Admission/registration periods vary according to the student’s profile. However, all applications must be finalised by 30 September.

The final dates for submitting applications for admission are :

  • 31/03 for applicants from outside the European Union who are not resident in Belgium (study visa required)
  • 31/08 for Belgian, European or non-EU applicants resident in Belgium.

Applicants for admission are invited to read the Admissions Regulations 2025-2026.


The tasks of the Registration Office

  • inform students about the conditions of access to studies
  • register students
  • manage the administrative follow-up of enrolment and admission files
  • issue students with documents relating to their enrolment (certificate of attendance, family allowance, public transport, student badge/card, etc.). Most documents are available via the MyUMONS platform as soon as enrolment is finalised.