Support for Success

At UMONS, students are expected to acquire many skills, such as, the ability to take on a large amount of subjects, time management skills, reading quickly,
oral presentation skills, scientific writing, note taking, and peer reviewing… These skills are learnt! In addition, the transition from secondary school to university requires a different kind of organisation, which is why the Support for Success programme is a priority during the first block of the BA in Human and Social Sciences. That said, the most important factor to success is your work and your motivation!

Support from the very beginning

At the beginning of the academic year, the School of Human and Social Sciences (ESHS) organises introductory courses, through which students are able to meet professors and assistants as well as discover the different disciplines and programme structures of the BSHS – a great start to successfully integrating into university life!

Learning Support

The ESHS actively collaborates with the University’s Educational Support Unit (SAP) to help students to develop adapted learning strategies at different levels
that will serve them for all courses: note taking, working methods, time management, etc.
In addition, the Apprentissage de la formation course (Learning about Learning) is included in the first block of the BSHS programme where students from the third block mentor small groups of first block students, offering young students a smoother transition into the academic world and giving them a series of essentials that will serve them throughout their academic life. Students also learn how to write to a university-level, give oral presentations, argue their point of view, and much more. Many students have confirmed the significant support that this approach has brought them.
Finally, students can rely on pedagogical assistance in the form of working groups where students are encouraged to discuss the course, share the work of structuring materials and perfect their working methods.

Help with Integration: Mentoring

For the purpose of participation and in a spirit of equal opportunities, the ESHS has set up a mentoring scheme, the aim of which is to encourage exchanges between students and teachers. Each 1st block student is assigned a “sponsor” from the ESHS’s teaching team who assists in and supervises the student’s integration at the university through group meetings (usually meals) and one-to-one sessions, (for example, when the student receives their results).

Helping to overcome difficulties related to the course

Students can also count on:

  • Practical activities
  • Accessible and available teachers and assistants
  • Remedial activities which help students having difficulties with certain courses
  • Mock exams, tests
  • Q&A sessions with teachers after the January assessment period