UMONS-ULB Collaboration = BA Law

A Committed Partnership

The collaboration between UMONS and ULB started in 2004 when the decision was made to establish the BA Law programme in Mons.

At that time, the ULB received legal authorisation to implement the BA Law programme in Mons. UMONS then started to offer courses so that students could integrate into the BA Law programme, and further developed their infrastructure and facilities so that they could accommodate this type of educational training in Mons.

Since 2017-2018, and following the reinforcement of the collaboration with ULB, the two institutions have collaborated and come up with a teaching method for the Law programme on the Mons campus. This has helped to strengthen the visibility of our institution, particularly regarding our study programmes and teachers. In addition, one person has been appointed by UMONS to teach subjects related to public law.

Shared Responsabilities

ULB law students are also members of UMONS. All courses are taught in Mons. For the most part, the ULB teachers focus specifically on the legal aspects of the courses (except for three subjects related to public law), while the UMONS teachers are responsible for all teaching related to non-legal subjects in humanities and languages. ULB is also in charge of the academic management of the study programme. Through its secretariat, the Law School is responsible for the organisation of courses in Mons and manages the administration of the specifically assigned examination board, which is composed of teachers from the two universities.