UMONS is ranked 269th in the world for the research criterion and 3rd in the world for Francophone Belgian universities (out of 1,300 evaluated institutions).
“Connect With Wallonia - Come 2 Wallonia” will receive €4.5 million in funding to make the two universities more attractive to internationally mobile researchers.
InstitutionInternationalPrix, bourses et distinctionsRecherche
This year, the University of Mons has once again distinguished itself in the Shanghai World University Ranking by subject/field. This ranking was published in May 2021.
This study has just been published in the American journal "PNAS". Researchers looked at the fluid capture mechanism in bees to show that it is only effective if the nectar is not too sweet.
On 12th March, a delegation from Mons, accompanied by members of UMONS, went to Valenciennes to discuss the strengthening of collaborations between the two cities, as well as between the two local universities, for which solid partnerships already exist.
Evgeny Skvortsov's project consists in the study of one of the most important problems in fundamental physics: the quantization of Gravity. He is one of the 327 European researchers selected this year for an ERC Grant.