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Institute(s) : SOCI&TER
Type(s) : Doctorate

11 topics found

Topic Faculties/Institutes Service(s) Promoter(s)
Antecedents and Consequences of Enterprise Risk Management in the Family Business Context?
Doctorate Post-doctorate
FWEG, SOCI&TER Service de Comptabilité,Audit, Risk management et Entrepreneuriat Jonathan Bauweraerts, Olivier Colot
Challenges and Opportunities of Green Innovation for Family Firms
Doctorate Post-doctorate
FWEG, SOCI&TER N/A Olivier Colot, Jonathan Bauweraerts
An Exploratory Analysis of Digital Transformation in Private Family Firms
Doctorate Post-doctorate
FWEG, SOCI&TER N/A Olivier Colot, Jonathan Bauweraerts
Antecedents and Consequences of Enterprise Risk Management in the Family Business Context?
Doctorate Post-doctorate
FPSE, FWEG, SOCI&TER N/A Olivier Colot, Jonathan Bauweraerts
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and economic performance of family businesses
FWEG, SOCI&TER Accounting and Management - Microeconomic Analysis Olivier Colot, Perrine Ferauge
Universal benefit and basic income: similarities, conceptual differences, practices and political issues?
ESHS, SOCI&TER Political Science Unit Quentin Pasetti
Analysis of the influence of wage dispersion on several aspects of the performance of Belgian companies
FWEG, SOCI&TER Labour Economics Unit Mélanie Volral
Challenges and opportunities for SME stock markets
FWEG, SOCI&TER Finance Laetitia Pozniak, Mélanie Croquet
Ontoterminology: a tool for the conference interpreter?
FTI-EII, SOCI&TER Specialised Translation and Terminology Unit Christine Michaux
Short-term institutional investor activism
FWEG, SOCI&TER Financial Management and Corporate Governance Unit Alain Finet
The impact of the feminisation of boards of directors: signal effect or contribution of cognitive capital
FWEG, SOCI&TER Financial Management and Corporate Governance Unit Alain Finet