1st Cycle Bachelor: Belgian or EU Students with a Qualification obtained in Belgium

Applications may be submitted up to and including 30th September.


From 1st October, registration applications will be treated as late applications and must be authorised by the Dean of the Faculty or School concerned, where applicable (using the late application form). All late applications must be duly justified, otherwise they will be considered inadmissible and will not be forwarded to the Faculty or School concerned.

The online procedure is required for all new students who have never been registered at UMONS (no UMONS registration number).

Online Registration Form


1. Registration for the 1st block/1st year of the Bachelor’s

The documents you will need to register (in PDF or JPEG format only):

  • A passport-size photo
  • Your two-sided identity document (either ID, residence permit or passport)
  • Your birth certificate
  • Your qualification:
    • The certificate of advanced secondary education (C.E.S.S.) or the provisional C.E.S.S. certificate if the final certificate is not yet available
    • For access to undergraduate studies in the field of engineering sciences, proof of passing the special entrance examination for these studies; information regarding the procedure, fees and registration periods for this examination can be found on the FPMs Entrance Examination page
    • Note: If you have a C.E.S.S (or equivalent) awarded in the Flemish or German-speaking Community, the conditions of access are identical to those for graduates of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.

You must have the documents listed in point 1.1 above, as well as supporting documents relating to your career for the ten years at the most prior to registration, i.e.:

  • An official secondary school certificate (stating pass or fail)
  • A certificate confirming that you have no debts with the establishment (the official certificate confirming that you have no debts with your last higher education establishment in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation is required for studies commenced from 2014-2015)
  • Transcripts for each year, showing the credits in the student’s annual programme and the credits acquired
  • An official certificate of employment
  • An official certificate of unemployment
  • Official proof of a stay abroad, including departure and return dates
  • An official certificate justifying a medical condition
  • Or any other official document justifying the student’s background.

If you do not have any supporting documents, you must provide a sworn statement stating, for each year concerned, that you did not pursue higher education in Belgium or abroad and specifying the reason why you are unable to provide supporting documents.

If you do not possess the right qualification for access to 1st cycle studies, you can still be registered at the University if you pass the Entrance Examination for 1st cycle studies in Higher Education.

If you pass this exam, the next step is to register. To do this, you will need (in PDF or JPEG format only):

  • Proof of successful completion of the exam
  • A passport-size photo
  • Your two-sided identity document (either ID, residence permit or passport)
  • Your birth certificate.

2. Registration beyond 1st block/1st year of Bachelor’s degree

You are or were registered on, or have graduated from, a higher education course in Belgium:

As a graduate of university or non-university higher education, or as a student currently studying at another higher education establishment, there are a number of options available to you:


  • If you are in the process of obtaining your Bachelor’s and wish to continue on the same course, you must follow the procedure outlined in point 1.2.
    You will need to provide proof of registration on the course and transcripts for each academic year spent on the course.
    Note: non-financeable students will not be allowed to register without prior authorisation from the Dean of the faculty or school concerned. See the procedure here.
  • For all other cases, please complete the online application form.


Specific Academic Admissions Criteria:

Admission to the Bachelor’s in Management, the Bachelor’s in Economics and Management or the Bachelor’s in Business Engineering at the Warocqué School of Business and Economics (FWEG).

For access beyond Block 1 or for crediting acquired credits, the Board reserves the right to credit the academic background only if the course taken prior to registration at FWEG was provided in a public higher education or university establishment or under the supervision of a public university.

Courses scheduled for the 1st term start around 15th September. Many courses are assessed on an ongoing basis from the very first sessions. If you arrive after 15th September due to the admissions process, you will not receive any special treatment with regard to teaching and assessments. To ensure that your studies run smoothly, we advise you to join us as soon as you start the new academic year.

If your application is accepted, you must submit your registration application online and follow the procedure in point 1.2.


3. Specific Cases:

If you wish to register for the Bachelor’s in Medicine, Bachelor’s in Psychology and Education (Speech and Language Therapy), the Bachelor’s in Law or Bachelor’s In Engineering, you must follow the procedures specific to these courses.

If you are not eligible for financing in accordance with Article 5 of the decree, you will not be authorised to register without first obtaining authorisation from the Rector. See the procedure here.

Note: a student is not eligible for financing if UMONS does not receive financing from the French Community because of the student’s academic record. In this case, registration is subject to the agreement of UMONS, and UMONS may refuse registration.