Conférences/Colloques Recherche

Séminaire Infortech/Numediart

Published on 21 novembre 2019
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Introduction (Development test)

Présentations Infortech/Numediart

La prochaine session des séminaires Inforetch/Numediart  aura lieu le jeudi 14/11 et sera consacrée à la présentation de l’état d’avancement des travaux de recherche de Victor DELVIGNE et Luca La Fisca qui sont doctorants au Service d’Information, Signal et Intelligence Artificielle, FPMs.

  • Lieu :  Salle Numediart, Boulevard Dolez, site Polytech
  • Date : Jeudi 14 novembre  2019 à 12h00

Title: EEG and Eye-tracking utilisation to study children’s attention in virtual reality games


Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most prevalent psychiatric disease in childhood (~5% of the total population). Several treatments and diagnoses have been designed, however, some of them present a high price, a low accuracy or unfavourable side effects. The purpose of the thesis is the design of a system based on the joint measurement of electroencephalogram (EEG) and gaze by equipment which can be embedded in virtual reality headset, to develop the attention mechanism in children with ADHD.   The goal will be to develop a framework that will allow maximizing the video game effects, in virtual reality, on the child attention and hyperactivity symptoms for as long as possible. An example of a video game is the evolution of an avatar in an environment if and only if the player is sufficiently focused.

Two prototypes will be developed in the context of this project:

  • The first game will aim to create a VR environment promoting concentration and attention, but also by allowing the measurements of several features (physiological signals and cognitive abilities). A database will be created by the utilisation of the game.
  • The second prototype will include a neurofeedback loop that will allow the patient to correct himself his symptoms, by a game reaction to a real-time physiological signal. Deep learning may be used to design the detector behind the symptoms detections.

Pour des raisons d’organisation (des sandwiches sont prévus), veuillez confirmer votre présence, par retour d’mail à :, avant mercredi  13/11 12h, par email.

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