Exceptional Registration for Non-Financeable Students

Non-financeable student registration or re-registration request requiring authorisation from the Dean

To be completed by 30th September at the latest.

After this deadline, the document to be completed is the late application for (re)enrolment for fundable or non-fundable students.

In accordance with the decree of 7th November 2013 defining the organisation of higher education and studies, Article 96, Paragraph 1, the academic authorities can, according to the procedure described in the Study Regulations, refuse the registration/re-registration of any student who:

  • at the time of registration/re-registration is intending to study a course which is not subsidised
  • is considered a non-financeable student.

These students can, however, submit a registration/re-registration waiver request which will be transferred to the Dean for authorisation.

A waiver request is necessary for:

  • new Belgian or EU students and new non-EU assimilated, non-financeable students
  • students who have already registered at UMONS, non-financeable students (Belgian, EU and non-EU) who wish to register or re-register at the University.


The form, available on the French page, duly completed and signed by the student, must be emailed in PDF format to the Registration Office at the following address: demandesderogatoires@umons.ac.be. The candidate must ensure that all relevant documents are submitted with their request. Please note that no requests can be sent by post or submitted in person.

The request will be sent to the Dean of the Faculty concerned for consideration.

For students who need to renew their residence permit, you must add the words ‘residence permit renewal’ in the subject line of the e-mail (this is compulsory, otherwise priority will not be given to the request).

Candidates will be notified by e-mail of the Dean’s reasoned decision.

Registration and re-registration requests are considered finalised once the official request form and all the relevant accompanying documents have been sent to the Registration Office using the email address above.

No requests will be considered between 15th July and 15th August.

If the request is accepted, the candidate must go to the Registration Office in order to finalise their registration/re-registration.