devillez Gauvain (assistant)
- Maslowski Dany
- Meunier Noémie
- Zerouali Ahmed
Anciens membres
- Abou Khalil Zeinab (researcher)
- Araujo Isabel (chercheur postdoc, en 2005)
- Beauport Stefan (assistant)
- Bohy Aaron (researcher)
- Charlier Maximilien (researcher)
- Claes Maelick
- Degrandsart Sylvain (researcher)
- Delgrange Olivier (senior research and teaching associate)
- Deshayes Romuald (researcher)
- Doctors Leandro
- Dufour Pierre (professor)
- Fernandez-Ramil Juan (visiting postdoc researcher, in 2008)
- Fiolet Valérie (doctorant)
- Gauwin Olivier (postdoc researcher, en 2010)
- Goeminne Mathieu
- Golzadeh Mehdi (researcher)
- Hautem Quentin (FRIA researcher)
- Hauweele David (FRIA researcher)
- Hauweele Pierre (assistant)
- Hoste Michael (doctorant)
- Hourez Jonathan (researcher)
- Jonckers Jérôme (assistant)
- Legay Damien (researcher)
- Lion Jacques (technical support))
- Michel Mathieu (assistant)
- Onana Alima Luc (professor)
- Oualhadj Youssouf (postdoc researcher, in 2014)
- Pijcke Fabian (FNRS researcher)
- Pinna Puissant Jorge (researcher)
- Randour Mickael
- Tabout Narjisse (researcher)
- Tamzalit Dalila (visiting postdoc researcher in 2009-2010)
- Tellez Perez Horacio (researcher)