Formation transversale en

Open Science / Open Data / Open Access / Open Source

Recherche, Outils et Gestion des données
  • Langue
  • Date
    Débute le 28/01/2025
  • Période(s)
    2ème semestre
  • Durée



Researchers from all disciplines are confronted with the concepts of Open Science (Open Access, Open Source, Open Data, etc.): Understanding and knowing the main tools, advantages and disadvantages of using Open Science, whether for one’s own research (to be disseminated), to compare one’s results with other researchers’, or to reuse the work of other institutions, is necessary for all research.

The objective of this cross-cutting training is to learn about these concepts and their limits, and to use them with full knowledge of the facts.

Introductory video: AVRE Tutorials: All about open science – YouTube

Trainer: Sébastien Hoyas (Administration de la Recherche UMONS)
Schedule: 12 pm to 2 pm ONLINE

Infos & inscriptions

Organisé par

Sébastien Hoyas Administration et Valorisation de la Recherche