Expertise and research topics

  • Internet of Things (IoT)

One of our research axes is the Internet of Things (IoT), a world of smart and connected objects.

  • Data analytics and cloud computing

The storage of a mass of information of varied quality and the use of treatments requiring very high performances is central to the Institute’s research. As such, it has a particular research activity in the field of parallel and distributed computing, as well as in the structuring of large and/or distributed databases and the processing of difficult-to-interpret data.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning

This theme focuses on the processing and analysis of large quantities of data and is based mainly on the development of intelligent algorithms for optimisation, classification, prediction, collaborative recommendation and multicriteria decision support, in a vast range of fields.

  • Software engineering and Algorithmics

This theme focuses on the development of techniques for the verification and analysis of software quality, the modelling of software systems and the implementation of complex computer algorithms.

  • Data collection, transmission and processing

From the development of electronic sensors and micro-power communication systems to the physical transmission of resulting signals (notably via optical fibre), and the analysis, design and modelling of Internet routing architectures and services, the entire course of data is the subject of advanced research at the institute. The institute also specialises in the processing and analysis of audio, visual and multimedia signals, covering many fields of application, such as creative technologies, logistics and medical imaging.

  • Education technologies

This theme, developed mainly at the Faculty of Psychology, relates to the integration of ICT in education and the analysis of their impact (educational devices and technologies, system design and training plans, educational policy analysis, evaluation of learning and systems, etc.).