A Phd student in mechanical engineering (f/m/x) in the machine design and production engineering lab
Votre mission
The project MeDS4Robots (Machine Learning and Digital Shadows for Early Detection of Dysfunctions in Robotic machining) is funded by the ‘action de recherche collaborative (ARC)’ framework and co-supervised by three research units of the university of Mons:
- Machine design and production engineering.
- Theoretical Mechanics, Dynamics and Vibrations.
- Artificial Intelligence.
The project focuses on detecting and addressing issues during robotic milling, encompassing excessive tool wear, tool breakage, and chatter vibrations.
In this context, a grant is provided to perform a Phd Thesis dedicated to the accurate simulation of robotic milling considering robot flexibility and nonlinearities. An existing simulation model, which has been validated for a local configuration, will be enhanced to predict optimal cutting conditions and detect deviations during machining through the whole operating space of the robot. The proper simulation of faulty cases (instability, machining with a worn tool,…) will be addressed in the project to obtain typical behavior of the system in such cases.
Vos responsabilités
In the framework of the project, you will:
- Enhance a numerical model of a six-axis robot including the sources of flexibilities (joints and links) and its control
- Work on the simulation of machining operations under degraded situations (worn tool, unstable behavior,…)
- Create a database of simulation results that will be used in the project to train AI detection procedures
- Perform experimental validation of the models using the robotic machining cell available at the university of Mons
- Create a database of measurements during these tests (including measurement of current at robot joints, cutting forces and vibrations)
A doctoral training of 60 ECTS must be validated prior to the defense of the Phd thesis. At the university of Mons, a steering committee with external experts guides the progress of the thesis each year.
Votre profil
- You have a master’s degree in mechanical engineering or similar diploma, a focus on production engineering or robotics will be welcomed.
- You have good communication skills in English (oral and written), French can be a plus but is not mandatory.
- You want to work in a team focused on advanced research in production engineering.
Notre offre
- Doctoral grant for 42 months.
- Supervision by members of three research labs of the university of Mons.
- Involvement in an active research team in robotic machining and other advanced manufacturing technologies.
- Possibilities to present your work at international congresses and conferences.
Intéressé(e) ?
Send your CV and a cover letter by email to edouard.rivierelorphevre@umons.ac.be before 9th February 2025.
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