Registration fees – Non-EU Students and Assimilation
In accordance with the Décret Paysage, students who are not nationals of the European Union must pay increased tuition fees or tuition fees + additional contribution set according to the ARES circular (Circular n°2025-001) applicable at the time of the student’s registration or re-registration.
From the academic year 2025-2026 for the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Master of Specialisation degrees, the full registration fee will be:
835 euros for nationals of one of the countries listed in appendix 1, 2 or 3 of the circular;
835 euros for students who fulfil one of the assimilation criteria;
5010 euros for nationals of a country not listed in one of the annexes to the circular,
Exception are made for students who:
were registered for the 1st cycle in 2024-2025 and paid increased fees in 2024-2025 and remain registered on the same course in 2025-2026. These students are subject to the 2024-2025 scheme (until 2026-2027 maximum);
were registered for the 2nd cycle and paid increased fees in 2024-2025 and are still registered on the same course in 2025-2026. These students are subject to the 2024-2025 scheme (and only in 2025-2026).
Increased tuition fees for the 2024-2025 academic year
The amounts are listed in the table available here (B – Increased fees applied in 2022-2023). They concern students already registered for a study cycle in the French Community of Belgium between 2014 and 2022 included. These students remain subject to the provisions of the circular applied at the time of their first enrolment and as long as they do not change their study cycle.
Please note that the new circular concerning the increased fees [1] will be applicable from the academic year 2023-2024. It concerns any new non-EU student who is not assimilated and who registers for the first time in higher education in the French Community of Belgium.
The new circular will be applied to students who change cycle during the academic year 2023-2024.
However, they can be exempted if they meet the assimilation criteria provided for by the law. Assimilated non-EU students are asked to pay the regular fees as they are included among the “financeable students”.
Students must meet the assimilation criteria on 31st October of the academic year to which they relate. Proof of assimilation must be provided through the following documents: Assimilation criteria. The documents to be produced must be originals or certified copies submitted by 15th April of the academic year to which they relate.
(The assimilation criteria are subject to changes in current higher education legislation).
These amounts are subject to changes in current higher education legislation. They may vary significantly from year to year.
[1] In particular, the amount is fixed per type of education. For a study programme organised by a university, it is the registration fee plus 2505 euros, as defined in Article 1 of the said circular.