Certificate of Teaching for Upper Secondary Education in

Sciences mathématiques

  • Schedule
    Adapted schedule
  • ECTS Credits
  • Language


Based on a mastery of mathematics, this course will give you the foundations to become a teacher in upper secondary education.

Target audience

This course is intended for students wishing to teach in upper secondary schools (except those who have a Master’s degree in Mathematical Sciences with a didactic focus, since this course is integrated into it).

Program and structure

The training consists of ex-cathedra courses on methodological, legal, sociological, etc. aspects of teaching, plus passive and active internships. A large part of the activities takes place after 16:00 in order to be compatible with a job as a teacher.

Teaching profile

The teaching profile presents the institutional training profile expected at the end of the cycle (Bachelor, Master...). It is described in terms of learning outcomes, i.e. what the student should know, understand and be able to achieve at the end of a learning activity, a teaching unit or a study cycle. The learning outcomes are defined in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to :

  • Master the disciplinary didactics that guide the pedagogical action
  • Interpret adequately the situations experienced in and around the classroom by mobilising knowledge in the humanities
  • Adapt to different school audiences by mobilising knowledge of the humanities
  • Maintain effective partnership relations with the institution, colleagues and parents
  • Master the legal reference texts in order to exercise his/her profession adequately
  • Master the disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge that justifies his/her pedagogical action
  • Acquire an important general culture in order to awaken the interest of pupils in the cultural world
  • Develop interpersonal skills linked to the demands of the profession
  • Measure the ethical issues linked to his/her daily practice
  • Work in a team within the school
  • Designing, testing, evaluating and regulating teaching methods
  • Maintain a critical and autonomous relationship with scientific knowledge
  • Plan, manage and evaluate learning situations
  • Reflect on one's practice
  • Present information in a neutral and non-oriented way
  • Master the language of instruction both orally and in writing


Teacher in upper secondary education.

About this training

Science and Technology

Contact us for more info

Chairman of the Department of Mathematics
+32 (0)65 37 33 01