The 20th edition of the CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations (CIRP CMMO 2025) will be held in the beautiful historical city of Mons, Belgium, on 22nd and 23rd May 2025 (welcoming event on 21st May in the evening).
Founded in 1998 by Prof. I.S. Jawahir, this high-level conference will be an excellent opportunity for experts in the field of modelling of machining operations, coming from both industry and academia, to share knowledge, discuss and present their latest developments and findings.
The deadline for article submission is 24th November 1st December 2024.
The accepted articles will be published in open access by Elsevier in the Procedia CIRP journal after a reviewing process by the international Scientific Committee including the leading researchers of the field.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Mons!
Prof. François Ducobu (UMONS) and Prof. Bert Lauwers (KULeuven)
Chairmen of the 20th CIRP CMMO
- Numerical, analytical and empirical modelling
- Multiphysics and multiscale modelling
- Material behaviour and tribological aspects in cutting
- Artificial intelligence and digital twins for machining
- High performance and hard machining
- Machining of additive-manufactured parts and non-metallic materials
- Precision, ultra-precision and micro-machining
- Grinding, non-conventional and hybrid processes
- Dynamics and stability of machining and robotic machining
- Monitoring, diagnostics and optimization of machining processes
- Sustainable machining
- Surface conditioning and surface integrity of machined components
- Thermal effects and part distortion
Conference Chairs
CMMO International Steering Committee
Scientific Committee
- Abstract submission:
15th30th September 2024 (extended) - Abstract acceptance: 6th October 2024
- Paper submission:
24th November1st December 2024 (extended) - Reviewed paper returned: 12th January 2025
- Final paper submission: 26th January 2025
- Final decision on paper: 9th February 2025
- Conference: 22nd and 23rd May 2025 (welcoming event on 21st May in the evening)
Abstract submission (closed)
- Prepare your abstract (maximum 250 words) according to the template
- Log in as an Author in Editorial Manager for Procedia CIRP at
- Click on "Submit New Manuscript"
- In the drop-down menu, choose "VSI: PROCIRP_CMMO 2025" as Article Type. Make sure you make the right selection to avoid any issue in the processing of your submission.
- Upload your abstract and select Item Type "*Abstract"
- Download the "Declaration of Interests form" available in the corresponding box
- Fill in the Declaration of Interests form and upload it
- On the next screen, select Section/Category "VSI: PROCIRP_CMMO 2025"
- On the next screen, answer the questionnaire
- On the next screen, fill in the manuscript data and "Build PDF for Approval" (you can also "Save & Submit Later")
- Once the pdf is built, review it. If OK approve the submission and accept Ethics in Publishing. If not, revise it.
Paper submission (closed)
- Once the abstract is accepted, submit your paper as a revision of the abstract. You must not create a new submission.
- Prepare your paper according to the template
- Paper length is minimum 4 pages and maximum 6 pages
- Follow the same instructions as for the abstract submission
- Upload your abstract and select Item Type "*Manuscript" (instead of *Abstract for the abstract)
Pedro Arrazola
Future trends in machining: the role of modelling
Dr. Pedro-José Arrazola Arriola is a senior lecturer in mechanical engineering and Head of the Machining Research Group at Mondragon Unibertsitatea (Spain). With 25 years of experience in metal machining, his work focuses on the study, understanding, and optimisation of machining operations through experimental and numerical approaches. His expertise includes fundamentals of cutting, modelling of machining processes, surface integrity, process monitoring, the environmental impact of machining, and the finishing of additive manufacturing components. Dr. Arrazola has an H index of 32 (WoS) and has published over 375 articles and three book chapters. He has led major research projects such as FATECO (H2020-RFCS) and MACH40 (EITM). He has also participated in more than 102 scientific and industrial projects (EU, National, and regional) across multiple sectors, including automotive, aeronautical, railways, and medical. As a “Fellow Member” of CIRP, the International Academy for Production Engineering, Dr. Arrazola served as secretary of the Scientific Technical Committee for Cutting (STC-C) from 2018 to 2022 and currently holds the position of vice-chairman.
Tom Jacobs

How industry and academy worked together to tackle the tool wear challenge
Tom Jacobs graduated at the University of Leuven in 2004 as a Mechanical Engineer, specialized in Production Management and Technologies. After a Master in Policy Economics in 2005, he started his carreer at Sirris (formerly known as WTCM). As a project engineer he explored together with a collective of innovation companies novel machining technologies (e.g. micro milling, ultrasonic assisted machining and cryogenic assisted machining). He distributed his knowledge through over 100 (mainly Belgian) machining companies by guiding them on innovation trajectories and introduction projects.
The last decade, as a senior expert at Sirris, he followed up the trend towards digitization and the introduction and use of sensor data into the prediction of the outcome of machining processes. By integrating the knowledge available at other experts within Sirris, other (Belgian and European) academic partners and the industrial companies, he set up applications and research projects with SME’s and large companies.
More coming soon !
Conference Fees
Accompagnying person (gala dinner): 200 € (until 04/05/2025)Conference Venue
UMONS Centre Vésale
Adress: Avenue du champs de Mars 6B, 7000 Mons - Campus Plaine de Nimy Venue to Mons/Bergen
Important Note: The dutch name of Mons is “Bergen”.
If you take the train or come by car from the dutch part or Belgium or from Brussels ("Bruxelles"), "Bergen” is used.Mons is a very walkable city. From the train station you can easily access many accomodations and the whole city in less than a 30 minutes walking. Local taxis are also located at the exit of the railway.

By train
You can buy a ticket or check the timetables through the national train site (SNCB/NMBS) : You can also download the SNCB/NMBS app: SNCB App For iOS – SNCB App For AndroidBy car
Using the E19/E42 highway, take exit 24: Mons.By Plane
From Brussels airport (BRU)
A train station is available directly at the airport with a travel duration of around 1 hour and 20 minutes to Mons. Train times can be found by checking the national rail timetables at www.belgianrail.beFrom Brussels South Charleroi Airport (CRL)
Take the bus from the airport to the Mons train station. Local bus : another airport
Brussels and Mons are also well connected to other main airports such as Paris, Lille, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, etc.On Foot
You probably already know how to get there 🙂Sightseeing
Mons is a charming town that's great to walk around. For more information or to explore further, feel free to stop by the tourist information centre: visitMons - The Official Tourism Website of the Mons RegionAccommodation
You can find here a selection of accomodations very close to the conference venue. Click on the number on the map to have more information about the corresponding accommodation.
1.B&B Hotel Mons Centre |
2. Martin's Dream ! |
3. B&B Mons Gare |
4. Mons Dragon House |
5. Compagnons 11 B&B |
6. St James *** |
7. Van Der Valk |
8. Youth Hotel Mons |
9. Le Terminus |
10. Les Terrasses de Sainte Waudru |
11. Le Vieux Cèdre Mons |
12. La Maison de la Duchesse de la Valliere |
Founded in 1998 by Prof. I.S. Jawahir, this high-level conference will be an excellent opportunity for experts in the field of modelling of machining operations, coming from both industry and academia, to share knowledge, discuss and present their latest developments and findings.
The contact point if you have any question is