The Study Environment

The Human Sciences Campus is located just a few minutes’ walk from the centre of Mons and the train station, and is easily accessible by road. The central location of the campus also gives students easy access to the library, the Courts of Justice (free access for Law students) and to hearings.

The university building at Place Warocqué offers students a comfortable study environment where they have access to essential infrastructure, such as computer rooms, lecture halls, multifunction rooms, and even places where they can just relax. The Law Library is full of high quality reference books and documents.


La vie universitaire est une source d’épanouissement intellectuel mais c’est surtout une expérience humaine importante. A l’Ecole de droit, le mot d’ordre est d’avoir une atmosphère de travail convivi…
Gwennaëlle Bombart
Bachelier en Droit, promotion 2017