
In accordance with the study regulations, applications to transfer to another course during the academic year must be submitted using the form below (formulaire unique de réorientation).

This applies only to students enrolled in the 1st 60-credit block of the Bachelor’s degree. The request must be made between 1st November and 15th February.

All requests for reorientation must be justified and require a favourable opinion from the Chairperson of the Faculty or School board to which the student wishes to reorientate.

Students wishing to transfer to Law should familiarise themselves with this procedure (page in French).

If the Chairperson of the board gives a favourable opinion, the student will be contacted by e-mail by the Registration Office to proceed with registration for new students or to modify their registration for students already registered at UMONS.

Students wishing to transfer to another institution must contact the institution to which they wish to transfer. As long as the request is not accepted, the student must sit the January examination session at UMONS.