Public Health Methodology – Master de spécialisation en Méthodologie de la santé publique
ScheduleDaytime schedule
ECTS Credits60
The Specialized Master in Public Health Methodology (MPHM) aims at the development and reinforcement of the methodological skills of public health actors, with a focus on, but not limited to issues of middle- and low-income countries. The full time program is such that its graduates can actively participate in operational projects and scientific research.
The program is run jointly by three Belgian universities (ULB, UCLouvain, and UMONS).
Teaching is in English, and a variety of methods are used; lectures, practical exercises, field visits (hospital, medical house), self-directed studies, and in-group works with peers. Students are invited to attend local conferences and seminars (e.g. Be-cause Health, the Belgian platform for international health, etc.) as well as lectures on specialized topics, given by invited experts, especially from low- and middle-income countries.
Target audience
- Medical doctors in the Public Health domain
- Researchers and statisticians in the biomedical sector
Extra information
Scholarships offered by the Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement supérieur (ARES) of the Wallonia Brussels Federation of Belgium are available!
If your country is eligible (see do not hesitate to apply. Applications are open from the 13th of August to the 18th of October 2024. More information on
Telephone: +32 2 555 40 13
La liste des pays éligibles s’est considérablement élargie, donc n’hésitez pas à diffuser l’information très largement : Afrique du Sud, Bénin, Bolivie, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodge, Cameroun, Cuba, Équateur, Éthiopie, Haïti, Indonésie, Kenya, Madagascar, Maroc, Mozambique, Népal, Niger, Ouganda, Pérou, Philippines, République démocratique du Congo, République de Guinée (Conakry), Rwanda, Sénégal, Tanzanie, Térritoire Palestinien, Tunisie, Vietnam, Zimbabwe.
Les candidatures d’autres pays sont bien sûr les bienvenues. Les inscriptions pour les étudiants non européens ouvrent mi-février et se terminent fin mars; celles pour les étudiants européens ouvrent en avril et se terminent fin septembre.
Notez que les dossiers de candidatures pour les bourses ARES doivent être complets à la date de clôture de l’appel ; aucune pièce complémentaire n’est admise ensuite. Notamment, les documents devant être certifiés conformes (diplômes, relevés de notes…) doivent y être déposés avec la mention « copie conforme à l’original » avec le cachet et la signature de l’autorité compétente en la matière (notaire, mairie, administration communale, etc.). Sans cette certification, les candidatures ne sont pas examinées.
Program and structure
The program includes compulsory courses (50 ECTS) and 3 optional courses (5 ECTS each) as seen below. The student must select two optional courses (10 ECTS) out of the three proposed to acquire the required 60 ECTS necessary to validate the program.
- Biostatistics in public health (2 parts of 5 ECTS each)
- Methods in epidemiology (3 ECTS)
- Clinical decision-making (2 ECTS)
- Contextual factors in public health (1 ECTS)
- Health system and public health research (4 ECTS)
- Health economics & risk management (5 ECTS)
- Management of health services (3 ECTS)
- Protocol development and health examination surveys (2 ECTS)
- Qualitative methods (3 ECTS)
- Research in health: dissemination & systematic reviews (2 ECTS)
- Thesis (15 ECTS)
- Advanced methods in biostatistics and epidemiology (5 ECTS)
- International health and rights: organizations and actors (5 ECTS)
- Infectious & environmental diseases: epidemiology & prevention (5 ECTS)
Access conditions
Master’s degree (5 years of university education, equivalent to 300 credits).
The program targets various health professionals working at different levels of the health system: Medical doctors, Nurses, and Other paramedics with complementary training in research, social sciences professionals involved in public health, Biostatisticians, Public health researchers, Decision makers, and Executives...
The goal is to acquire the high-quality scientific skills needed for the development of analytical and specialized public health approaches; The overall objective is to stimulate skills to “ensure proper methodological approaches are used in public health decision-making processes, consistent with the needs of populations, communities, and individuals."
With these skills, future graduates will be able to develop, lead, implement and evaluate public health programs and projects in international institutions, Ministries of Health, Hospitals, as managers of health districts or centers, as researchers in universities, research institutes, and in the frame of international research projects for instance.
Instruction type
This Specialized Master’s addresses public health methodologies required for the critical analysis and investigation of major health problems while adopting a global health approach. It intends to give the learner a strong foundation for the systemic understanding of health and the contextual and environmental factors that may determine answers to major health issues.
This training program offers a combination of theoretically enhanced specialization in quantitative methods such as epidemiology and biostatistics with applied learning of the required tools, culminating in a showcase of these skills at an end-of-year academic thesis. However, since such methods cannot be used in isolation from a public health perspective, the program also engages with other complementary methods such as: analysis of contextual factors; analysis of health systems; epidemiology in conflict and emergency situations; research in NGOs; health economics; qualitative research; international rights and institutions… Learners will, therefore, develop transversal skills in research methodology, scientific writing, and the use of public health actions. Teaching takes place using diverse methods, often including topical examples with immediate and concrete applications through in-group and personal work steadily over the academic year.