« Advances in Ionic Polymeric Materials and Related Interaction Mechanisms Insights » par Mr Jean-Emile POTAUFEUX
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Promoteur de thèse: Monsieur Jean-Marie Raquez
Co-promoteur: Monsieur Franck Lauro
Résumé de la dissertation
Ionic polymeric materials offer a large range of physico-mechanical properties and stimuli-responsiveness. While many ionic polymeric materials are already existing in the literature, corresponding studies often focus on either the design and characterization of future materials that exhibit unique features or the establishment of theoretical models that explain the ionic exchange mechanisms within simple materials to predict material performances, but these approaches rarely consider to simultaneously delineate superior ionic material potential and correlate them with the dynamics and reversibility of ionic interactions. Still, a lack of understanding about the ionic reversible exchanges limits the expansion of ionic polymeric materials to more advanced domains. Thereby, it is necessary to enlighten the origin of dynamic mechanisms within complex ionic-based polymeric materials in order to optimize the overall properties by coordinating the two previous approaches. Accordingly, the main objective of this thesis relies on the design of various ionic polymeric materials and the understanding of ionic interaction dynamics ruling their recorded superior performances. Two polymeric systems respectively based on particle-polymer and polymer-polymer reversible interactions are presented to extend the comprehension of ionic interactions and evaluate their underlying dynamic mechanism respectively within ionic nanocomposites and polyampholytes. Overall, key-parameters governing materials stimuli-responsiveness as well as the explanation of the role of ionic reversible exchanges on material performances are discussed in the present work.
La défense publique de la thèse de Monsieur Jean-Emile POTAUFEUX aura lieu le 6 avril 2021 à 14h par vidéo-conférence, le lien se trouve en haut de cette page.