Formation transversale en

Research Data Management : introduction

Recherche, Outils et Gestion des données
  • Langue
  • Date
    Débute le 14/01/2025
  • Période(s)
    2ème semestre
  • Durée


Trainer: Sébastien Hoyas, Research Administration and Valorisation Department


Research data management is crucial for any research conducted individually or for data management at the laboratory level. Managing research data involves collection, storage, metadata, sometimes anonymisation, interoperability when shared (FAIR Data concept) and knowing how to distinguish RDM and Open Data.

The objective of this training is therefore to guide you through the different tools, terms and some basic intellectual property to manage them adequately.

Format: online

Schedule: From 12:00 to 14:00 



Infos & inscriptions

Organisé par

Sébastien Hoyas Research Administration and Valorisation Department