French Language Proficiency Test

The majority of the courses offered at UMONS are in French, even though certain courses are taught in English. As such, it is necessary to have sufficient command of the French language, both spoken and written, in order to follow the courses.

In accordance with the current legislation in force, a French Language Proficiency Test has to be taken in the following cases: see information documents at the bottom of the page.

The test allows UMONS to verify that students are capable of expressing themselves appropriately in French for the purpose of coursework and exams, and particularly for any placements that might need to be carried out in secondary schools (Master’s degrees with a teaching focus or the AESS (Certificate of Teaching for Upper Secondary Education)).

The test has two parts:

  • a written test: students must produce a summary of approximately 20 lines of a presentation of approximately 15 minutes, or a 2-3 page text, on a general topic
  • an oral test: students have to hold a conversation based on the written test so as to confirm that they understood the presentation or text, and so that the examiners can get a general impression of their language abilities.

The document proving that students have passed the test is accepted by all universities and Haute Ecoles of the French Community of Belgium.

There are 2 exam dates for the French Language Proficiency Test at UMONS per academic year:

  • 24 September 2021
    • Examen écrit – de 8h15 à 10h15 : W236
    • Examen oral – de 10h30 à 12h30 :  W211 – W112 – W104
  • 25 October 2021
    • Examen écrit : de 8h15 à 10h15 – local W203
    • Examen oral : de 10h30 à 12h30 – local W211 – W112 – W104
  • Monday 19 October 2020

Students must fill out the form below in order to register.

The exam costs €50 per session and can be paid by bank transfer or by card on the day of registration. Students are not authorised to take the exam if they cannot prove that they have paid the exam fees.