2e cycle Master : Etudiant belge ou européen (UE) titulaire d’un diplôme obtenu en Belgique

Les demandes d’inscription peuvent être soumises jusqu’au 30 septembre 2024 inclus pour l’année académique 2024-2025.

A partir du 1er octobre 2024, elles seront traitées comme des demandes d’inscription tardives et devront être autorisées, le cas échéant, par le Doyen de la faculté ou de l’école concernée (via le formulaire de demande d’inscription tardive).
Le motif tardif de la demande d’inscription doit être motivé sous peine d’être irrecevable et non transmise en faculté ou école.

La procédure en ligne est requise pour tout nouvel étudiant n’ayant jamais été inscrit à l’UMONS (pas de matricule UMONS).

Si je suis un ancien étudiant ayant interrompu mes études à l’UMONS et souhaitant me réinscrire, je dois me présenter au guichet du Service Inscriptions de Mons ou de Charleroi afin d’y compléter un bulletin « papier » de demande d’inscription muni des documents requis repris plus bas.

Je suis diplômé de l’enseignement supérieur universitaire ou non universitaire ou étudiant en cours de parcours dans une autre établissement d’enseignement supérieur, différentes possibilités s’offrent à moi. Il faut, cependant, remplir certaines conditions et le cas échéant envoyer une demande d’admission avant d’être autorisé à m’inscrire.

You can use our search tool to check which UMONS Master courses you have access to, and under what conditions.


If you have unconditional direct access


You can register here.

You need the following documents in PDF or JPEG format:

  • A passport-size photo
  • Both sides of your identity document (either your ID card or passport)
  • Your birth certificate
  • Your entrance qualification (degree certificate or provisional certificate of achievement)
  • Proof that you have worked for no more than ten years prior to registration, i.e.:
    • Official school leaving certificate (stating pass or fail)
    • Absence of debt to your previous institution in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (official document confirming this is required for studies starting in 2014-2015).
    • Transcripts for each year, showing the credits of the student’s annual programme and the credits acquired)
    • An official certificate of employment
    • An official certificate of unemployment
    • Official proof of stay abroad, including departure and return dates
    • An official certificate justifying a medical condition
    • Or any other official document justifying the student’s background.

If you do not have any supporting documents, you must provide a sworn statement, for each year concerned, that you have not pursued higher education in Belgium or abroad, specifying the reason why you are unable to provide supporting documents.


If you have “Passerelles” access and full access to UMONS


You must complete the application form. This file will enable the Board to determine your course program, taking into account your previous training. You must have the following documents in PDF or JPEG format:

  • The completed application form for full access (to be downloaded in step 9 of your online application form or to be submitted when you apply in person at the Registration Office if you already have a UMONS student number).
  • A passport-size photo
  • Both sides of your identity document (either your ID card or passport)
  • Your birth certificate
  • Your entrance qualification (degree certificate or provisional certificate of achievement)
  • Proof that you have worked for no more than ten years prior to registration, i.e.:
    • Official school leaving certificate (stating pass or fail)
    • An official document confirming the absence of debt to your previous institution in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (this is required for studies starting in 2014-2015).
    • Transcripts for each year, showing the credits of the student’s annual programme and the credits acquired)
    • An official certificate of employment
    • An official certificate of unemployment
    • Official proof of stay abroad, including departure and return dates
    • An official certificate justifying a medical condition
    • Or any other official document justifying the student’s background.

If you do not have any supporting documents, you must provide a sworn statement, for each year concerned, that you did not pursue higher education in Belgium or abroad, specifying the reason why you are unable to provide supporting documents.

You must follow the admission procedure via the online admission form.

Once the online application has been completed, it will be assessed by the Registration Office and the Faculties, who will make their decisions. You will then receive a confirmation email.

If you are accepted, you will be able to apply online between 21st June and 30th September. To do this, you must log in to the account you created when you applied for admission, which will establish the link between your admission and your online application.

In case of refusal, you will be notified by email.


Steps to take if your application is accepted:

Once the admissions procedure has been completed, you will need to finalise your registration via the online application form, including the following documents:

  • A passport-size photo
  • Both sides of your identity document (either your ID card or passport)
  • Your birth certificate
  • Any document that will be included in your acceptance letter to complete your application (for example, to waive an objection issued by the Board at the time of your acceptance).
  • An official document confirming the absence of debt to your previous institution in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (this is required for studies starting in 2014-2015).


If you have already registered at UMONS, you must go to the Registration Office during opening hours to complete a paper registration form.

You will need to bring all the documents that made up your application for admission, as well as:

  • A passport-size photo
  • Both sides of your identity document (either your ID card or passport)
  • Your birth certificate
  • Any document that will be included in your acceptance letter to complete your application (for example, to waive an objection issued by the Board at the time of your acceptance).
  • An official document confirming the absence of debt to your previous institution in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (this is required for studies starting in 2014-2015).