Testimonials from Alumni
I have to admit, I came to the ESHS by chance following a previously failed course. Soon enough, I realised I made the right choice as this Bachelor’s course has allowed me to discover a large number …Continue reading
Anémone ColletAlumni
I have to admit, I came to the ESHS by chance following a previously failed course. Soon enough, I realised I made the right choice as this Bachelor’s course has allowed me to discover a large number of subjects, all of which had a potential interest for me. After taking the time to study the…I have to admit, I came to the ESHS by chance following a previously failed course. Soon enough, I realised I made the right choice as this Bachelor’s course has allowed me to discover a large number of subjects, all of which had a potential interest for me. After taking the time to study the various disciplines, I decided to turn to the corporate world, recruitment and all aspects related to human resource management. The BA in Human and Social Sciences has allowed me to undertake a Master’s in HR Management. Today, I work as a recruitment consultant in the construction industry. These years spent at UMONS, and the special atmosphere at the ESHS, have left a great mark on me and have given me some unforgettable memories, for example, high-quality teaching, support and advice from the school as a whole, open-mindedness, and a great overall atmosphere, all of which are reasons to embark on studies at the ESHS.
Anémone Collet(Alumni)
“The Bachelor’s course in Human and Social Sciences is a great training for the mind; it has helped to forge my general culture and sharpen my critical sense. This really is an ideal choice for studen…Continue reading
Géraldine SchleichAlumni
“The Bachelor’s course in Human and Social Sciences is a great training for the mind; it has helped to forge my general culture and sharpen my critical sense. This really is an ideal choice for students who, like me, did not know what to choose from at the beginning and were afraid to limit themselves…“The Bachelor’s course in Human and Social Sciences is a great training for the mind; it has helped to forge my general culture and sharpen my critical sense. This really is an ideal choice for students who, like me, did not know what to choose from at the beginning and were afraid to limit themselves to a single discipline.
The more you progress in the curriculum, the more you refine your choices and discover what you really like. In my case, it was sociology. I was able to establish genuine relations with both the teachers and the administrative staff, whom I still see very regularly. There is such a friendly atmosphere at the ESHS that I quickly, and easily, made friends with fellow students in my year. In fact, we’re still friends now. If I had to do it all again, I would, without a shadow of doubt!”
Géraldine Schleich(Alumni)
“Discovery is a key word on the BSHS course. What stands out to me, from my time at the School of Human and Social Sciences, is the great connection between the students and a mutual understanding. It…Continue reading
Julien DesiderioAlumni
“Discovery is a key word on the BSHS course. What stands out to me, from my time at the School of Human and Social Sciences, is the great connection between the students and a mutual understanding. It is also important to highlight the work of the teaching staff, who remain close to the students and…“Discovery is a key word on the BSHS course. What stands out to me, from my time at the School of Human and Social Sciences, is the great connection between the students and a mutual understanding. It is also important to highlight the work of the teaching staff, who remain close to the students and are always there to listen to them.”
Julien Desiderio(Alumni)
“The past three years in Humanities and Social Sciences have been an exceptionally enriching experience, on three particular levels. First of all, the atmosphere at the ESHS is quite unique, somethin…Continue reading
Corentin DelmotteParliamentary Assistant to the Belgian Chamber of Representatives and the Parliament of Wallonia Alumni
“The past three years in Humanities and Social Sciences have been an exceptionally enriching experience, on three particular levels. First of all, the atmosphere at the ESHS is quite unique, something. After three years, everyone knows everyone! This extends not only to the students, but also to the teachers and the secretariat. You are never…“The past three years in Humanities and Social Sciences have been an exceptionally enriching experience, on three particular levels.
First of all, the atmosphere at the ESHS is quite unique, something. After three years, everyone knows everyone! This extends not only to the students, but also to the teachers and the secretariat. You are never alone in dealing with a problem, whether it be academic, administrative or something else entirely.
Then there is the quality of the courses, which cover a wide range of subjects, including sociology, management, psychology, political science, history, and others, and which lead to a choice of courses at Master level. It is intellectually challenging, but opens up many doors and gives every student the opportunity to make their own choice according to their own desires. In my particular case, it has opened the door to bilingual training at the ULB’s Institute of European Studies.
Finally, there is the wealth of related activities (the Mons Cup football tournament, the “4h cuistax” go-karting event, the Saint Nicolas celebration, among others), student job offers on camps, parties, and many more. In short, my experience has been rich and, after the Master’s, I found a job straight away (I am a parliamentary assistant to the Belgian Chamber of Representatives and the Parliament of Wallonia), thus demonstrating that training at the ESHS leads to employment.”
Corentin DelmotteParliamentary Assistant to the Belgian Chamber of Representatives and the Parliament of Wallonia (Alumni)